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Gyeongseong Sahmyookwon Institution, first graduation photo

Photo courtesy of Hankook Sahmyook High School.

Hankook Sahmyook High School, Seoul, Korea

By Hak Taek Kim


Kim, Hak Taek earned his B.A. at Sahmyook University and M.A. at Kyunghee University in Korea, majoring in educational administration. He started school ministry at Seo-Hae Sahmyook Academy as an English teacher in 1993. Later, he served as vice principal at Seoul Sahmyook Middle School for 9 years, Donghae Sahmyook Academy for 4 years, Hankook Sahmyook High School for 6 years, and Daejeon Sahmyook Middle School for 4 years. Currently, he is principal of Hankook Sahmyook High School.

First Published: August 3, 2020

Hankook Sahmyook High School is a part of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is affiliated with the North Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists.1 It belongs to the Korean Union Conference and the West Central Korean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists locally.

Current Location and Statistics

The main school is located at 815 Hwarang-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, and consists of six buildings, spanning 23,800 sq. meters, and which includes a building area of 4,726.84 sq. meters, a special class (Xion Hall), a music room, a dormitory (Uimyeong, Cheongsong), a main hall, an auditorium (Uimyeong kwan), and Naioth Kwan (105th Anniversary Hall). It runs a three-year curriculum for high school humanities, and started with 15 graduates in 1951 and comprised of a total of 9,586 students, producing 70 batches until January 2020. There are, currently, 151 students in the first grade, 157 in the second grade, 146 in the third grade, 72 in the school staffs, 526 in total.

School of Uimyeong, the Predecessor of Hankook Sahmyook Education

In 1907, as the first missionary, Pastor Smith2 and Miss Scharffenberg, a female missionary, who in cooperation 3with Kim Doo-Hyung and Im Gi-Ban who were elders of the Soonan,4 with the approval of a governor in South Pyongan Province, the school was established for free on the site (55,000 pyeong) opposite Soonan residence and formally5 started educational work.

The school project, which was started due to the need to expand the church and train leaders, was called Uimyeong School,6 the predecessor of Sahmyook School.

Soonan Uimyeong School was submitted to the government's official accreditation body and was approved7 in 1910, and 23 students entered and studied for a three-year course, and six graduated in 1913 until the fifth graduation in 1917. In 1937 it was handed over free of charge to a board of directors organized by the Japanese under pressure and suppression and was delegated to Principal Lee Kyung-Il on September 1 of the same year and renamed Soonan Middle School. In this way the history of Uimyeong School was virtually ended.

Later, the church's headquarters moved8 to Seoul, and with the need for the education of the children of the church has been empathized, 12 children of the believers entered the church on April 8, 1938, and it became a three-year secondary educational institution. It was opened as Gyeongseong Sahmyookwon.9

For the first time, the term Sahmyook10 became the basis of Korean Adventist's educational concept and became a common name for school institutions supervised by all Adventist churches in Korea.

Due to the Japanese colonial rule, the school's name was renamed Gyeongseong Sahmyook Farming Institute, which was maintained in December 1941 but closed in December 1941 due to the dissolution of the church.

The Beginning of Hankook Sahmyook Education

After the liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 1945, on September 1, 1947, Hoegi-dong Church held the opening ceremony with Dongmyeong School and Seminary, the predecessor of Sahmyook Middle School and the elementary school, and the seminary’s name board was hung in the wing room of the Hoegi-dong Church, Sahmyook Elementary School was formerly Dongmyeong School, and the name Sahmyook Middle School was hung at the former Gyeongseong Sahmyookwon with a sign saying Sahmyook Middle School. Sahmyook Middle School recruited 113 students in the first and second grades, and Principal James Lee (Lee Je Myung) took office as the first principal.

The term "three-year elementary school" was approved by the Ministry of Education on January 14, 1949, and it established a one-year course as the completion of whole departments11 temporarily.

July 21, 1949 was the first graduation ceremony of Sahmyook Middle School with 50 beginners and 35 whole department students who finally moved to the new university site in Taereung, which was established as the school site in 1950. Along with the university, the era of Sahmyook-dong began in earnest.

The school was temporarily closed due to the Korean War, but the school was temporarily opened during the evacuation in Seongsanpo, Jeju Island, and the first graduates of the Seongsan branch were 9: Kim Hyung-Rak, Kim Young-Hee, Bae Myung-Sook, Lee, Geun-Sil, and Lee Sun-Hee and so on. The school was reopened on November 1, 1952, and changed its name to Hankook Sahmyook High School (Ministry of Culture and Sports, Approval No. 10413) on March 16, 1963.

History of the Class Expansion Process

It was established as a special-purpose high school on September 15, 1973.12 Four classes of each grade were approved on December 28, 1987. On October 1, 1991, Expansion of Class 5 Accreditation was done. Also, expansion of Class 6 accreditation (Administration No 81412-1224) was completed on May 31, 2002.

