Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium

By Eugenio Di Dionisio, and Silvia C. Scholtus


Eugenio Di Dionisio

Silvia C. Scholtus

First Published: July 19, 2021

Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium (Sanatorio Adventista Hohenau or SAH) is a medical missionary institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the Paraguay Union of Churches Mission (UP) territory. It is headquartered on Route 6, 38.5 km in the city of Hohenau in the state of Itapúa, Paraguay.1

Established in 1963 in the city of Hohenau, the SAH is part of the worldwide Adventist Health System, an organization that currently has “more than 150 Hospitals and Sanitariums, 330 Clinics and Dispensaries, 80 Nursing Homes, and 16 Orphanages” spread around the world.2 Its mission is to “foster physical, mental, and spiritual health, by following the example of our Lord Jesus, Doctor of all doctors.”3

In its public service, SAH offers 28 of the most requested specialties: Pediatrics, Gyneco-obstetrics, Traumatology, and General Surgery. Moreover, they have 21 hospital beds and three beds in their intensive care unit. The institution has a total of 160 staff members of whom one worker is licensed, four are credentialed missionary workers, and four are licensed missionaries. There are 63 nurses, 48 external doctors, and 10 permanent professionals.

Developments that Led to the Institution’s Establishment

Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium started in Hohenau at the beginning of 1960 through the health message that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has preached. The reputation of Asunción Adventist Sanitarium (SAA) also helped establish the founding of the SAH that, at the time, was directed by Dr. Ira E. Bailie.4

The idea of building a new hospital came up by the initiative of the Paraguay Mission (present Paraguay Union of Churches Mission) president, Pastor Benoní Ismael Cayrus (1917-2003). Cayrus knew that the SAA would assist people from different and distant places, such as the German descendants who were arriving from Hohenau Hills, which was more than 450 km from southwest Asunción. These German colonists wanted to have an Adventist sanitarium closer to them. Therefore, they had petitioned the Church several times to establish a hospital there because the closest medical facilities, at that time, were about 40 km from them.5

Faced with this request, the Church responded by pointing out that they still didn’t have enough resources to develop this project. As a result, German colonists in the German Hohenau Society who were persistently asking for an Adventist health service then volunteered to fund the hospital construction plan. They accepted the group’s support under the condition that the Church itself would own the Sanitarium because they that would operate it. After everyone agreed to these arrangements, the project got underway, and everyone started working alongside the institutions and inhabitants of the region to carry out the construction of the new hospital among the Hohenau and Obligado colonies.6

The Foundation of the Institution

SAH’s founding had the support of many people, among them Pastor Benoní Cayrus, who at the time was president of the Adventist Church Mission in Paraguay (presently the Paraguay Union of Churches Mission). In 1962, Cayrus was responsible for seeking financial support that would subsidize the building’s construction and the medical equipment.7 As he was organizing this, Pastor Cayrus arranged for money donations, construction materials, and a workforce among the colonists that added up to a total of 1,032 families. The Church also received three acres of land from the German Hohenau Society, represented at that time by Director Eitel Kegler. The project was also supported by the municipality of Hohenau, which contributed the machines to clear the land which, until then, was a dense forest.8

Thus, with their collaboration, the construction started at Route 6, 38.5 km, in the city of Hohenau in the Itapúa district so that the Hohenau society did not have to travel several kilometers to receive any medical assistance. Then, the construction of the first clinics and administration building started as well as obtaining housing for the doctors.9 After completing the construction, on February 2, 1963, the SAH was inaugurated with many of their medical services fully operating, and within it, the medical building was established as a cornerstone for the new campus’ main structure. The Paraguay government’s delegate Angel Zarza cut the entrance ribbon of the first completed building. Others were also present included Benoní Cayrus, president of the Paraguay Mission; Domingo Robledo, Encarnación mayor; and other visitors.10

History of the Institution

After its inauguration, the institution soon discovered that they needed to grow even more. An important donation made it possible for the construction of the operating room and some other houses for employees. This donation was given by the German government through the Hohenau Evangelic Church.11 This contribution took place as part of the Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement that Germany had with Paraguay.12

