Central Visayan Conference
By Charles L. Nogra, and Jobe Grace P. Hallasgo
Charles L. Nogra is the incumbent president of Central Visayan Conference. Nogra has B.A. in Theology from Mountain View College, Valencia, Philippines and Master in Public Health degree from Adventist University of the Philippines. He had served as a district pastor in CVC, chaplain and health educator at Bacolod Adventist Medical Center, Health director of CPUC for 13 years and executive secretary of CVC for 8 years. He is completing his Doctorate in Human Resource Management from San Jose Recolitus, Cebu City, Philippines. He is married to Jimmalyn Cabaluna Nogra. They have four children.
Jobe Grace P. Hallasgo teaches at Adventist Academy- Cebu (AAC). Hallasgo is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics at Mountain View College, Valencia, Bukidnon, Philippines. Her work experience was spent mainly as a ministerial spouse as she is married to Harold Hallasgo, a minister, serving at Central Visayan Conference. They have three children.
First Published: April 26, 2022
Central Visayan Conference is a part of the Central Philippine Union Conference in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists. It was organized in 1965 and reorganized in 1998. Its headquarters is in Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines.
Territory: Provinces of Bohol, Cebu, and Masbate.
Statistics (June 30, 2021): Churches, 313; membership, 52,180; population, 6,570,013.1
Origin of the Adventist Work in Territory of Conference
The mission work in Central Visayan Conference (CVC) dates back more than a hundred years under the auspices of the medical and publishing ministries. It started as the Cebuan Mission station in 1914 along with two newly opened mission stations in Panay and Northern Luzon as a move by the Seventh-day Adventist Church from America to advance the work in the South Philippines.2
The first Adventist missionaries to work in Cebu were the Fatteberts and Stewarts. Brother Robert Stewart (and his wife) arrived in January 1914 as a self-supporting colporteur. Based in Cebu City, he worked during the mornings only, studying the language in the afternoons, and giving Bible readings in the evening. His orders during the first eight weeks of canvassing amounted to 530 pesos, which later swelled to 6,000 pesos.
On February 15, 1914, after their mission service in Mexico (1906-1913), Dr. Ullyses Charles (Carlos) Fattebert, who was educated in the Healdsburg and Battle Creek colleges, as well as the University of St. Louis, and his wife Ellen I. Burril settled as medical missionaries in Argao, Cebu, a small coastal town 65 kilometers from the city of Cebu. Dr. Fattebert’s medical work and knowledge of the Spanish language were effective approaches to connect with the residents since they opened many doors to embracing the message. After three months, they began holding regular Sabbath services in their home and were even able to hold services in the native language. The Lord blessed them with nine Sabbath-keepers and a lot of inquirers, so many that in September 1914, Pastor L. V. Finster made his second visit to Cebu, baptizing five. That led to the organization of a church with ten members.3 A few months later, a man from China was added to the fold as a direct fruit of medical work, according to Dr. Fattebert.4
The book work created so much interest near Cebu that they found it necessary for the mission to be relocated. In March 1916, the mission station was transferred to the capital city of Cebu from Argao. Bro. Robert Stewart’s literature ministry had reached as far as Bohol, Negros, Leyte, and Samar. Dr. and Mrs. Fattebert conducted tent meetings in the area. According to him, people seemed to be afraid to enter the tent and sit down, but they hung on the ropes, squatted down outside, or sat on the steps of the huts nearby. Nevertheless, people were eager to hear the message.5
In January 1917, Dr. Fattebert went to Daanbantayan with a colporteur who was selling books and magazines, and they did house visitation. When he went back with his wife to the same town the following year, staying there for three weeks, a total of 15 were baptized, of whom six belonged to families of church members. In July 1918, two were baptized in Daanbantayan and two from Consolacion, Cebu.6
In 1921, the missionary couple of Dr. and Mrs. Fattebert, stationed in Mindanao in the area of Misamis also became instrumental to develop fledgling believers in that area. Their presence must have been missed by the Cebuan Mission church members, yet their influence was evident in the faith of the growing members in the mission as the following year. After they transferred in 1922, the Cebu City Seventh-day Adventist Church was established.
