Albury, Keith D. (1957–2006)

By Andrew Eugene Burrows


Andrew Eugene Burrows, MM, J.P., is the executive secretary of the North Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He has a Masters of Ministry degree from Northern Caribbean University. Burrows has served as youth, communication, personal ministries, and stewardship director at both the conference and the union level. He currently pastors the Shiloh and Blessed Hope Seventh-day Adventists Churches and also serves as a volunteer chaplain at the Rand Memorial Hospital in Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas. Burrows loves to preach and teach the Word of God. He and his wife, Karen, an elementary school teacher, have three children.

First Published: January 29, 2020

Keith Densel Albury was born on Habbour Island, better known as “Briland,” in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.1 As a little boy, he was considered active and challenging at times. However, according to his mother, Fannette Albury, praying hands were laid upon him by a resident of his hometown. “This lady prophesied that he would become a preacher of God’s Word someday.”2 As she recalls that moment, she now believes that way back then God set aside her child for the gospel ministry.3

When Keith was 11 years old in 1968, he was baptized by Pastor Roy Fernander and became a member of the Grant’s Town Seventh-day Adventist Church in Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas. He was an active Pathfinder during those early years. In 1975 he recommitted his life to the Lord, in the “Come Alive Gospel Crusade” conducted by Pastor Silas McKinney. That was the beginning Keith Albury’s call to become a minister of the gospel and his desire to share the good news of what God had done in his life. He began planning to go abroad to study to become a Seventh-day Adventist minister.4

Keith Densel Albury began denominational service with the Bahamas Conference on June 11, 1979, following his graduation from West Indies College in the spring of that year. In September 1981 he was assigned as district pastor for the Seventh-day Adventist churches on the island of Eleuthera, in the Bahamas.

In January 1985, Pastor Albury was ordained to the gospel ministry at the Grant’s Town Seventh-day Adventist Church. This brought about added responsibilities as he was transferred to New Providence to pastor the Englerston Seventh-day Adventist Church on East Street. His high level of creative energy, coupled with the unction of the Holy Spirit, led him to work with the members to complete the beautiful edifice now called the Hillview Seventh-day Adventist Church, located on Tonique Williams-Darling Highway, in New Providence.

This major project and transition resulted in the creation of two churches, the Hillview and New Englerston Seventh-day Adventists churches. Hillview was completed and dedicated debt-free on April 16, 1989. During his tenure as pastor of these churches, Pastor Albury also served as the first church ministries director of the Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists from 1986 to 1990.

As his journey of service continued, he was elected as president of the Bahamas Conference on January 12, 1996, after having served as executive secretary since 1990. He was the youngest leader in the history of the Bahamas Conference.

His administration was marked with years of dynamic growth and development for the Church in the Bahamas. In the words of his mother, Fannette Albury, “Keith always had a mind to achieve. He likes setting goals and planning to reach them.”5 One of the first accomplishments during his presidency was the creation of a conference-wide strategic plan. The plan was named, “VISION 2000.”

Under this plan, the following was achieved:

  • The establishment of 11 new churches and companies

  • The building of a new academy in Grand Bahama, officially opened by the nation’s second Prime Minister, The Rt. Honorable Hubert A. Ingraham

  • The construction and dedication of the new conference headquarters on Harrold Road

  • The construction of a new technical and vocational center on the campus of Bahamas Academy Secondary Division

  • Substantial increase in educational subsidies to church schools. Moving from three percent to ten percent of the tithe

  • Stabilizing the conference finances; savings increased substantially and operating capital and liquidity percentages were well over 100 percent

  • The purchase and operation of a mobile community services van

  • The signing of an agreement with the government of the Bahamas to manage the Mary Ingraham Intergenerational Facility, which serves senior citizens and preschool children

  • The creation of a conference website

  • The creation of a professional counseling service unit for the church membership

  • The creation of a counseling and school psychological unit for the educational system of the conference

  • The building, completion, and dedication of more than eight churches in the Bahamas

  • The signing of an agreement with Cable Bahamas to provide 3ABN to the Bahama Islands

  • Created a membership database on the headquarters network to provide an accurate membership analysis in terms of trends in growth, demographics, gifts, and talents

  • The planning for the division of the Bahamas into two fields, creating a new mission.