Once it was completed, the Sanitarium’s first physician was Dr. Caros Drachenberg (1921-2001), who then dedicated much of his life to the service of patients that came to the Sanitarium.13 Pastor Basilio Zawadsky, known for his responsibility and openness in managing the Sanitarium’s finances, was its first administrator. At the beginning, the institution’s development was slowly developing because the facilities still had not been completed yet. However, at least 40 people were helped by the Sanitarium,14 and the patients that had serious health problems were transferred to the city of Asunción via air transport. To improve its assistance, the Sanitarium was constantly growing through the help of missionary workers that devoted their lives to the service of God and of society.15

In February 1965, the SAH inaugurated a wing for patients needing medical assistance.16 In the same year, Dr. Drachenberg started assisting patients in his own living room and later on the Sanitarium’s premises.17 During the morning, he would have appointments with patients, in the afternoon surgeries, and at night he would work in the ER. His wife Clara served as the receptionist and cashier.18 Around that time, the Sanitarium inaugurated three rooms for bed-ridden patients, an operating room, a medical office inside that room, a clinical laboratory, and X-ray facilities. In the first month of service, 264 appointments were made, four deliveries took place, and five surgeries were successfully completed.19 In the second half of the 1960s, the SAH processed a request before the Nation’s Public Health Ministry so that a Nursing School could begin operating. This request was approved and, in 1970 after a few years, the first three graduates of the Auxiliary Nursing Course were granted their certificates.20

In 1975, regarding the number of paramedic teams, the SAH had 26 beds, with two health professionals (a doctor and a dentist) and 33 workers who provided a variety of services.21 Of these employees, 14 were baptized in December of the same year by the Paraguay Mission president, Daniel Arn.22 As to its structure, in 1984, construction of the Sanitarium itself was completed.23 At that time, the number of beds was 22, the amount of medical professionals and dentists totaled three, medical technologists and therapists were four, and the number of other workers added up to 22. In addition, during the same year the SAH Nursing School celebrated the graduation of six nursing students.24

In 1996, the SAH strengthened its regular program of medical missionary activities including free medical and dental assistance that benefited the needy in the region. So the plan would take place smoothly, a team was organized that had four integrated doctors, nurses, maintenance support, and administrative staff, with chaplain Luiz Martínez responsible for spiritual support and outreach.25 In 1999, due to this team’s work, people of the area were interested in knowing more about the institution. This led them to often say: “We want to be like you.”26

In 2000, by starting a new stage in its missionary and medical outreach, the SAH had increased their services to include 23 beds, and they carried out 20,394 outpatient appointments with a total of 75 professionals. Among these were doctors, dentists, nurses, therapists, medical technologists, and others as well as the maintenance staff for the institution.27

The SAH activities continued to expand, and they recently celebrated their 50th anniversary on October 23, 2013.28 On this day, the SAH inaugurated the Sanitarium’s ER, and premiered their new reception room, offices, and a room equipped with medical gasses and multiple paramedic monitors.29 These rooms were built with the express purpose of carrying out more personalized service. Besides this, all other rooms were interconnected with the operating room, intensive care, and conventional hospitalization to offer high quality and expedited service.30

Today, the Sanitarium is known for having these highest-level support departments: Diagnostic imaging (tomography, resonance, ultrasonography, and others), clinic analysis lab service, and a 24-hour blood bank that operates all 365 days of the year. Other recent highlights included: The elaboration of the building’s development master plan, completed in 2014; aiding polytraumatized patients; providing society education service; and giving assistance to disadvantaged patients. Among its services, the SAH is acknowledged for its quality nursing assistance and for its honesty and transparency in all areas. It also has a sphere of influence that extends to about 200 km in any direction.31

Since its foundation, the SAH has always remained located in Hohenau, Itapúa Department, Paraguay. As time passed, the colonists have built their houses located more and more near the Sanitarium.32 And now, Hohenau is a modern city known for its broad and tree-lined avenues.33

Historic Role of the Institution

Since its origin, the SAH relationship with the Church has included developing projects that aim to fully heal the entire human being. Among these projects is the promotion of the eight remedies for a healthy life, including a healthy diet, drinking clean water, breathing fresh air, healthy exposure to sunlight, physical exercise, rest, temperance, and trust in God.34 Also, the SAH has been carrying out several medical missionary projects.