The Island of Bohol and Masbate were not excluded from hearing the gospel message. The first church in Bohol was established in La Hacienda, Alicia. Mariano Casil was known to be among the first converts. He was baptized in 1933. Casabangan, a barangay of Cataingan, had been a cradle of the first church and was the place where the first church school in Masbate stood.
From the island of Cebu, the message of salvation spread with lightning rapidity towards the other islands of the Eastern and Central Visayas and even the big island of Mindanao.
Organizational History of the Conference
The Cebuan Mission, which started in 1914, was known as the East Visayan Mission in 1923. This field was comprised of the Cebuan language area that included the islands of Cebu, Bohol, Leyte, Oriental Negros, Misamis, and Surigao.7 Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Fatterbert and Brother Robert Stewart with his wife pioneered the mission work there. With the medical and literature ministries as the forefront approach, the mission work progressed as years went on, with the number of converts soaring. The first general meeting in Cebuan Mission was held in 1917 with 25 members in attendance.8
When Dr. Fattebert was sent to Mindanao in 1921, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Weidemann sailed to Cebu from Manila to take over the leadership in the mission.9 The Cebuan Mission house was to be located next to a certain church as described by O. F. Sevrens, who made a trip to the Southern Islands.10
The Cebuan Mission held its first provincial general meeting on August 24-27, 1923. It was attended by 150 members, comprising delegates from Cebu, Bohol, Leyte, Oriental Negros, and a portion of Mindanao. Pastor S. E. Jackson, superintendent of the Philippine Union, was in attendance throughout the Cebuan meeting, as was Pastor R. R. Breitigam, president of the Central-Southern Luzon Conference besides Brother M. F. Weidemann, formerly stationed at Cebu as foreign representative for that district. Weidemann was about to move to Manila because of his election as Union Field Missionary secretary. Pastor Wenceslao Rodriguez had had excellent success as an evangelistic leader among the Cebuan people, and was beloved by all. He continued to serve as treasurer of the mission and as a leader of the evangelistic team.11
Following a general meeting, two institutes were held for a week for the colporteurs, and another for the Bible workers and evangelists. Colpolteurs during this time were the main frontlines in spreading the gospel wherein the three groups worked in the field of Bohol and two in Mindanao.12
At the close of 1925, the membership was well beyond 700. An offering amounting to P2700 was collected for the building of Cebu City Central Church.13
On February 8, 1926, during the annual session of the East Visayan Mission, G. H. Murrin then took over the leadership in the Mission as the director/treasurer, and Manuel Kintanar, who was known to be the first Cebuan ordained minister, served as the secretary. Headquarters at this time was at F. Ramos St., No. 29, Cebu.
On August 14, 1926, eight were baptized in Pinamungahan, Cebu, through Pablo Malisod. In Medillin, Cebu, 11 were baptized on August 21. Pastor Rodriguez baptized six in Guindulman and Duero, Bohol. There was also a baptism done on September 4 in Mainit, Carcar, Cebu, through the labors of Pastor S. E. Jackson and Abdon Capobres, the latter of whom was a wealthy fellow who had met M. F. Weidemann in 1922. Abdon Capobres bought a few of our publications from M. F. Weidemann worth P500, and that led him to the light of truth.14
The number of baptisms for the first half of the year 1927 totaled 208. A few members emigrated to Cataingan on the island of Masbate from Daanbantayan; and because of their missionary spirit, ten were baptized in Masbate, and another 24, who were already keeping the commandments of God, were ready for baptism by September. Masbate was a territory previously unentered. Of the 103 baptisms, 69 were first interested in the truth through church members, 29 by workers, 4 by colporteurs, and 1 by tent service. A total of 67 studied the doctrines with workers, 36 with members; 90 percent were prepared for baptism by workers.15
From 1928 to 1929, F. L. Chaney acted as the Mission director, and he worked with Cebuan Mission native ordained ministers Manuel Kintanar and Wenceslao Rodriguez.16
When the East Visayan Mission headquarters was transferred to Tres de Abril St., San Nicolas St. Cebu City, in 1930, L. O. Pattison headed the mission.
