Arch and Hilda Barrett
From Journal of Pacific Adventist History.
Barrett, Archibald Robert (1885–1968), and Hilda Elfrida (Heinrich) (1892–1955); later Jessie (Laird) (1914–1998)
By Helen Miller
Helen Miller, born to William and Nancy Hay and educated in Brisbane, Australia, felt called by God to become a missionary nurse after hearing of health needs in the Pacific. She graduated from the Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital (now Sydney Adventist Hospital) in 1969 with high distinction before proceeding to nurse in the Solomon Islands and Australia and then in New Zealand and Pitcairn Island with first husband Pastor Lewis Barker. Helen’s Master of Ministry (Family Life) degree (2009) reflects her love of study and is used in Toowoomba, supporting her husband, Pastor Keith Miller.
First Published: January 28, 2020
Pastor Robert Barrett was a pioneer missionary, administrator, pastor, and Bible translator who together with his wife, Hilda, spent his life in service to the people of the Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides (Vanuatu), and New Guinea.
Early Life (1885–1919)
Archibald Robert Barrett (known as Robert) was born on September 5, 1885, in Adelaide, South Australia to Edward (c. 1845–1894) and Harriet (Fairclough) Barrett (1856–1946).1 He was the second of four siblings: Hilda (Lampard, 1883–1962),2 Walter Knightscales (1887–1965),3 and Stella Gladys (1890–1979).4 About 1900 his mother became a Seventh-day Adventist under the labors of Pastor J. H. Woods.5 She married Thomas Thatcher6 in 1901 and sent Robert to the Avondale School for Christian Workers,7 where he was baptized by Pastor Robinson.8
When he returned home to South Australia, he “joined in with old associates, and went with them cricketing, footballing etc. on Sabbaths.”9 Robert worked as a painter, then as a clerk and overseer of works in the Redhill District Council.10 He tried to enlist in the army but was rejected due to his sight. When he tried again, enlisting (as a Methodist) on July 26, 1916, he was accepted for active service abroad. He embarked for England on December 23, 1916. Robert served in France as a gunner and driver in the Australian Imperial Forces. At the end of the war, he returned to Australia, disembarking on May 14, 1919.11
Hilda Elfrida Heinrich was born on January 2, 1892.12 Her parents, Friedrich Wilhelm Gotthelf (1864–1916)13 and Maria Elisabeth (Schaefer) Heinrich (1871–1957),14 lived in Wiltunga (a farming area including the town of Bute), South Australia. Hilda, the third of nine siblings, grew up with five sisters and three brothers.
How Robert and Hilda met is not known, but Hilda had been waiting for Robert’s return from the war.15 Three weeks after Robert’s discharge, they married at the Wiltunga Methodist Church on July 9, 1919.16 Robert took up civil employment in the Blythe District Council.17
Early Married Life (1919–1923)
Barrett’s mother sent him The Great Controversy, and he recalled that
in the evenings when my wife was sewing or mending, I read “Great Controversy” aloud, and we decided to go back to school. Three weeks after our decision to leave, we were at school: successor appointed, house and effects sold and everything cleared up. I had previously asked that Council meetings be not held on the Sabbath.18
They spent 1920 and 1921 at Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia, where Robert studied at the Australasian Missionary College. He graduated from the ministerial course on November 28, 1921.19 His first appointment was to sell Christ’s Object Lessons from February 1922 to April 1923, with Hilda also selling briefly (and successfully).20
Solomon Islands (1923–1942)
Barrett was called to take charge of the Missionary Training School21 on Vangunu Island in the Marovo Lagoon, Western Solomon Islands, and to be Secretary-Treasurer for the Solomon Islands Mission.22 In 1922 over one hundred men had cleared the jungle on the spot now known as Batuna23 before groups of boys from different islands worked to establish the new school. Barrett’s first task on arrival in mid-1923 was to help clear the site and “get in” foundations for their house.24 On opening day, a photo of at least 35 students was taken, which was published with the caption “Our future native workers for the group.”25
The first two and a half years were physically exhausting, with more accommodation, paths, and a jetty26 to build and gardens to plant.27 Pastor Wicks officially organized the Batuna church of 31 members, with Barrett as the elder and Hilda, a deaconess. Wicks also performed the first baptism of 18 students.28 Malaria affected Barrett severely, so they returned to Sydney on December 5, 1925, for treatment and furlough.29 It took almost a year before he recovered, enabling their return to Batuna.30