Healthy cooking courses have been offered to the Hohenau population through meetings that take place in the Sanitarium’s Cafeteria. This initiative has as a goal to help the community to eat healthily and open possibilities in which they may learn healthy Bible concepts from the Seventh-day Adventist community.35 Furthermore, among other activities, the SAH carries out “Life and Health Fairs” in outdoor and public places. In this kind of event, the institution offers screenings for checking cardiac risks, glucose levels, and other helpful advices to all the participants. But mainly, it seeks to bring them to God through these offerings.36

Later, with its mission of serving their neighbors, a SAH medical group, along with a licensed nurse and instrumentalist, participated in a humanitarian mission organized by the International College of Surgeon at the María Auxiliadora Hospital. This event was carried out on May 28-29, 2019. During this occasion, SAH doctors helped them conduct a total of 706 medical appointments from various specialties, and 55 surgeries were successfully completed in less than 48 hours.37

Another humanitarian involvement of the SAH medical staff, which brought relief to the María Auxiliadora community in the district of Tomás Romero Pereira, Itapúa department, was offering biochemistry testing and services in the V Medical and Educative Assistance Program Session (PRAMED) of CILAD – Ibero-Latin American Dermatology College. This session was conducted on September 16, 2019. On that same day, simultaneously, the SAH also held a Blood Donation Campaign in support of the Encarnación regional hospital.38 These internal and external activities which the SAH conducts and participates in are examples of how this institution continues to be guided by the principals of love and service inspired by Jesus, the Doctor of all doctors.

Little more than 50 years have been passed since the SAH had opened its doors. Just as in its beginnings, the Sanitarium continues to be a Christian institution that serves society and the church to this day. The healthy lifestyle that the institution has promoted since its founding continues because it was through this kind of service that many people have come to meet Jesus. In just a few words, these efforts must continue so the SAH’s original purpose may be fulfilled. Therefore, at the end, this is also a motivation for other health professionals to keep assisting warmly, caring for the patients’ integral restoration and thus helps the community to continue being deeply grateful to God for the existence of the SAH.


In 2019, this institution completed 56 years of caring for the health of thousands of people. The SAH mission as a Christian Sanitarium is to establish a means of relieving diseases and sufferings in the world, starting with the closest community while developing programs that promote the physical, mental, social, and spiritual welfare of people. The Sanitarium has, as its objective, to develop the maximum moral and spiritual discernment in those they serve by seeking clearness of mind so that the people may be able to discern between good and evil, preparing for the return of Christ.39


General Directors: Carlos E. Drachenberg (1965-1967); Gunnar Wensell (1968); Arnold Treiyer (1969-1971); Henry Tanaka (1972-1973); Rubén Rostán Rhiner (1974-1980); Eduardo Hellvig (1981-1986); Enrique Stoletniy (1987-1994); Omar Loose (1995-1998); Aníbal Kalbermatter (1999-2004); Fredy Acosta (2005-2006); Walter Treiyer (2007-2018); Marcelo Simi (2018-present).

Medical Directors: Carlos E. Drachenberg (1965-1967); Arnold Treiyer (1969-1971); Henry Tanaka (1972-1973); Rubén Rostán Rhiner (1974-1980); Eduardo Hellvig (1981-1986); Enrique Stoletniy (1987-1994); Omar Loose (1995-1998); Aníbal Kalbermatter (1999-2004); Fredy Acosta (2005-2006); Walter Treiyer (2007-2018); Marcelo Simi (2018-present).

Administrative Directors: Basilio Zawadzki (1965-1971); R. I. Cayrus (1972-1975); Isolino Poelstra (1976-1977); Miguel A. Ibáñez (1978-1981); Jorge de la Rosa (1982-1985); David N. Gutiérrez (1986-1992); Roberto Giaccarini (1993-1998); Néstor Bernhardt (1999-2000); Favio Neugebauer (2001-2008); Arnoldo Schlemper (2009-2013); Christian Marcelo Korniejczuk (2014-present).41


Aitken, James. “South American Division.” ARH, June 22, 1966.