From 1931 up to 1945, the time of liberation in the Philippines, people who were not natives were still directing the Mission. W. B. Riffel, A. A. Douglas, and E. N. Lugenbeal were the ones who led the Mission during these years. In 1935, A. A. Douglas was elected president. He served until 1938, then he was appointed as Philippine Union College Bible department head in 193917, and he was succeeded by E. N. Lugenbeal, who served in 1940-1941. W. B. Riffel served as acting president again from 1942 to 1945.
At the close of 1933, the membership had reached a total of 3,809.18
Baptism in 1934 led to the opening of evangelism in some unentered areas in the Mission. In Camotes Island, 13 were baptized; 9 in Northern Cebu; in Leyte, six families were baptized. The laymen’s movement had been a mighty factor in the winning of souls, contributing 70 percent of the baptisms.19 In that year, membership totaled 4,077.
In 1936, the East Visayan Mission was reported to have the largest membership in the union with 4,637, comprising 32 percent of the members of Philippine Union Mission. The faithful work of the churches and lay workers at this time was unprecedented. Eighty percent of the baptisms took place due to the effort of the laity.20
On April 20-24,1946, the East Visayan Mission held its second postwar biennial general meeting, and it was held in the Academy Plaza at Bulacao, a suburb of Talisay, Cebu. The attendance was about fifteen hundred people. R. S. Llaguno took over the leadership in the Mission while they temporarily had their headquarters in Calamba St., Cebu City. Elected officers on the said general meeting were R. S. Llaguno – superintendent, L. L. Villanueva – secretary-treasurer, T. A. Layon – Home Missionary volunteer, G. B. DSilud – Educational and Home commissioner, R. C. Cuizon – Medical, and P. G. Almocera – Publishing. The Sabbath School secretary was referred to the executive committee.21
In 1947, East Visayan Mission had already 140 churches and companies with 4,483 members. During this year, six tent efforts were launched. Recorded in 1948, the mission had 150 churches and companies with 4,928 baptized members. Four tent efforts were held during this year, and several companies of believers were organized as a result.
In 1949, R. S. Llaguno was then elected as the first Filipino president of the mission. In that year, the mission already had 25 workers, 21 church schools, 28 teachers, 85 regular LE’s, and 12 academy teachers. The Mission was seen to be on a sound basis financially for there had been a steady increase in tithes, mission offerings, and ingathering. More souls had also been won even during the first half of the year compared to the soul winning number in the previous two years. At this time, central clinic was top in the Mission’s projected plan regarding attending to the needs of the brethren in Mindanao and also presenting the gospel through the health work. Mindanao was still part of the Mission’s territory at this time.22
M. C. Warren was the mission president from 1950 to 1951, then P. B. Gonzales succeeded him in 1952-1955. From 1956 to 1958, E. A. Capobres served as president. It was during his term when the Miller Sanitarium and hospital started to operate as a fledgling 20-bed dispensary in 1956.23
On May 18, 1958, the Capitol Center Church was organized. It has helped by widening the outlook when it came to city evangelism. Pastor J. R. Spangler and workers from the different Missions made up the Capitol Center team.24 In the same year, progress in the Mission was evident through this data: 10,359 members; 41 LE’s.; 8 church schools; tithes – P 110,031.08; offerings – P 19,489.86. A total of 57,132.67 pieces of literature were sold.25
From 1959 to 1963, those who served as president in the Central Visayan Mission were F. M. Arrogante, J. R. Obregon, and T. A. Layon.
With the progress of God’s work in the Visayas, the Central Philippine Union Mission was organized in 1964. L. L. Quirante was elected first president of the newly organized union.26 On December 21-24, 1964, the first year-end committee meeting of CPUM was held at its headquarters in Cebu City. The meeting resulted in a significant outcome, the organization of new missions. After over half a century, the Cebuan Mission birthed new Missions, namely the Central Visayan Mission (CVM) and the East Visayan Mission (EVM). The provinces of Bohol, Cebu, and Masbate comprised the former, with headquarters located at Cebu City and the two islands of Leyte and Samar; the latter, with headquarters in Tacloban City as of January 1, 1965. Their first elected president was B. R. Arit, and their office was in Escario St., Cebu City. The new named Mission started with 12,735 members, 108 churches, 146 companies, and a 101-member working force comprising 23 district workers, 13 elementary teachers, 13 East Visayan Academy teachers, and 52 colporteurs (having the largest number of working force).27 In the same year, a layman from Masbate was impressed to donate P8,000 to construct the semi-concrete elementary school building in Buenavista, Uson. B. R. Arit served as CVM president until 1968.28 The organized Union (CPUM) then comprised Central Visayan, East Visayan, Negros, and West Visayan Missions.
