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Clive and Lorna Barritt

Photo courtesy of Ruth Webster.

Barritt, Henry Clive (1922–2017) and Lorna Annette (Schumann) (1925–2011)

By Barry Oliver


Barry Oliver, Ph.D., retired in 2015 as president of the South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Sydney, Australia. An Australian by birth Oliver has served the Church as a pastor, evangelist, college teacher, and administrator. In retirement, he is a conjoint associate professor at Avondale College of Higher Education. He has authored over 106 significant publications and 192 magazine articles. He is married to Julie with three adult sons and three grandchildren.

First Published: January 28, 2020

Henry Clive Barritt was a church administrator at the conference, union, and division levels.

Early Life and Education

Henry Clive Barritt was born at Childers, Queensland, Australia, on November 28, 1922,1 to parents Walter Reginald “Rex” and Lucie Gabrielle (Tardent) Barritt,2 who were farming at Booyal, Queensland.3 Clive’s childhood was shared with his older siblings, Jules and Joy (Paxinos), and younger sister Letty (Walsh).4 The children were taught by their mother, who, before her marriage, had worked as a teacher at public schools in Queensland. Clive’s brother, Jules, died unexpectedly in 1932 just before his 16th birthday and was buried by Pastor Hill.5

The depression in the 1930s saw the Barritt family lose their farm, and after trying his hand at a number of temporary jobs, Rex procured work in the forestry industry.6 The family members were separated for a while until Rex had a permanent job as subforeman at Saint Mary’s Forestry Station. A clearing was then made in the forest where permanent tents were pitched. The family moved in and lived there for about three years. This suited Clive wonderfully and enhanced his love for the Australian bush.7

The family moved again when both Rex and Lucie Barritt became literature evangelists.8 The family set up home in the Maryborough area, and in 1938 a fifth child, Marjorie (Enterman) was born in Bundaberg on May 1.9 This was also the year that Clive was baptized.10

In 1940, Clive joined his sister Joy at Avondale College after working as a colporteur in Maryborough, Bundaberg, and Gladstone.11 He commenced his ministerial training and supported himself by working at the college dairy.12 While at college, he met Lorna Schumann, a fellow Queenslander who, like himself, had been homeschooled.13

Lorna Annette Schumann, the fourth child of Bill and Ivy Schumann, was born at Dulwich Hill in Sydney on November 30, 1925.14 The family was living in Eton, near Mackay in Queensland at the time, where her father was cane farming, but Ivy had traveled with her young family to be with her parents in Sydney for the birth of her fourth child.15 Lorna had two brothers, Leonard and Ronald, the eldest and the youngest, respectively, of the siblings, and two sisters, Floris (Bergmann) and Freda (Coulston).16

Lorna’s childhood was spent in the Eungella Range, Mackay, Queensland, where her father had purchased an isolated property. Lorna did not have the opportunity for formal schooling because the Eungella School was considered too far away. She, along with her elder brother and sisters, was taught by her mother at home. Although life was very hard for her parents, Lorna and her siblings considered that they had a wonderful childhood. During this time, Pastor Tom Kent visited and studied the Bible with Lorna’s parents, and the family joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church.17

Lorna’s parents decided that they would like to give the two daughters who were not already married the opportunity to attend the Australasian Missionary College. Lorna and Freda commenced studies in 1944.18 The family moved to Cooranbong shortly thereafter.19

Marriage and Years of Service

Clive graduated from the ministerial course in 194620 and was sent to Tasmania, where he worked as the publishing secretary.21 Then on March 3, 1948,22 Clive and Lorna married in the village church, Cooranbong, and together moved to Hobart, Tasmania, where their first daughter, Wendy was born.23

Clive was next appointed to work in Christchurch, New Zealand, once again in the Publishing Department.24  Their second daughter, Ruth was born there.25 It was then back to Greater Sydney, where the family lived in Penrith, Epping, and Wollongong,26 and Clive worked in the Book and Bible House, in publishing, and in public evangelism.27 During this time, a third daughter, Beverly, was born.28

Clive was ordained at Blacktown Camp in 1958,29 and later that year he was asked to serve as the departmental director for Sabbath School, Lay Activities, Publishing, and Welfare for the Central Pacific Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church based in Suva, Fiji.30 The family moved to Suva in October 1958 and enjoyed the next four years in Fiji. Clive traveled much during this time, visiting the various missions in his territory: Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga, New Hebrides (Vanuatu), French Polynesia, Tahiti, and New Caledonia.31

Returning to Australia, Clive then served as a departmental director for both the Trans Australia Union Conference in Mont Albert, Melbourne,32 and then for a short period at the Trans-Tasman Union Conference in Gordon, Sydney.33 He was responsible for Sabbath School, Lay Activities, and Welfare.