Annual Statistical Report 1975. Washington, D.C.: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1975.

Annual Statistical Report 1984. Washington, D.C.: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1984.

Annual Statistical Report 2000. Silver Spring, MD.: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2000.

“Atención Médica Humanitaria en el Hospital de María Auxiliadora” [Medical Humanitarian Care in María Auxiliadora Hospital]. Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium (Online), May 30, 2019.

Bailie, Ira. “Dividends from Medical Work in Paraguay.” ARH, March 26, 1964.

Belz, Rodolfo. “Panorama Mundial” [Worldwide Outlook]. Revista Adventista 65, no. 12 (December 1970).

Beskow, Marta R. de. “Veinte días en Hohenau” [Twenty days in Hohenau]. Revista Adventista 79, no. 7 (July 1979).

“Chispazos de la Junta Anual de la División Sudamericana” [South American Division Annual Board Meeting Sparks]. South American Bulletin, October – December 1964.

Embajada de Alemania Asunción [Asunción German Embassy]. https://asuncion.diplo.de/.

“Feria de Salud ¡Impacto Esperanza!” [Hope Impact! Health Fair]. Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium (Online), May 18, 2016.

“Feria de Vida y Salud ¡Gran Invitación!” [Health and Life Fair, Great Invitation!]. Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium (Online), May 3, 2019.

Galeano, Sofía. “Paraguay celebró el 50 aniversario del Sanatorio Adventista de Hohenau” [Paraguay celebrated Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium 50th Anniversary]. Noticias Adventistas [Adventist News] (Online), October 29, 2013.

H. E. Rice, “A New Light in South Paraguay.” ARH, April 22, 1965.

Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium Website. http://sah.org.py/.

“Hospital Argentino (Paraguayo) Cuida de Carentes” [Argentine (Paraguayan) Hospital Takes Care of the Needy]. Revista Adventista, June 1996.

Korniejczuk, Christian. Report received by Eugenio Di Dionisio, October 20, 2016. Available in the Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium Archives.

Krug, Claudia. “Sanatorio Adventista de Hohenau” [Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium]. Revista Adventista 84, no. 5 (May 1984).

Murray, Walter. “Successful Solicitation in Paraguay.” ARH, February 27, 1964.

“News from Paraguay,” South American Bulletin, January-March 1964.

Peverini, Héctor J. “Started our Newest Sanitarium.” South American Bulletin, nos. 1 and 2 (January-June 1965).

Peverini, Hector J., En las huellas de la providencia [In the footsteps of Providence]. Buenos Aires: Buenos Aires Publishing House, 1988.

Posse, Hugo D. “Necesidades y logros” [Needs and Achievements]. Revista Adventista 88, no. 12 (December 1988).

“Queremos ser como ustedes” [We want to be like you]. Revista Adventista, April 1999.

River Plate Sanitarium and Hospital Website, http://sanatorioadventista.org.ar/.

Seventh-day Adventist Church Website, https://www.adventistas.org/es/.

Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association. Various years. https://www.adventistyearbook.org/.

“South American.” ARH, March 13, 1975.

“Taller «Cocina Saludable» – ¡Éxito Total!” [Workshop «Healthy Cooking» - Total Success!]. Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium (Online), July 26, 2019.

Utz, Mario H. y Nilda T. Potes. La Iglesia Adventista en el Paraguay [The Adventist Church in Paraguay]. Buenos Aires: South American Spanish Publishing House, 2013.

“Valientes que se unieron a la campaña de donación del sangre!” [Brave people that joined the blood donation campaign!] Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium (Online), December 17, 2019.

“Vidas al servicio de Dios, Carlos Emilio Drachenberg (1921-2001)” [Lives in the service of God, Carlos Emilio Drachenberg (1921-2001)]. Revista Adventista, August 2002.

