Langh Sawm Mang (1945–2009)
By Do Hen Pau
Do Hen Pau, born in Myanmar, studied in mission schools and completed his advanced studies at Spicer Memorial College, India. He worked in various capacities from 1969 to 2010 as an evangelist, assistant pastor, translator, bookkeeper/accountant, secretary-treasurer, assistant union treasurer, union treasurer, and manager of the Kinsaung Publishing House.
First Published: December 7, 2021
Langh Sawm Mang was an educator, administrator and translator from Myanmar.
Early Life, Education and Marriage
Langh Sawm Mang was born on November 12, 1945 to Tual Thawng and Zel Khaw Zen. Both of his parents were Baptists. He was raised up at Kaptel Village Tedim Township, Chin State, Myanmar. They were a family of farmers. Mang had five other siblings, three males and two females. He was the fifth of six children: Khup Khan Thang (son), Ging Za Ning (daughter), Tel Lian Nang (son), Ngak Don Cing (daugther), Langh Sawm Mang (son), and Tual Khan Pau (son).1
Langh Sawm Mang spent his early childhood life and studied at the Kaptel State Middle School from Primary to 7th standard (1953–1960), and from 8th standard through 10th at Seventh-day Adventist High School, Kyauttaing, Toungoo, Bago Region. He passed High School Final (HSF), equivalent to Matriculation and also Division School Leaving Certificate (DSLC) in March 1964. After that, he continued on to Special Ministerial Training Course (SMTC) at Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary, Myaungmya (1964–1965).2
On October 30, 1967, Langh Sawm Mang married Vung Ngaih Lian at Cikha village, Tonzang Township, Chin State. Langh Sawm Mang had seven daugthers (Zen Khan Ning, Niang Khawl Cing, Cing Lam Mang, Mon Don Lun, Thawng Suan Dim, Hau Sian Don, and Cing Zam Niang) and one son (Sian Suan Mung).3
Langh Sawm Mang’s initial employment was a teacher for one year (1965–1966) at the Seventh-day Adventist Primary School, Taungbawsu Village, Myaungmya Township, Ayeryarwaddy Region. He was appointed as a proof-reader for one year (1966–1967) at The Kinsuang Press, 72 U Wisara Road, Yangon, Myanmar, and evangelist for one year (1967–1968) at Cikha Village, Tonzang Township, Chin State. He was on leave of absence for a year (1968–1969) and shortly after that he was reinstated as contract translator for three years (1970–1973) at Tedim, Chin State; pastor and district leader for 11 years (1974–1984), Tonzang District and Cikha Church, Tonzang Township; and he was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1983 at the Union Triennial Session in Yangon.4
He was elected as Ministerial Director for seven years (1985–1991) in Upper Myanmar Mission, Pyinoolwin, Mandalay Region;5 Director for Voice of Prophecy Correspondence School, 72 U Wisara Road, Yangon for one year (1992);6 and coordinator of the Batchelor of Arts degree in Religion (1993–1994), Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary, Myaungmya; Principal, Upper Myanmar Adventist Seminary, Gyothonbin, Kalamyo Township, Sagaing Region for one year;7 Executive Secretary, Upper Myanmar Mission for five years (1997–2001)8 in Pyinoolwin, Mandalay Region; from 2002–2005, Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Director9 for four years at Myanmar Union Mission Headquarters, Yangon; President for South East Mission, Mawlamyine, Mon State in (2006–2007)10 for a year.
Later Life
Langh Sawm Mang served the Seventh-day Adventist Church denomination in various capacities for 37 long years. He retired on December 2007.11 He and his wife with dependent children settled down permanently in Minkyaung Road, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Langh Sawm Mang died on September 27, 2009 at the age of 64.
Langh Sawm Mang was a member of Zomi Baptist Convention gospel songs producing committee and also a member of Biblical translation on Tedim Chin dialect from Revised Standard Version.
Langh Sawm Mang and Suak Khaw Ngin printed out Ellen G. White’s Testimonies for the Church - volume 1 and Step to Christ in Tedim dialect at Kinsuang Press, Yangon. The volume 2 for Testimonies for the Church was printed out in 1990. He translated and compiled the Zomi Adventist Hymnal on September 2, 1990, and the Adventist Church Manual on December 22, 1991. He was also a regular translator of Sabbath School quarterlies in Tedim dialect.12
Burma Union Committee Minutes. Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.
Langh Sawm Mang’s Worker Service Record, Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.
Myanmar Union Mission Committee Minutes. 2007 – 041. Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.
Thawng Sian Mung, interview by the author, November 7, 2017, in Dagon, Yangon.↩
Langh Sawm Mang’s Worker Service Record, Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.↩
Thawng Sian Mung, interview by the author, November 7, 2017, in Dagon, Yangon.↩
Burma Union Committee Minutes, Action No. 84 – 165; 84 – 200. Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.↩
Langh Sawm Mang’s Worker Service Record, Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.↩
Burma Union Committee Minutes, Action No. 91 – 161. Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.↩
Langh Sawm Mang’s Worker Service Record, Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.↩
Burma Union Committee Minutes, Action No. 96 – 291. Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.↩
Burma Union Committee Minutes, Action No. 2001 – 204. Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.↩
Burma Union Committee Minutes, Action No. 2005 – 142. Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.↩
Myanmar Union Mission Committee Minutes, 2007 – 041. Archive in the office of Myanmar Union Mission.↩
Thawng Sian Mung, interview by the author, November 7, 2017, in Dagon, Yangon.↩