The next 16 years at Batuna, they were “well and happy.”31 Help came for the Batuna Training School.32 As the gospel spread and members increased, so did Barrett’s workload as Secretary-Treasurer, and later, as Sabbath School Secretary.33 He traveled throughout the Solomon Islands, visiting and reporting on new areas including Choiseul,34 Malaita,35 and Rennell.36 He spoke at district meetings37 and various dedications38 and interpreted for visiting speakers.39 During his furlough in 1936, he was ordained to the ministry.40
World War II and Beyond (1942–1951)
The next phase of the Barretts’ service began with their hurried departures ahead of the imminent arrival of the Japanese Army. Hilda (with other expatriate women and children) left from Gizo on the Malaita in early January 1942.41 Barrett, John Howse, Jim Cormack, John Gosling, David Ferris, Charles Tucker, and Hamley Perry left Batuna on January 27, 1942, at four o’clock in the morning on the Melanesia. The Lord guided and protected them for the perilous voyage to Australia, and they finally reached Sydney with great rejoicing.42
At the end of April 1942, the Barretts were located in Mackay, North Queensland, for pastoral and evangelistic work.43 They were subsequently appointed to the New Hebrides. Barrett went ahead, arriving on April 22, 1943.44 His tasks were to reopen the Aore Training School (closed in 1942 due to war conditions)45 and be Secretary-Treasurer for the New Hebrides Mission.46 Hilda, together with Mrs. Charles Tucker and Mrs. Bert Piez, arrived in the New Hebrides a few months later.47 The Barretts remained at Aore until mid-1945.48
In November 1945 the Barretts with 13 other SDA missionaries left for the Solomon Islands via Milne Bay and Bougainville.49 After an eventful voyage, they arrived home at Batuna. Barrett, delighted his books had survived, reported that “the work ahead is mountainous, with every indication of a long, hard pull. . . . The spirit here is good. . . . We are all glad to be here.”50 During his extensive visitation, financial and statistical matters formed part of his workload,51 but he also noted the reaction of the people to the war years and reported, “Their faith is stronger than ever.”52
The Barretts accompanied new missionaries John and Merle Newman to Kwailabesi station on Malaita and stayed three weeks, helping them settle in.53 Back at Batuna, Barrett taught the Bible lessons in the training school while Lyndon Thrift was away.54 His experience was also useful, relieving the secretary-treasurers of the Bismarck-Solomons Union Mission55 and Papua North-East New Guinea Mission for eight and five months, respectively. However, completing the translation of the Old Testament into Marovo remained a high priority, with their time in the Solomon Islands limited.56
Robert and Hilda Barrett arrived in Sydney in January 194857 and enjoyed a short furlough with relatives before concentrating on completing the translation of the Marovo language Bible at Long Jetty on the Central Coast of New South Wales.58 Three Solomon Islanders came to assist: Pastors Pana and Rini with translating and Tasa, a teacher, doing the typing.59 Later, Pastor Kata Rangoso came to review the whole Bible, and Tasa (later Pastor Tasa) returned to Australia to type it.60 Finally, after a marathon 30-year effort by many people at various times, the task was complete.61
Final Years
Following the completion of the translation work, the Barretts retired from mission work in South Australia, where he pastored churches at Nuriootpa and Angaston.62 Hilda’s health caused concern in mid-1955, and she was anointed63 but died on October 3, 1955, aged 63.64
Robert later married Jessie Laird.65 He pastored the Kadina, South Australia, church from 1957 to 1960.66 In 1967 the Barretts moved to Sherwin Lodge, Western Australia, where Robert Barrett died on May 19, 1968, aged 82.67 Jessie died on May 8, 1998.68
Robert and Hilda Barrett spent most of their 36 years of marriage in overseas service. Their language skills facilitated communication with their colleagues and students.69 It also enabled the completion of translating the Bible into the Marovo language. They had no children of their own but took a keen interest in all people, communicating positively and commending faithfulness and dependability.70 Pastor A. G. Stewart, who knew Pastor Barrett well, testified that “he never found a man more faithful to his tasks and duties.”71
“After a short furlough with relatives. . . .” Australasian Record, September 19, 1949.