Wensell, Niels. “Comienzo, desarrollo y progreso de la obra médica en Paraguay” [Beginning, development and progress in the Paraguay medical work]. Revista Adventista 86, no. 12 (December 1986).

Zawadzki, Basilio. “50° Aniversario del Sanatorio Adventista de Hohenau (28 de octubre de 2013)” [50th Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium Anniversary (October 28, 2013)]. Unpublished author’s archive.

Zawadzqui, Basilio. Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium story, 2013. Letter in the archives “Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium” of the Adventist Memory Center, River Plate Adventist University, Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos, Argentina.


  1. Seventh-day Adventist Online Yearbook, “Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium,” accessed March 24, 2020, https://bit.ly/2UuQDfJ.

  2. River Plate Sanitarium and Hospital, “Red Mundial Adventista de Salud” [Worldwide Adventist Health System], accessed February 28, 2020, http://bit.ly/2VsS1zM.

  3. Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium Website, “Quienes Somos: nuestra historia” [Who we are: Our History], accessed April 14, 2020, https://bit.ly/3eYfXCn.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Ira Bailie, “Dividends from Medical Work in Paraguay,” ARH 141, no. 13 (March 26, 1964): 16.

  6. Ibid.

  7. Walter Murray, “Successful Solicitation in Paraguay,” ARH 141, no. 9 (February 27, 1964): 24.

  8. Ira Bailie, “Dividends from Medical Work in Paraguay,” ARH 141, no. 13 (March 26, 1964): 16.

  9. Ibid.

  10. “News from Paraguay,” South American Bulletin, January-March 1964, 8.

  11. Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium Website, “Quienes Somos: nuestra historia” [Who we are: Our History], accessed April 14, 2020, https://bit.ly/3eYfXCn.

  12. Embajada de Alemania Asunción [Asunción German Embassy], “Cooperación alemana al desarrollo” [German cooperation to the development], accessed April 30, 2020, https://bit.ly/3f1Bw5n.

  13. Héctor J. Peverini, En las huellas de la Providencia [In the footsteps of Providence], Buenos Aires: South American Spanish Publishing House 1988, 153-155.

  14. James Aitken, “South American Division,” ARH 143, no. 29 (June 22, 1966): 10.

  15. Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium Website, “Quienes Somos: nuestra historia” [Who we are: Our History], accessed April 14, 2020, https://bit.ly/3eYfXCn.

  16. “Chispazos de la Junta Anual de la División Sudamericana” [South American Division Annual Board Meeting Sparks], South American Bulletin, October – December 1964, 5. For more information, go to: Héctor J. Peverini, “Started our Newest Sanitarium,” South American Bulletin, nos. 1 and 2 (January-June 1965): 12.

  17. “Vidas al servicio de Dios, Carlos Emilio Drachenberg (1921-2001)” [Lives in the service of God, Carlos Emilio Drachenberg (1921-2001)], Revista Adventista, 2002, 16.

  18. Basilio Zawadzqui, Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium story, 2013. Letter in the “Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium” archives of the Adventist Memory Center, River Plate Adventist University, Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos, Argentina.

  19. H.E. Rice, “A New Light in South Paraguay,” ARH 142, no. 16 (April 22, 1965): 48.

  20. Rodolfo Belz, “Panorama Mundial” [Worldwide Outlook], Revista Adventista, 65, no. 12 (December 1970): 18.

  21. “South American Division,” Annual Statistical Report 1975 (Washington, DC.: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1975), 26.

  22. “South American,” ARH, March 13, 1975, 21.

  23. Claudia Krug, “Sanatorio Adventista de Hohenau” [Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium], Revista Adventista 84, no. 5 (May 1984): 26-27.

  24. “South American Division,” Annual Statistical Report 1984 (Washington, DC.: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1984), 29; Hugo D. Posse, “Necesidades y logros” [Needs and Achievements], Revista Adventista 88, no. 12 (December 1988): 15.

  25. “Hospital Argentino (Paraguayo) Cuida de Carentes” [Argentine (Paraguayan) Hospital Takes Care of the Needy], Revista Adventista, June 1996, 30.

  26. “Queremos ser como ustedes” [We want to be like you], Revista Adventista, April 1999, 17.