The new reorganized Mission, CVM, continued its evangelism activities, entering areas that had seemed unexplored. With D. M. Niere serving as president in 1969-1970, the Lapu-lapu Center effort opened to the public on May 19, 1968, and resulted in 34 souls being baptized on June 25, 1968. Sta. Rosa Island Medical Mission was also spearheaded by Miller Sanitarium, with Dr. Loreto Garcia serving 300 beneficiaries.29 Medical Aid was brought to Islands in a boat using 2 Pump Boats. Herald I was run by Brother Ruben Moralde, an evangelist for the island of Burias. Herald II for Bohol Island was headed by Ramon Almocera and his wife Veronica. Based in Ubay, layman Dr. Dalmacio Jabellana accompanied the team.30
When J. R. Obregon assumed the presidency in the Mission, Alcantara Town was reached by holding an evangelistic crusade on February 14, 1971, coordinated by the team of Ruben Moralde and Ptr. I. B. Ravelo. The meeting was held in Mr. Vergara’s lot. Mr. R. Canete, the town’s mayor, offered his home for the team’s use. The Miller Hospital medical team also conducted a free clinic to 150 people, and that helped usher 250 attendees to the nightly meetings.31
The following served as president in CVM after J. R. Obregon and before it became a conference: F. P. Penola (1974-1975); V. F. Bocala (1976-1979); O. L. Alolor (1980); N. L. Ornopia (1981-1982); O. L. Alolor (1983-1985); R. P. Moralde (1986-1987); J. M. Wales (1988-1994); A. J. Catane, Jr. (1995-1996); and W. R. Barreta (1997).
On June 27, 1989, during the term of J. M. Wales, the Cebu Printing Shop (PPH Printing Shop) located in Bulacao, Talisay City, Cebu, was purchased by the CVM and renamed the CVM Printing Press. Alexander Moralde was then designated as the business manager. The press printed calendars, tithe and offering receipts, Adventist hymnbooks, and Cebuano songs (Mga Balaang Alawiton).32
The Mission continued to flourish through the years with God’s leading. It had established schools, increased number of colporteurs and their sales, held youth empowerment programs, encouraged tithe givers, did church planting efforts, and had more evangelistic effort in various ways. After having been evaluated with its various areas of progress, the Central Visayan Mission was qualified to be organized as a conference in 1998, thus the name, Central Visayan Conference. The first president to serve in the new conference was A. J. Catane. It started with a membership of 38,483, 181 organized churches, 35 ministers, 72 LE’s, 18 academy teachers, and 29 church school teachers.33
W. R. Barreta served as the second president of the Conference. He served two successful terms in the office of the presidency with a 3-year term (2004-2010). In 2011, E. T. Barlizo, the 3rd president of the conference, was first to serve a prosperous quinquennium term, 5-year term (2011-2015). He then was called to serve as executive secretary in the Union.
Since the birth of the Conference, it has already hurdled through two decades of toil for the Master. The headquarters that had stood for many years in Escario, St., Cebu City was sold. CVC headquarters was transferred temporarily to the LMS building on October 16, 2017.34 Under construction, the new proposed headquarters is located at Sta.Lucia, Bulacao, Talisay City, Cebu.
Despite the pandemic that arose in 2020 (COVID-19), the work never ceases. Movement is still limited even after two years of being under the pandemic, but work still goes on in response to the mandate for the quinquennium 2020-2025, “I Will Go.”