“After a slow trip through rough seas. . . .” Australasian Record, July 2, 1945.
Allbon, Rhae. “Closing Days of the College Year.” Australasian Record, December 26, 1921.
Allum, F. A. “Secretary’s Report—Solomon Islands, The Annual Council, 1923.” Australasian Record, November 12, 1923.
Anderson, J. D. “Annual Meetings in the Gizo District, Solomon Islands.” Australasian Record, October 3, 1932.
Anderson, J. D., and G. M. Anderson. “Eighteen Years in the Solomon Islands.” Australasian Record, June 27, 1938.
Anderson, Ormond K. “Life Sketch of Pastor Barrett.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, June 24, 1968.
Archibald Robert Barrett Biographical Records. South Pacific Division of the General Conference archives. Folder: “Barrett, Archibald Robert.” Document: “Biographical Information Blank, April 13, 1925.”
Archibald Robert Barrett Biographical Records. South Pacific Division of the General Conference archives. Folder: “Barrett, Archibald Robert.” Document: “Biographical Information Blank, June 14, 1949.”
“Around the middle of June. . . .” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, July 18, 1955.
Barrett, A. R. “Aoba District Meetings.” Australasian Record, May 22, 1944.
———. “A Trip to Malaita.” Australasian Record, March 27, 1939.
———. “A Trip to Malaita (Number Four).” Australasian Record, April 17, 1939.
———. “A Trip to Malaita (Number Three).” Australasian Record, April 10, 1939.
———. “A Trip to Malaita (Number Two).” Australasian Record, April 3, 1939.
———. “Experiences on Choiseul, Solomon Islands.” Australasian Record, May 19, 1930.
———. “From Torokina to Batuna.” Australasian Record, February 25, 1946.
———. “General Meetings in the Solomons.” Australasian Record, November 14, 1932.
———. “Guso Writes from Fiji.” Australasian Record, March 7, 1932.
———. “Letter from Anisi.” Australasian Record, July 11, 1932.
———. “Letter from Oti.” Australasian Record, October 28, 1929.
———. “Missionaries Delayed by Crippled Engine.” Australasian Record, January 28, 1946.
———. “Natives’ Christian Help Work Won Their Hearts.” Australasian Record, May 9, 1927.
———. “Notes from Batuna, Solomon Islands.” Australasian Record, November 24, 1924.
———. “Our Training School in the Solomons.” Australasian Record, October 27, 1924.
———. “Progress on Choiseul.” Australasian Record, June 4, 1928.
———. “Report from Pana.” Australasian Record, October 24, 1927.
———. “School Days at Batuna, Solomon Islands.” Australasian Record, July 14, 1924.
———. “The Task Is Finished!” Australasian Record, September 24, 1951.
———. “Visiting in the Solomons Group.” Australasian Record, July 15, 1946.
———. “Voyage to the Solomons.” Australian Record, January 21, 1946.
———. “Written at Sea.” Australasian Record, February 14, 1927.
“Birth Index.” Genealogy SA. https://www.genealogysa.org.au/index.php?option=com_search&Itemid=32.
Borgas, L. A. “Second Visit to Rennell Island.” Australasian Record, June 26, 1933.
“Brother and Sister A. R. Barrett. . . .” Australasian Record, January 4, 1926.
“Brother Barrett, Sabbath School Secretary. . . .” Australasian Record, June 5, 1939.
Butler, S. C. “Harriet Thatcher obituary.” Australasian Record, March 11, 1946.