  27. “South American Division,” Annual Statistical Report 2000 (Silver Spring, MD.: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2000), 58.

  28. Basilio Zawadzki, “50° Aniversario del Sanatorio Adventista de Hohenau (28 de octubre de 2013)” [50th Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium Anniversary (October 28, 2013)], unpublished author’s archive.

  29. Mario H. Utz y Nilda T. Potes, La Iglesia Adventista en el Paraguay [The Adventist Church in Paraguay], Buenos Aires: South American Spanish Publishing House 2013, 148-165.

  30. Sofía Galeano, “Paraguay celebró el 50 aniversario del Sanatorio Adventista de Hohenau” [Paraguay celebrated Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium 50th Anniversary], Noticias Adventistas [Adventist News], October 29, 2013, accessed April 17, 2020, https://bit.ly/2y5n0bJ.

  31. Christian Korniejczuk, report received by Eugenio Di Dionisio, October 20, 2016, available in the Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium Archives.

  32. Marta R. de Beskow, “Veinte días en Hohenau” [Twenty days in Hohenau], Revista Adventista 79, no. 7 (July 1979): 16-17; Niels Wensell, “Comienzo, desarrollo y progreso de la obra médica en Paraguay” [Beginning, development and progress in the Paraguay medical work], Revista Adventista 86, no. 12 (December 1986): 2-3, 15.

  33. Basilio Zawadzqui, Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium story, 2013. Letter in the archives “Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium” of the Adventist Memory Center, River Plate Adventist University, Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos, Argentina.

  34. Seventh-day Adventist Church Website, “¿Cuáles son los 8 remedios naturales y para qué sirven?” [Which are the 8 natural remedies and what are they for?], accessed April 14, 2020, https://bit.ly/2yT2sTZ.

  35. “Taller «Cocina Saludable» – ¡Éxito Total!” [Workshop «Healthy Cooking» - Total Success!], Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium, July 26, 2019, accessed April 27, 2020, https://bit.ly/2Sfm1gl.

  36. “Feria de Vida y Salud ¡Gran Invitación!” [Health and Life Fair, Great Invitation!], Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium, May 03, 2019, accessed April 27, 2020, https://bit.ly/3cS0uC3; “Feria de Salud ¡Impacto Esperanza!” [Hope Impact Health Fair!], Sanatorio Adventista de Hohenau [Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium], May 18, 2016, accessed April 27, 2020, https://bit.ly/3cTorcq.

  37. “Atención Médica Humanitaria en el Hospital de María Auxiliadora” [Medical Humanitarian Care in María Auxiliadora Hospital], Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium, May 30, 2019, accessed April 14, 2020, https://bit.ly/33FdEiw.

  38. “¡Valientes que se unieron a la campaña de donación del sangre!” [Brave people that joined the blood donation campaign!], Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium, December 17, 2019, accessed April 14, 2020, https://bit.ly/3adT0bT.

  39. Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium Website, “Quienes Somos: nuestra historia” [Who we are: Our History], accessed April 14, 2020, https://bit.ly/3eYfXCn.

  40. Seventh-day Adventist Online Yearbook, “Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium,” accessed March 24, 2020, https://bit.ly/2UuQDfJ; “Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium and Hospital,” Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook. (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1967), 365; “Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium,” Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Nampa, ID.: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 2018), 639. For more detailed information about all SAH administrators, see SDA Yearbooks from 1967 to 2018.

  41. More information about Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium can be found on their website at http://sah.org.py/ or in social media on Facebook: @sanatorioADVENTISTAdehohenau and YouTube: Sanatorio Adventista de Hohenau.


Dionisio, Eugenio Di, Silvia C. Scholtus. "Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. July 19, 2021. Accessed December 04, 2024. https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=5GO3.

Dionisio, Eugenio Di, Silvia C. Scholtus. "Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. July 19, 2021. Date of access December 04, 2024, https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=5GO3.

Dionisio, Eugenio Di, Silvia C. Scholtus (2021, July 19). Hohenau Adventist Sanitarium. Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved December 04, 2024, https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=5GO3.