The CVC 7th Constituency Meeting pushed through, despite the COVID-19 pandemic condition, December 13-14, 2021, at Adventist Academy – Cebu, Talisay City, Cebu was attended by 412 delegates in the main venue. The meeting was a hybrid one as other participants from Bohol province and Masbate province met through the Zoom digital platform due to challenges in restrictions brought by the pandemic.
Administrators elected to serve for the term 2021-2025 included Charles L. Nogra – president, Abel P. Guttierez – executive secretary, and Ullyses R. Eullaran – treasurer. At the close of 2021, the end of the quinquennium term–a year later due to pandemic–the Conference celebrated God’s goodness with its fruitage. The church membership reached 55,574, 316 churches and 110 companies of believers were organized. This is also because of the consolidated effort of the brethren and the leadership of 51 ministers, 58 LE’s, 51 academy workers, and 36 church school teachers.35
God’s leading in the church has been evident. Thus, CVC bears the acronym “Christ our Victory in Crisis.”
Presidents Chronology
Cebuan Mission/ East Visayan Mission: Ullyses Charles Fattebert (1914-1921); M. F. Weidemann (1921-1923); Director G. H. Murrin (1926); Director S. E. Jackson (1927); Director/Treasurer G.H. Murrin (1928); Director/Treasurer F. L. Chaney (1929); L. O. Pattison (1930); Acting Director/Treasurer W. B Riffel (1931-1937); A. A. Douglas (1935-1938); E. N. Lugenbeal (1940-1941); W. B. Riffel (acting) (1942-1945); R. S. Llaguno (1946); Superintendent R. S. Llaguno (1947-1948); President - R. S. Llaguno (1949); M. C. Warren (1950-1951); P. B. Gonzales (1952-1955); E. A. Capobres (1956-1958); F. M. Arrogante (1959-1960); J. R. Obregon (1961-1962); T. A. Layon (1963).
Central Visayan Mission: B. R. Arit (1965-1967); D. M. Niere (1968-1969); J. R. Obregon (1970-1973); F. P. Penola (1974-1975); V. F. Bocala (1976-1979); O. L. Alolor (1980); N. L. Ornopia (1981-1982); O. L. Alolor (1983-1985); R. P. Moralde (1986-1987); J. M. Wales (1988-1994); A. J. Catane, Jr. (1995-1996); W. R. Barreta (1997).
Central Visayan Conference: A. J. Catane, Jr. (1998-2003); W. R. Barreta (2004-2010); E. T. Barlizo, Jr. (2011-2015); D. G. Trazo (2016-2020); C. L. Nogra (2020- ).
Arit, B. R. “A New Mission is Born.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, March 1965.
Arrogante, F. M. “East Visayan Mission.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, June 1959.
Chaney, B. S. ARH, October 25, 1928.
Chaney, B. S. “Progress in Southern Philippines.” ARH, October 25, 1928.
Central Visayan Conference Executive Committee Meeting Action #2017-296. Central Visayan Conference Archives, Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines.
Central Visayan Conference Secretariat Quarterly (4th Quarter) Report 2021. Central Visayan Conference Archives, Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines.
Central Visayan Conference Statistical Report 1998. Central Visayan Conference Archives, Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines.
Crisler, C.C. “Day of the Pioneers.” Asiatic Division Outlook, October 15, 1923.
Crisler, C. C. “The Provincial Meeting In Cebu.” Asiatic Division Outlook, October 15, 1923.
“East Visayan Mission.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, June 1959, 10.
“Elder Arthur A. Douglas Is New Pastor in Southeastern.” Pacific Union Recorder, August 16, 1965.
Finster, L. V. “Philippine Island Mission.” Asiatic Division Mission News, January 1, 1915.
Geslani, F. T. “Brief Report of Miller Sanitarium and Hospital.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, 1965.
Llaguno, R. S. “East Visayan Mission.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, November 1949.
Llaguno, R. S. “The East Visayan Mission General Meeting.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, July 1948.
Murrin, G. H. “Results in the East Visayan Mission,” Far Eastern Division Outlook 16, No 10 (1927).
“New Notes from the East Visayan Mission,” Far Eastern Division Outlook 1, December 1926.