“By the M.V. Malaita. . . .” Australasian Record, January 31, 1949.
Chapman, Andrew. “Stella Gladys Barrett obituary.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, February 25, 1980.
“Closing of School Year, 1944, at Aore.” Australasian Record, January 15, 1945.
“Death Index.” Genealogy SA. https://www.genealogysa.org.au/index.php?option=com_search&Itemid=32.
Ferris, N. A. “Our Visit to Rennell and Bellona.” Australasian Record, August 4, 1941.
Fraser, A. M. “Adjustments in the Solomons and Papua-New Guinea Mission Territories.” Australasian Record, July 7, 1947.
“From Our Solomon Islands Headquarters.” Australasian Record, April 29, 1935.
Howse, John T. “Choiseul District Meetings, Solomon Islands.” Australasian Record, March 15, 1937.
Judd, C. D. “Hilda Lampard obituary.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, October 8, 1962.
Kent, J. W. “To the Memory of Hilda Barrett.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, November 28, 1955.
———. “Hilda Elfreda Barrett obituary.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, November 28, 1955.
“Leaving Pastor Barrett. . . .” Australasian Record, July 9, 1951.
“Marriage Index.” Genealogy SA. https://www.genealogysa.org.au/index.php?option=com_search&Itemid=32.
Martin, H. R. “En Route to the Solomons.” Australasian Record, August 13, 1923.
———. “First Acquaintance with the Solomon Islanders.” Australasian Record, August 27, 1923.
“Monthly Summary of Australasian Canvassing Work, February, 1923.” Australasian Record, April 9, 1923.
Morgan, C. D. “South Australia Makes Gains.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, May 30, 1955.
Morgan, D. A. “Onward in South Australia.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, August 4, 1958.
National Archives of Australia, CA 3208, Headquarters, 4 Military District [I], Commonwealth Military Forces, Keswick [South Australia], Barrett Archibald Robert: SERN 31638: POB Adelaide SA: POE Adelaide SA: NOK M Thatcher Harriet, circa 1914–circa 1920, BARRETT A R, https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=3052352.
Newman, J. H. “Twelve Months on Malaita Mission.” Australasian Record, July 28, 1947.
“News from the New Hebrides.” Australasian Record, May 31, 1943.
“Our evangelistic campaign commenced. . . .” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, October 3, 1960.
Pascoe, A. L. “In Perils by Sea.” Australasian Record, March 28, 1938.
Pastor and Mrs. A. R. Barrett. . . .” Australasian Record, May 11, 1942.
Peacock, G. “From Rabaul to Bougainville.” Australasian Record, June 1, 1936.
Perry, J. C. H. “Solomon Islands to Australia on the ‘Melanesia.’ ” Australasian Record, March 30, 1942.
Perry, Mrs. “New Hebrides.” Australasian Record, December 11, 1944.
“Photo of Pastor R. Barrett with Rini, Tasa, and Pana.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, June 24, 1968.
“Photo on opening day.” Australasian Record, May 26, 1924.
Piper, A. H. “A Sabbath in the Solomons, Ordination of Pana and Rangoso.” Australasian Record, July 8, 1935.
Ragoso, Kata. “War Years in the Solomons.” Australasian Record, May 6, 1946.
“Record Search.” National Archives of Australia. https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ListingReports/ItemsListing.aspx.
Rhodes, Phillip. “Jessie Florence Barrett obituary.” Record, July 25, 1998.
Robinson, A. T. “The Week of Prayer at Avondale.” Union Conference Record, July 1, 1901.
South Australia. Birth Certificates. Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Office, Adelaide, South Australia.
South Australia. Marriage Certificates. Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Office, Adelaide, South Australia.
Stewart, A. G. “A Visit to the Solomon Islands—Our Largest Island Mission.” Australasian Record, June 20, 1927.
———. “Itinerating in the Solomon Islands.” Australasian Record, May 19, 1947.
———. “Resuming Island Visitation.” Australasian Record, September 18, 1944.
