Volta Ghana Mission.

Photo courtesy of Southern Ghana Union Conference.

Volta Ghana Mission

By Stephen Yaw Agboado


Stephen Yaw Agboado

First Published: January 29, 2020

The Volta South Ghana Mission in the Southern Ghana Union Conference of the West-Central Africa Division was established in 2017 and was renamed the Volta Ghana Mission in 2019.


Volta Ghana Mission is located within the Volta Region of Ghana. It is bordered by the Volta North Ghana Mission in the north at Santrokofi, by the Eastern Region of Ghana in the west, by Greater Accra Region in the southwest, by Togo to the east, and the Gulf of Guinea on the south; from the Coast of Aflao, Anloga, through Sogakope, Ho to Hohoe.1

In 2019, the mission had 14 districts of churches, with 26 organized churches and 57 companies. The membership was 5,074 with 18 pastors.2

Advent Message in the Volta Region

The Adventist Church was first planted at Bodada in 1943 by one teacher, Agyei. The message was later sent to Peki Blengo in 1948 through Vincent Glover and his family. In 1957, the first evangelist, Pastor P. K. Asare, was posted to take care of the little flock at Peki. One of the converts, Elder Andrews Asimadu, took the message to Ziavi in 1968. Pastor B. K. Opoku was posted to Peki in 1974 to continue the spread of the gospel. Pastor M. A. Bediako led in the opening of the church in Ho in the same year.3

Other ministers, such as Pastors E. O. Abbey, Gabriel Boakye Dankwa, Andrews Ewoo, William Cobbina, P. O. Mensah, D. R. Asafo, C. K. Abia, Sampson Adjare, Messavi Ayivor, L. D. K. Dotse, Stephen L. Romeo, S. Y. Agboado, Chris Lambert, Simon Kokonu, G. Y. Agboado, F. K. Denyo, Bright Bukuda, J. K. Nketia, Giddeon Anatui, Emmanuel Gaizer, Richard Daves, and Madam Vivian Anyadoe, also led in planting and nurturing churches and played numerous other roles in establishing the presence of Adventism in the Volta Region.4

Creation of Volta Ghana Mission

In November 2014, the South Ghana Conference created the Volta Ghana Administration Unit with its headquarters in Ho and inaugurated it on January 10, 2015, with Pastor Emmanuel Gaizer as director, Pastor Richard as secretary, and Madam Vivian Anyadoye as treasurer.5 In November 2016, during the reorganization of the fields in the Southern Ghana Union Conference territory, the Volta Ghana Administrative Unit was divided into two mission fields for the growth of the work in the Volta Region. The Volta South Ghana Mission, with its headquarters in Ho, was under Pastor Chris Kwesi Lambert as the president, Pastor Stephen Agboado as the executive secretary, and Elder Stephen Ahiadeke as treasurer. Subsequently, the Volta North Ghana Mission had its headquarters in Jasikan, with Pastor Richard Daves as president, Pastor George Kuzagbe as executive secretary, and Pastor Daniel Faakye as treasurer.6

In December 2018, when the government reorganized Volta Region into two separate regions, namely, Volta and Oti Regions, the name of the Volta South Ghana Mission was changed to Volta Ghana Mission and was voted as such by South Ghana Union Conference Executive Committee on March 6, 2019.7

The mission is home to nine schools. The mission office is housed in a permanent mission headquarters building.8


Minutes of the South Ghana Conference Executive Committee, October 2014. Accra City Conference records, Accra, Ghana.

Minutes of the Southern Ghana Union Conference Executive Committee meeting, March 6, 2019. Southern Ghana Union Conference archives, Accra, Ghana.

Minutes of the Southern Ghana Union Conference Year-End Meetings, November 2016. Southern Ghana Union Conference archives, Accra, Ghana.

Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook. Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press, 2019.

Southern Ghana Union Conference Statistical Report, 2nd quarter, 2019. Southern Ghana Union Conference archives, Accra, Ghana.


  1. “Volta South Ghana Mission,” Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press, 2019), 406.

  2. Southern Ghana Union Conference Statistical Report, 2nd quarter, 2019, Southern Ghana Union Conference archives, Accra, Ghana.

  3. Pastor B. K. Opoku, interview by Chris Kwesi Lambert, president of Volta Ghana Mission, on November 10, 2014, at Okadjakrom.

  4. Dr. D. R. Asafo, interview by Chris Kwesi Lambert, November 11, 2014, at Ho.

  5. Minutes of the South Ghana Conference Executive Committee, October 2014, Creation of Volta Ghana Administrative Unit, Accra City Conference records, Accra, Ghana.

  6. Minutes of the Southern Ghana Union Conference Year-End Meetings, November 2016, Southern Ghana Union Conference archives, Accra, Ghana.

  7. Minutes of the Southern Ghana Union Conference Executive Committee meeting, March 6, 2019, Southern Ghana Union Conference archives, Accra, Ghana.

  8. Southern Ghana Union Conference Statistical Report, 2nd quarter, 2019, Southern Ghana Union Conference archives, Accra, Ghana.


Agboado, Stephen Yaw. "Volta Ghana Mission." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020. Accessed February 18, 2025. https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=AG7Y.

Agboado, Stephen Yaw. "Volta Ghana Mission." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020. Date of access February 18, 2025, https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=AG7Y.

Agboado, Stephen Yaw (2020, January 29). Volta Ghana Mission. Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved February 18, 2025, https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=AG7Y.