On January 13, 2003, Pastor Albury resigned the office of the presidency of the Bahamas Conference and accepted the call by the West Indies Union Executive Committee to serve as the first president of the newly formed North Bahamas Mission. He came to this new field with the same fervor, vision, and commitment that actuated his ministry for the first 23 years.

In his three years as president of the North Bahamas Mission, the following goals were achieved:

  • The completion of a multipurpose building at Grand Bahama Academy

  • The addition of grades 9-12 at Grand Bahama Academy

  • An increase in the overall church membership from 1,200 to 1,700 members

  • A net increase in tithe of 57 percent over three years

  • The ground-breaking and laying of the foundation of the Sunrise Church in Hawksbill Creek

  • Ground-breaking and building of the mission headquarters

  • Ground-breaking for a new church in North Abaco

  • Formation of a new church from Cooper’s Town Company to the North Abaco Church

  • Commenced development of a youth campsite

  • Creation of the North Bahamas Mission Pathfinder Band

  • The ground-breaking of the Evangeline Jervis Community Centre at the Freeport Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Pastor Albury was known to be an avid reader and became versed in many subjects. His life-long quest for knowledge fueled his academic pursuits. In 1990 he completed his master’s degree in religion with emphasis in New Testament Studies from Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan. On July 7, 2004, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on “An Analysis of Factors of Pastoral Leadership and Church Growth among Churches within the Bahamas Conference and the North Bahamas Mission of Seventh-day Adventists.” On November 13, 2004, Argosy University, Sarasota, Florida, conferred upon him his doctoral degree in education.

Pastor Albury was influential and revered for his contributions to various national committees, having been appointed by the government of the Bahamas to the National Commission on Crime, the Bahamas Telecommunications Board of Directors, and the Education Review Panel. He was also a recipient of many denominational and civic awards for his committed dynamic evangelistic efforts and visionary leadership.6

Amidst his many accomplishments, most important was his relationship with his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. In an interview with Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, former president of the Cayman Islands Conference and editor of Echo Magazine, he was asked, “If you could write your epitaph what would it be?” His response was that “K. D. Albury, knew and loved His Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.”7

Pastor Albury was married to Ann Brennen Albury, a registered nurse and educational and development psychologist. Their union produced three sons.

On January 24, 2006, Pastor Keith Albury, finished his earthy race and fell asleep in Jesus. Just two weeks prior, on January 9, 2006, he expressed his desire and hope of eternal life by proclaiming these words, “Longevity in life is a worthy goal, but eternity with God is more precious.”


“Life Sketch of Pastor Densel Albury, Service of Praise and Thanksgiving.” Program Booklet, February 12, 2006. In the private collection of the Albury family.

“My Life Today.” Accessed March 8, 2020.


  1. The author acknowledges the major contribution by Ann Albury nee Brennen and Keith Anson Albury.

  2. “Life Sketch of Pastor Densel Albury, Service of Praise and Thanksgiving,” program booklet, February 12, 2006, in the private collection of the Albury family.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Ibid.

  5. “My Life Today,” accessed March 8, 2020,

  6. Ibid.

  7. “Life Sketch of Pastor Densel Albury, Service of Praise and Thanksgiving.”


Burrows, Andrew Eugene. "Albury, Keith D. (1957–2006)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020. Accessed February 14, 2025.

Burrows, Andrew Eugene. "Albury, Keith D. (1957–2006)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020. Date of access February 14, 2025,

Burrows, Andrew Eugene (2020, January 29). Albury, Keith D. (1957–2006). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved February 14, 2025,