———. “Weddings: Barrett-Laird.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, January 6, 1958.
“The Montoro sailing about the middle of November. . . .” Australasian Record, December 3, 1945.
“The ‘Muliama,’ which berthed at Sydney. . . .” Australasian Record, November 7, 1949.
Totenhofer, Evelyn. “Church Dedication at Nono, Solomon Islands.” Australasian Record, August 20, 1934.
———. “Dedication of the Marovo New Testament.” Australasian Record, January 5, 1942.
———. “Nurse Visits Choiseul.” Australasian Record, March 15, 1937.
———. “Second Dedication of the ‘Melanesia.’ ” Australasian Record, June 21, 1937.
Turner, W. G. “Visit to South Australia.” Australasian Record, November 25, 1935.
"We are happy to report the safe arrival. . . .” Australasian Record, August 16, 1943.
White, H. “A Survey of the Solomons.” Australasian Record, June 24, 1946.
Wilson, Gordon I. “Pastor Archibald Robert Barrett obituary.” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, June 24, 1968.
Adelaide, South Australia, Birth Certificate no. 333 (1885), Archibald Robert Barrett, Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Office, Adelaide, South Australia; S. C. Butler, “Harriet Thatcher obituary,” Australasian Record, March 11, 1946, 7.↩
C. D. Judd, “Hilda Lampard obituary,” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, October 8, 1962, 7.↩
Adelaide, South Australia, Birth Index no. 392/90 (1887), Walter Knight Scales Barrett, Genealogy SA, Unley, South Australia, https://www.genealogysa.org.au/index.php?option=com_search&Itemid=32; Adelaide, South Australia, Death Index no. 988/1991 (1965), Walter Knightscales Barrett,” Genealogy SA.↩
Andrew Chapman, “Stella Gladys Barrett obituary,” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, February 25, 1980, 15.↩
S. C. Butler, “Harriet Thatcher obituary,” Australasian Record, March 11, 1946, 7.↩
Adelaide, South Australia, Marriage Index no. 207/926 (1901), Thomas Thatcher and Harriet Barrett, Genealogy SA; Adelaide, South Australia, Death Index no. 519/59 (1930), Thomas Thatcher, Genealogy SA.↩
Archibald Robert Barrett Biographical Records, South Pacific Division of the General Conference Archives, Folder: “Barrett, Archibald Robert,” Document: “Biographical Information Blank, April 13, 1925.”↩
A. T. Robinson, “The Week of Prayer at Avondale,” Union Conference Record, July 1, 1901, 9.↩
Archibald Robert Barrett Biographical Records, “Biographical Information Blank, April 13, 1925.”↩
Archibald Robert Barrett Biographical Records, South Pacific Division of the General Conference Archives, Folder: “Barrett, Archibald Robert,” Document: “Biographical Information Blank, June 14, 1949.”↩
National Archives of Australia, CA 3208, Headquarters, 4 Military District [I], Commonwealth Military Forces, Keswick [South Australia], Barrett Archibald Robert : SERN 31638 : POB Adelaide SA : POE Adelaide SA : NOK M Thatcher Harriet, circa 1914–circa 1920, BARRETT A R, https://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/ViewImage.aspx?B=3052352. The Record indicates that he was accepted for Home Service on February 16, 1916 and served as corporal until April 30, 1916. He was transferred on May 1, 1916, and then discharged to enlist on July 18,1916 (Ibid.).↩
Daly, South Australia, Birth Certificate no. 408 (1892), Hilda Elfrida Heinrich, Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Office, Adelaide, South Australia.↩
