Soren, Simon Mondol (1963–2012)

By Mary Milita Mitra


Mary Milita Mitra, B.A. in Elementary Education (Spicer Memorial and College) and M.A. (Distance Learning Center of the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang Cavite, Philippines). In 1991 she started working at Dhaka Adventist Pre-Seminary. She is married to Pastor David Dulal Mitra. They are blessed with two sons.

First Published: December 10, 2021

Simon Mondol Soren was a pastor and administrator from Bangladesh.

Early Life

Simon Mondol Soren was born on July 10, 1963,1 in Ghamar Debipur (Shiris Tola) in Binod Nogor in Nowabgonj in the Dinajpur district of Bangladesh to Jetu Soren and was Antony Soren. He had seven siblings, including four brothers and three sisters. He spent his childhood in his native village of Ghamar Debipur (Shiris Tola). He was raised in a conservative Roman Catholic family.2

He started his first primary school in his home village of Ghamar Debipur, a beautiful, quiet place amidst the paddy fields. It is around 10 kilometers west from the district city. Because his parents wanted him to have better education and the village school could not give that to him, his parents sent him to Binod Nogor in Nabobgonj to attend a Catholic school where he could learn about Christianity and be engaged in other religious activities. After completing the eighth grade, he went to Beldanga in the Dinajpur district to attend a school for higher education for the Catholic boys.3

When Soren was 15 years old, he attended a public school in Beldanga, not very far from his home, and he stayed in a Catholic dormitory. He became acquainted with Deepok, a classmate who happened to be his neighbor. (Deepok, at the time of this writing, is now the principal of one of the Seventh-day Adventist Maranatha Seminary and School in the West Bangladesh Mission). Deepok is a Seventh-day Adventist, and Soren noticed that he did not attend school during the Sabbath.4 Deepok shared his faith with Soren and, as time passed by, Simon did not forget about the Sabbath. A few years later, Soren met Pastor Subash Ritchil, who was the district pastor of a Seventh-day Adventist Church in that area. (The district center in that area is in Beldanga.) Pastor Ritchil gave him Bible studies while he was at Beldanga. Soren had completed his high school and was about to register for college. Pastor Subash Ritchil told him about Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College (BASC) in Gowalbathan in Kaliakori, Gazipur, and encouraged him to register there. With this encouragement, Soren agreed to go to Adventist college. Before going to BASC, he was baptized by Pastor Ritchil in 1984.5

Education and Marriage

He came to Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College in 1984 to study in the junior college.6 After completing junior college, he married Esther Shamoli Dey, born on February 11, 1965, on April 14, 1987.7 She was from a Hindu family and was converted into Seventh-day Adventism when she attended Kellog Mokherjee Memorial Seminary.8 Soren completed his B.A. from Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College with a major in Education in 1997. He had earned an M.A. degree from the Distance Learning Center of Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies in 2003. God had blessed their family with two children. Their son Koyel Soren was born on December 31, 1989, and their daughter Camelia Srity Soren was born on March 10, 1998.9 Koyel Soren is married, and his wife is Sheuli Sunoyana Soren. They had a child named Cain Soren born on December 22, 2019. Koyel Soren is currently working with destitute and street children. Camelia Soren is a Registered Nurse.10


Soren started denominational service in 1987 as a teacher and evangelist at Mohur Seventh-day Adventist Church. Soren served in different capacities such as being a teacher, evangelist, and district pastor. He was then appointed district pastor for the Kakduar district in 1990. In 1994, he was chosen to complete his graduate program at Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College. He graduated in 1996 and accepted the call to serve as vice-principal of the Maranatha School in Bajitpur in Joypurhat. In 1999, he was appointed as education director and sponsorship coordinator for the West Bangladesh Mission. From 2004-2008, Soren served as executive secretary of the West Bangladesh Mission.11 In 2009-2010, he was appointed as executive secretary for the South Bangladesh Mission in Gopalgonj. On February 5, 2010, he was ordained as a pastor.12 In 2011, he was appointed as president of that same West Bangladesh Mission.13 He had baptized many during his ministry and performed other of the church functions. His son Koel said his father was always inspired by the Bible text found in 1 Peter 5: 7 “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”14


Soren had been suffering from kidney diseases and was undergoing regular monthly dialysis. He never retired before he died on March 12, 2012, at the Rajshahi Medical College.15 He was buried in Bajitpur in Panchbibi in Joypurhat, his home area.16 The funeral service was conducted by Pastor Daniel Chandra Boidya, president of East Bangladesh Mission of Seventh-day Adventist Church of Bangladesh. 17


Simon Soren was a dedicated pastor and a humble leader. He was known to be a God-fearing man.18 He was a role model for young workers in terms of faithfulness to duties and faithful stewardship.


Personal Service Record of Simon Soren, Far Eastern Division, Bangladesh Union Mission Archives.

Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association. Various years.


  1. Personal Service Record of Simon Soren, Far Eastern Division, Bangladesh Union Mission Archives.

  2. Philimon Lal Soren, brother of Simon Soren, interview by author, May 12, 2020.

  3. Deepok Murmu, friend of Simon Soren, interview by author, May 28, 2020.

  4. Esther Shamoli Soren, wife of Simon Soren, interview by author, May 29, 2020.

  5. Pastor Subash Ritchil, teacher and pastor of Simon Soren, interview by author, December 28, 2020.

  6. Philimon Lal Soren, brother of Simon Soren, interview by author, May 12, 2020.

  7. Personal Service Record of Simon Soren.

  8. Esther Shamoli Soren, wife of Simon Soren, interview by author, May 29, 2020.

  9. Personal Service Record of Simon Soren.

  10. Esther Shamoli Soren, wife of Simon Soren, interview by author, May 29, 2020.

  11. Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2005), 344.

  12. Personal Service Record of Simon Soren.

  13. Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2012), 402.

  14. Koel Soren, son of Simon Soren, interview by author, June 20, 2019.

  15. Esther Shamoli Soren, wife of Simon Soren, interview by author, May 29, 2020.

  16. Ciril Minjee, colleague at West Bangladesh Mission, interview by author, December 12, 2019.

  17. Daniel Chandra Boidya, president of East Bangladesh Mission, interview by author, November 27, 2019.

  18. David D. Mitra, president of West Bangladesh Mission, interview by author, May 21, 2020.


Mitra, Mary Milita. "Soren, Simon Mondol (1963–2012)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. December 10, 2021. Accessed February 14, 2025.

Mitra, Mary Milita. "Soren, Simon Mondol (1963–2012)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. December 10, 2021. Date of access February 14, 2025,

Mitra, Mary Milita (2021, December 10). Soren, Simon Mondol (1963–2012). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved February 14, 2025,