History of the School Buildings

  • Completed construction of a new schoolhouse in March 1980.

  • Completion of the auditorium on November 27, 1986.

  • Completion of the dormitory of Uimyeongsa-boy, Cheongsongsa-girl, in December 2002.

  • Completion Service [Xion Hall] Multipurpose Building was done on Oct 8, 2005.

  • Completion of the 105th Anniversary Memorial Hall (Naioth kwan) on October 10, 2011.

History of the School Education Activities

  • In 2010 Selection of all school classes (Type A) under the supervision of the Ministry of Education.

  • In 2010 Ranked fourth in Seoul in the national academic performance evaluation (General High School).

  • In 2011 designated schools for culture and arts designation (Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education).

  • In 2011 designated as a school operated by the Teachers' Reading Education Research Association (Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education).

  • In 2012 designation of Creative Management School (High School Education and Management School).

  • In 2012 Seoul Metropolitan Government Ranked second in the National Academic Achievement Evaluation.

  • In 2013 Advanced School for Teaching and Practice.

  • In 2014 Seoul Innovation School Selected (~2019).

  • In 2019 reappointment of Seoul Innovation School.

The Mission and Strategic Planning of Hankook Sahmyook High School

The mission of Hankook Sahmyook High School is to restore the image of God in humans; serve the nation, society, and churches; foster youth and faithful Adventists who contribute to the salvation and welfare of humankind.

As a strategic plan, first, we aim to create a democratic and happy school where all schools and educational communities work together to present their vision through future education and nurture talent needed for the times.

Second, make a warm-hearted student who cares, communicates, and appreciates others; establishes high ideals and goals; and becomes a creative and sincere student who tries hard.

Third, teachers teach with passion, discovering students' talents and possibilities, developing teachers, striving for self-development and professional development, and becoming religious teachers.

Fourth, help the parents who sympathize with the school and actively participate in the school's educational activities, and parents who strive to form a whole personality such as their children's academic ability and personality development.

List of the Principals

Lee, Je-myung (1947-1953); Jung, Dong-shin (1953, 1954); Lee, Dan-yeol (1954-1959); Kim, Young-do (1959-1965); Lee, Kyung-il (1965-1970); Kwon, Hyuk-jong (1970-1972); Kim, Young-do (1972-1975); Kim, Jun-pal (1975); Kim, Jae-sin (1975, 1976); Kim, Heung-ryang (1976-1978); Lee, Sung-jin (1978-1984); Yim, Choon-taek (1984-1990); Kim, Hyo-sung (1990-1995); Jung, Jang-hwan (1995-August 1999); Shin, Chang-keun (September 1999-August 2002); Yim, Tae-bin (September 2002-February 2007); Shim, Dong-sub (March 2007-August 2009); Lee, Kyung-hee (September 2009-Ferbuary 2013); Sin, Dong-kyun (March 2013-August 2014); Jun, Jong-hun (September 2014-February 2017); Kim, Jae-sik (March 2017-February 2019); Park, Myung-seok (March 2019-August 2020); So, Sung-ae Kim (September 2020-February 2021); Hak-taek (March 2021- ).


Jeong, Seong-wha. Hankook Sahmyook 110 Years Anniversary Book. Seoul: Korean Publishing House, 2017.

Lee, Kuk Heon. History of One Hundred Years of Sahmyook University. Seoul: Sahmyook University Press, 2008.

Kim, Dae Sung. The 110th Anniversary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Korea. Seoul: Korean Publishing House, 2015.


  1. The author acknowledges the help of the principal of Hankook Sahmyook High School in writing this


  2. Seong Wha Jeong, Hankook Sahmyook 110 Years Anniversary Book (Seoul: Korean Publishing House, 2017), 48.

  3. Kuk Heon Lee, History of One Hundred Years of Sahmyook University (Seoul: Sahmyook University Press, 2008), 55.

  4. Seong Wha Jeong, 72.

  5. Ibid., 48, 49.

  6. Ibid., 72.

  7. Ibid., 72, 73.

  8. Ibid., 72.

  9. Dae Sung Kim, The 110 th Anniversary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Korea (Seoul: Korean Publishing House, 2015), 15.

  10. Seong Wha Jeong, 75.

  11. Ibid., 64.

  12. Ibid., 480, 481.


Kim, Hak Taek. "Hankook Sahmyook High School, Seoul, Korea." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. August 03, 2020. Accessed September 13, 2024.

Kim, Hak Taek. "Hankook Sahmyook High School, Seoul, Korea." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. August 03, 2020. Date of access September 13, 2024,

Kim, Hak Taek (2020, August 03). Hankook Sahmyook High School, Seoul, Korea. Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved September 13, 2024,