Angaston, South Australia, Birth Index no. 32/82 (1864), Friedrich Wilhelm Gotthelf Heinrich, Genealogy SA, Unley, South Australia, https://www.genealogysa.org.au/index.php?option=com_search&Itemid=32; Daly, South Australia, Death Index no. 398/253 (1916), Friedrich Wilhelm Gotthelf Heinrich, Genealogy SA.↩
Angaston, South Australia, Birth Index 102/443 (1871), Maria Elisabeth Schaefer, Genealogy SA; Daly, South Australia, Death Index no. 858/2686 (1957), Marie Elizabeth Heinrich, Genealogy SA.↩
J. W. Kent, “To the Memory of Hilda Barrett,” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, November 28, 1955, 14.↩
Daly, South Australia, Marriage Certificate no. 81 (1919), Archibald Robert Barrett-Hilda Elfrida Heinrich, Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Office, Adelaide, South Australia.↩
Archibald Robert Barrett Biographical Records, “Biographical Information Blank, June 14, 1949.”↩
Archibald Robert Barrett Biographical Records, “Biographical Information Blank, April 13, 1925.”↩
Rhae Allbon, “Closing Days of the College Year,” Australasian Record, December 26, 1921, 4.↩
“Monthly Summary of Australasian Canvassing Work, February, 1923,” Australasian Record, April 9, 1923, 6.↩
H. R. Martin, “En Route to the Solomons,” Australasian Record, August 13, 1923, 5.↩
F. A. Allum, “Secretary’s Report—Solomon Islands, The Annual Council, 1923,” Australasian Record, November 12, 1923, 3.↩
J. D. Anderson and G. M. Anderson, “Eighteen Years in the Solomon Islands,” Australasian Record, June 27, 1938, 3.↩
H. R. Martin, “First Acquaintance with the Solomon Islanders,” Australasian Record, August 27, 1923, 5.↩
“Photo on opening day,” Australasian Record, May 26, 1924, 14.↩
A. R. Barrett, “Our Training School in the Solomons,” Australasian Record, October 27, 1924, 3.↩
A. R. Barrett, “School Days at Batuna, Solomon Islands,” Australasian Record, July 14, 1924, 5.↩
A. R. Barrett, “Notes from Batuna, Solomon Islands,” Australasian Record, November 24, 1924, 2.↩
“Brother and Sister A. R. Barrett . . . ,” Australasian Record, January 4, 1926, 8.↩
A. R. Barrett, “Written at Sea,” Australasian Record, February 14, 1927, 8.↩
“From Our Solomon Islands Headquarters,” Australasian Record, April 29, 1935, 8.↩
A. G. Stewart, “A Visit to the Solomon Islands—Our Largest Island Mission,” Australasian Record, June 20, 1927, 1.↩
“Brother Barrett, Sabbath School Secretary . . . ,” Australasian Record, June 5, 1939.↩
A. R. Barrett, “Progress on Choiseul,” Australasian Record, June 4, 1928, 2.↩
A. R. Barrett, ”A Trip to Malaita,” Numbers 1–4, Australasian Record, March 27, April 3, 10, 17, 1939, 3.↩
L. A. Borgas, “Second Visit to Rennell Island,” Australasian Record, 3; N. A. Ferris, “Our Visit to Rennell and Bellona,” Australasian Record, August 4, 1941, 3.↩
J. D. Anderson, “Annual Meetings in the Gizo District, Solomon Islands,” Australasian Record, October 3, 1932, 5; John T. Howse, “Choiseul District Meetings, Solomon Islands,” Australasian Record, March 15, 1937, 2.↩
Evelyn Totenhofer, “Church Dedication at Nono, Solomon Islands,” Australasian Record, August 20, 1934, 3; Evelyn Totenhofer, “Second Dedication of the ‘Melanesia,’ ” Australasian Record, June 21, 1937, 3; Evelyn Totenhofer, “Dedication of the Marovo New Testament,” Australasian Record, January 5, 1942, 3.↩
A. H. Piper, “A Sabbath in the Solomons, Ordination of Pana and Rangoso,” Australasian Record, July 8, 1935, 2.↩
W. G. Turner, “Visit to South Australia,” Australasian Record, November 25, 1935, 6.↩
Kata Ragoso, “War Years in the Solomons,” Australasian Record, May 6, 1946, 4.↩
J. C. H. Perry, “Solomon Islands to Australia on the ‘Melanesia,’ ” Australasian Record, March 30, 1942, 3.↩