Church Administration and Leadership

Then followed appointments to serve as president of two conferences, first South New South Wales, based in Canberra,34 and then the Victorian Conference.35

From Melbourne Barritt was transferred back to Sydney as the president for the Trans-Tasman Union.36 He held this position until he was asked to serve at the South Pacific Division office of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Wahroonga as the departmental director for Sabbath School and Personal Ministries.37 One aspect of his work that was especially rewarding was his involvement in conducting Maranatha Seminars.38

Summary of Service39

Time Appointment Place
Dec. 1, 1946–June 30, 1949 Publishing secretary Tasmania
July 1, 1949–Feb. 29, 1952 Publishing secretary South New Zealand
Mar. 1, 1952–Dec. 31, 1953 Publishing secretary Greater Sydney
Jan. 1, 1954–Oct. 31, 1954 Literature evangelist Greater Sydney
Nov. 1, 1954–Mar. 31, 1956 Book and Bible House manager Greater Sydney
Apr. 1, 1956–Sep. 30, 1958 Evangelist Greater Sydney
Oct. 1, 1958–Dec. 31, 1962 Departmental secretary Central Pacific Union
Jan. 1, 1963–Dec. 20, 1970 Departmental secretary Trans-Commonwealth Union
Dec. 20, 1970–Jan. 30, 1971 Departmental secretary Trans-Tasman Union
Jan. 31, 1971–Feb. 15, 1975 President South NSW Conference
Feb. 15, 1975–Dec. 31, 1977 President Victorian Conference
Jan. 1, 1978–July 12, 1980 President Trans-Tasman Union
July 13, 1980–Oct. 30, 1985 Departmental director South Pacific Division


When Clive Barritt retired in 1985,40 he and Lorna moved to Bonnells Bay in New South Wales, where Clive enthusiastically set about planting the garden and orchard that he had always wanted. He and Lorna enjoyed being closer to their children and grandchildren. He had many opportunities to share with them his love of the natural world.41

Retirement was short-lived, however, as Clive agreed to be the volunteer pastor for Hillview Church for one year. Following this, he served as a volunteer chaplain for outdoor students who were attending Avondale College.42

He and Lorna moved into Alton Villas when it was first established, and Clive continued to pursue his gardening and beekeeping. He would sell his honey and jam to support his Signs of the Times ministry, which he continued for the rest of his life.43

Later Years

In 1998, just before Lorna and Clive celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Lorna underwent open-heart surgery to repair a faulty valve. Some years later, she again faced open-heart surgery to replace the valve.44 The last few years were difficult for Lorna, but she always had a ready smile and did not complain as she became more dependent on others, especially on Clive.45 On March 3, 2008,46 Clive and Lorna celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary, having enjoyed a special gathering together with their extended family the previous day.47 In April 2010, Lorna moved into the Avondale Adventist Aged Care Facility.48

In 2007 Clive was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, which led to a slow but steady decline in his capacity to live independently. For his last four years, he lived in the Alton Lodge and Avondale House.49

Lorna died on Sabbath, February 5, 2011, and was buried on February 11, 2011, in the Avondale Adventist Cemetery, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia.50 Henry Clive died on Thursday, June 22, 2017. He was buried beside his wife in the Avondale Cemetery on June 28, 2017.51


Abbott, R. H. “Frederick Wilhelm Schuman obituary.” Australasian Record, May 30, 1966.

———. “Walter Reginald Barritt obituary.” Australasian Record, April 14, 1968.

“Anniversary: Barritt.” Record, April 12, 2008.

“Baptism Climaxes Sth Queensland Maranatha Seminar.” Australasian Record, June 6, 1987.

Blair, R. E. G. “Appointments and Transfers.” Australasian Record, December 5, 1949.

“Changes in personnel resulting . . .” Australasian Record, January 28, 1963.

“Colporteurs at Work.” Australasian Record, May 7, 1945.

“Colporteur’s Monthly Summary,” Australasian Record, August 14, 1939.

Coombe, L. C. “Lucie Gabrielle Barritt Obituary.” Australasian Record, February 15, 1992.

Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information. South Pacific Division of the General Conference Archives. Folder. “Barritt, Henry Clive.” Document: “Barritt, Henry Clive Biographical Record.”

Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information. South Pacific Division of the General Conference Archives. Folder: “Barritt, Henry Clive.” Document: “Workers Biographical Record—November 26, 1969.”

Henry Clive Barritt Service Records. South Pacific Division of the General Conference Archives. Folder: “Barritt, Henry Clive.” Document: “Barritt, Henry Clive Service Record.”

Mawer, Trevor. “Henry Clive Barritt obituary.” Record, February 3, 2018.


  1. Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information, South Pacific Division of the General Conference Archives, Folder: “Barritt, Henry Clive,” Document: “Barritt, Henry Clive Biographical Record.”

  2. R. H. Abbott, “Walter Reginald Barritt obituary,” Australasian Record, April 14, 1968, 15.

  3. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview by author, Cooranbong, New South Wales, April 18, 2018.

  4. L. C. Coombe, “Lucie Gabrielle Barritt obituary,” Australasian Record, February 15, 1992, 14.

  5. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview.

  6. Ibid.

  7. Ibid.

  8. E.g., “Colporteurs at Work,” Australasian Record, May 7, 1945, 4.

  9. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview.

  10. Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information, “Barritt, Henry Clive Biographical Record.”

  11. E.g., “Colporteur’s Monthly Summary,” Australasian Record, August 14, 1939, 6.

  12. Personal knowledge of the author as a son of Ted Oliver.

  13. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview.

  14. Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information, “Barritt, Henry Clive Biographical Record.”

  15. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview.

  16. R. H. Abbott, “Frederick Wilhelm Schuman obituary,” Australasian Record, May 30, 1966, 8.

  17. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview.

  18. Ibid.

  19. Ibid.

  20. Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information, “Barritt, Henry Clive Biographical Record.”

  21. Henry Clive Barritt Service Records, South Pacific Division of the General Conference Archives, Folder: “Barritt, Henry Clive,” Document: “Barritt, Henry Clive Service Record.”

  22. Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information, “Barritt, Henry Clive Biographical Record.”

  23. Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information, South Pacific Division of the General Conference Archives, Folder: “Barritt, Henry Clive,” Document: “Workers Biographical Record—November 26, 1969.”

  24. R. E. G. Blair, “Appointments and Transfers,” Australasian Record, December 5, 1949, 4; Henry Clive Barritt Service Records, “Barritt, Henry Clive Service Record.”

  25. Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information, “Barritt, Henry Clive Biographical Record.”

  26. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview.

  27. Henry Clive Barritt Service Records, “Barritt, Henry Clive Service Record.”

  28. Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information, “Barritt, Henry Clive Biographical Record.”

  29. Ibid.

  30. Henry Clive Barritt Service Records, “Barritt, Henry Clive Service Record.”

  31. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview.

  32. “Changes in personnel resulting . . . ,” Australasian Record, January 28, 1963, 8.

  33. Henry Clive Barritt Service Records, “Barritt, Henry Clive Service Record.”

  34. Ibid.

  35. Ibid.

  36. Ibid.

  37. Ibid.

  38. E.g., “Baptism Climaxes Sth Queensland Maranatha Seminar,” Australasian Record, June 6, 1987, 11.

  39. Compiled from two documents: Henry Clive Barritt Biographical Information, “Worker’s Biographical Record: November 26, 1969”; and Henry Clive Barritt Service Records, “Barritt, Henry Clive Service Record.”

  40. Ibid.

  41. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview.

  42. Ibid.

  43. Ibid.

  44. Ibid.

  45. Ibid.

  46. Ibid.

  47. “Anniversary: Barritt,” Record, April 12, 2008, 30.

  48. Ruth Webster (Barritt), interview.

  49. Ibid.

  50. Ibid.

  51. Trevor Mawer, “Henry Clive Barritt obituary,” Record, February 3, 2018, 21.


Oliver, Barry. "Barritt, Henry Clive (1922–2017) and Lorna Annette (Schumann) (1925–2011)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 28, 2020. Accessed February 14, 2025.

Oliver, Barry. "Barritt, Henry Clive (1922–2017) and Lorna Annette (Schumann) (1925–2011)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 28, 2020. Date of access February 14, 2025,

Oliver, Barry (2020, January 28). Barritt, Henry Clive (1922–2017) and Lorna Annette (Schumann) (1925–2011). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved February 14, 2025,