Niere, D. M. “Lapu-lapu Effort.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, December 1968.
Obregon, J. R. “Evangelists Plan for Church in Alcantara Town.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, May 1971.
Pacific Union Recorder, August 16, 1965.
Pantaleon, D. P. “Central Visayan Mission Printing Press.” January 29, 2020. Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=2CI4.
Riffel, W. B. “Progress in EVM.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, September 1934.
Riffel, W. B. “Progress in the East Visayan Mission (1932-1933).” Far Eastern Division Outlook, September 1934.
Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook. Various years. https://www.adventistyearbook.org/.
Sevrens, O. F. “Trip Among the Southern Islands, Philippines.” ARH, September 22, 1921.
Stewart, R. E. “From the Philippine Islands.” The Workers Bulletin, July 11, 1916.
Urquhart, E. J. “East Visayan Mission Biennial Session.” Far Eastern Division Outlook July 1936.
“The Cebuan Mission.” Asiatic Division Outlook, March 1, 1919.
Wiedemann, M. F. “The East Visayam General Meeting.” Far Eastern Division Outlook, June 1926.
“Central Visayan Conference,” Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (2021), https://www.adventistyearbook.org/entity?EntityID=13386.↩
L. V. Finster, “Philippine Island Mission,” Asiatic Division Mission News, January 1, 1915, 5.↩
C. C. Crisler, “Day of the Pioneers,” Asiatic Division Outlook, October 15, 1923, 3.↩
B. S. Chaney, “Progress in Southern Philippines,” ARH, October 25, 1928, 8.↩
R. E. Stewart “From the Philippine Islands,” The Workers Bulletin, July 11, 1916, 2.↩
“The Cebuan Mission,” Asiatic Division Outlook, March 1, 1919, 7.↩
Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook, 1920, 171.↩
F. M. Arrogante, “East Visayan Mission,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, June 1959, 10.↩
ARH, May 22, 1922, 10.↩
O. F. Sevrens, “Trip Among the Southern Islands, Philippines,” ARH, September 22, 1921, 15.↩
C. C. Crisler “The Provincial Meeting In Cebu,” Asiatic Division Outlook, October 15, 1923, 3.↩
M. F. Wiedemann, “The East Visayan General Meeting,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, June 1926, 3.↩
“New Notes from the East Visayan Mission,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, December 1926, 7.↩
G. H. Murrin, “Results in the East Visayan Mission,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, October 1927, 6.↩
B. S. Chaney, October 25, 1928, 8, 9.↩
Pacific Union Recorder, August 16, 1965, 6.↩
W. B. Riffel, “Progress in EVM,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, September 1934, 6.↩
W. B. Riffel, “Progress in the East Visayan Mission (1932-1933),” Far Eastern Division Outlook, September 1934, 7.↩
E. J. Urquhart, “East Visayan Mission Biennial Session,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, July 1936, 5.↩
R. S. Llaguno, “The East Visayan Mission General Meeting,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, July 1948, 4.↩
R. S. Llaguno, “East Visayan Mission,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, November 1949, 3.↩
F. T. Geslani “Brief Report of Miller Sanitarium and Hospital,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, July 1966, 14.↩
F. M. Arrogante, “East Visayan Mission,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, June 1959, 10.↩
Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook, 1983, 126.↩
B. R. Arit, “A New Mission is Born,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, March 1965.↩
M. G. Jereos, “Central Visayan Mission Receives the Efficiency Endeavor Award for 1965,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, January 1967, 14.↩
D. M. Niere, “Lapu-lapu Effort,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, December 1968, 5.↩
D. M. Niere, “Medical Aid Brought to Islands in a Boat,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, January 1970.↩
J. R. Obregon, “Evangelists Plan for Church in Alcantara Town,” Far Eastern Division Outlook, May 1971, 9.↩
D. P. Pantaleon, “Central Visayan Mission Printing Press,” Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists, https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=2CI4.↩
Central Visayan Conference Statistical Report 1998.↩
Central Visayan Conference Executive Committee Meeting Action # 2017-296.↩
Central Visayan Conference Secretariat Quarterly (4th Quarter) Report 2021.↩