Pastor and Mrs. A. R. Barrett . . . ,” Australasian Record, May 11, 1942, 8.↩
“News from the New Hebrides,” Australasian Record, May 31, 1943, 5.↩
“Closing of School Year, 1944, at Aore,” Australasian Record, January 15, 1945, 8.↩
A. R. Barrett, “Aoba District Meetings,” Australasian Record, May 22, 1944, 4; A. G. Stewart, “Resuming Island Visitation,” Australasian Record, September 18, 1944, 4.↩
"We are happy to report the safe arrival . . . ,” Australasian Record, August 16, 1943, 8.↩
“After a slow trip through rough seas . . . ,” Australasian Record, July 2, 1945, 8.↩
“The Montoro sailing about the middle of November . . . ,” Australasian Record, December 3, 1945, 8; A. R. Barrett, “Voyage to the Solomons,” Australasian Record, January 21, 1946, 5; A. R. Barrett, “Missionaries Delayed by Crippled Engine,” Australasian Record, January 28, 1946, 4.↩
A. R. Barrett, “From Torokina to Batuna,” Australasian Record, February 25, 1946, 4.↩
H. White, “A Survey of the Solomons,” Australasian Record, June 24, 1946, 5.↩
A. R. Barrett, “Visiting in the Solomons Group,” Australasian Record, July 15, 1946, 4.↩
J. H. Newman, “Twelve Months on Malaita Mission,” Australasian Record, July 28, 1947, 4.↩
A. G. Stewart, “Itinerating in the Solomon Islands,” Australasian Record, May 19, 1947, 3.↩
Archibald Robert Barrett Biographical Records, “Biographical Information Blank, June 14, 1949.”↩
A. M. Fraser, “Adjustments in the Solomons and Papua-New Guinea Mission Territories,” Australasian Record, July 7, 1947, 3.↩
“By the M.V. Malaita . . . ,” Australasian Record, January 31, 1949, 8.↩
“After a short furlough with relatives . . . ,” Australasian Record, September 19, 1949, 8.↩
“The Muliama which berthed at Sydney . . . ,” Australasian Record, November 7, 1949, 8.↩
“Leaving Pastor Barrett . . . ,” Australasian Record, July 9, 1951, 8.↩
A. R. Barrett, “The Task Is Finished!” Australasian Record, September 24, 1951, 6; Photo of Pastor R. Barrett with Rini, Tasa, and Pana in Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, June 24, 1968, 14.↩
C. D. Morgan, “South Australia Makes Gains,” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, May 30, 1955, 7.↩
“Around the middle of June . . . ,” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, July 18, 1955, 8.↩
J. W. Kent, “Hilda Elfreda Barrett obituary,” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, November 28, 1955, 15.↩
A. G. Stewart, “Weddings: Barrett-Laird,” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, January 6, 1958, 7.↩
D. A. Morgan, “Onward in South Australia,” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, August 4, 1958, 4; “Our evangelistic campaign commenced . . . ,” Australasian Record, October 3, 1960, 8.↩
Gordon I. Wilson, “Pastor Archibald Robert Barrett obituary,” Australasian Record, June 24, 1968, 15.↩
Philip Rhodes, “Jessie Florence Barrett obituary,” Record, July 25, 1998, 13.↩
A. R. Barrett, “Report from Pana,” Australasian Record, October 24, 1927, 6; A. R. Barrett, “Letter from Oti,” Australasian Record, October 28, 1929, 3; A. R. Barrett, “Experiences on Choiseul, Solomon Islands,” Australasian Record, May 19, 1930, 4; A. R. Barrett. “Guso Writes from Fiji,” Australasian Record, March 7, 1932, 5; A. R. Barrett, “Letter from Anisi,” Australasian Record, July 11, 1932, 4.↩
A. R. Barrett, “Natives’ Christian Help Work Won Their Hearts,” Australasian Record, May 9, 1927, 4.↩
Ormond K. Anderson, “Life Sketch of Pastor Barrett,” Australasian Record and Advent World Survey, June 24, 1968, 14.↩