Gerometta, Isidoro Andrés (1921–2011)

By Roberto Pereyra


Roberto Pereyra

First Published: January 29, 2020

Isidoro Andrés Gerometta was a pastor, professor, director of Adventist high school institutions in Argentina and Uruguay, and rector of River Plate Academy (current River Plate Adventist University).1

Early Years, Education, and Family

Born July 3, 1921, in Tacuarendí, Santa Fe province, Argentina, he was the younger of seven brothers2 and the son of Luis Eduardo Gerometta (1890-1939) and María Magdalena Casali. His mother, impressed by the care she received at the River Plate Sanitarium (Entre Ríos, Argentina) and for the health instruction that she learned there, eventually sent Isidoro to study at its neighboring institution, River Plate Academy. There he embraced Adventism. After his baptism in November 1938, he began sharing his beliefs with other members of his family, who accepted it.

Isidoro Gerometta earned a number of degrees and certifications, including a bachelor degree in theology from River Plate Academy (1944); secondary certification from the Teaching School “José María Torres” (1946), Paraná, Entre Ríos; qualified as a mathematics teacher through a teacher training exam; graduated as a history teacher from the National Institute of Teachers, Paraná, Entre Ríos (1955); and completed teaching qualifications in theology from River Plate Academy (1968).

He married Irene Angélica Hardy February 5, 1947, their marriage lasting 64 years. Irene was born December 22, 1921, in Villa Ocampo, Santa Fe. Her parents were Zenón Hardy and Clementina Casali. Baptized in 1936 in Villa Ocampo, Santa Fe, she graduated as a nurse in Rosario, Santa Fe, and as a secondary school teacher in Puiggari, Entre Ríos (1954). The couple had four children: Alicia Celia, Lilia Beatriz, Raúl Oscar, and Víctor Hugo, all of them born in Puiggari (Libertador San Martín), Entre Ríos.3 Germetta’s sons-in-law were Héctor Ramos and Roberto Pereyra, and his daughters-in-law Wilma Esther Klosko and Graciela Fornerón.

Educational Service

Starting his denominational service February 15, 1947, Gerometta’s 35 years of active ministry for the Adventist Church (1947-1982) included various responsibilities in the field of education: teacher at the River Plate Academy (1947-1954); director and teacher at North Argentine Academy, Leandro N. Alem, Misiones, Argentina (1955-1960); director and teacher at Uruguay Academy, Progreso, Uruguay (1961-1965); teacher (1966-1970) and director of student affairs at River Plate Academy (1971-1972); director of North Argentine Academy, Leandro N. Alem, Misiones, Argentina (1973-1977); teacher (1978) and writer at River Plate Academy (1979-1982).4

During his first tenure at North Argentine Academy (1955-1960) the school acquired property, made building improvements, constructed a new women’s dorm, installed electricity on the campus, inaugurated the institutional magazine “Murmullos del Bosque” [Whispers of the Woods], and composed the school song, with lyrics by Gastón Fayard and music by Idilio Rodolfo Peverini. The academy also negotiated with the National Superintendence of Private Education (SNEP) to start a teaching course.5

His leadership at the Uruguay Academy (1961-1965), aided by grants from the Austral Union Conference and the South American Division, led to the development of the food factory “Frutigran” (1962). It supplied employment for students and generated income for the institution.6

His second administrative term at North Argentine Academy (1973-1977) coincided with the institution's Golden Anniversary and the completion of the new men’s dorm. Student enrollment increased, buildings underwent remodeling, and improvements in the drinking water system took place. The school replaced its vehicle fleet, commenced the first stages of a new church structure with a capacity for 1,200 people, and formalized the Bachillerato con Orientación Docente (BOD) [Baccalaureate with Teaching Orientation].7

Under his leadership as rector at River Plate Academy (1979-1982) the school achieved two things of special significance for the Austral Union Conference and South American Division: On June 24, 1979, the South American Division created the Latin-American Adventist Theological Seminary (SALT), beginning classes for Masters in Theology at the CAP, Argentinian headquarters on January 5, 1981. Also, on September 9, 1979, the Ellen G. White Estate established a research center to serve believers in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.8

Final Years and Legacy

After his retirement in 1982, he volunteered as the interim director of Uruguay Academy (1983),9 and for a period of one year was professor of history at the newly launched Balcarce Adventist Academy, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1984). Then medical doctors urged him to stop working. Although he had endured a chronic disease for more than 20 years, his mind remained alert until his last day.

Isidoro Andrés Gerometta died April 23, 2011, at the age of 89, in Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos, Argentina, leaving a legacy of faith for his wife, four children, 13 grandchildren, and fourteen great-grandchildren, and also to all those who knew him. Pastor Isidoro Gerometta was a teacher affectionately remembered by both colleagues and students.10


Álvarez, Raúl Roberto. IJBA, hogar de mis recuerdos: orígenes y presente [home of my memories: origins and present]. Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos. Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2018.

Durán, Guillermo. “Inauguración del Centro White” [White Center Inauguration]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], December 1979: 14, 15.

Durán, Guillermo. “Más sobre el Centro White” [More about the White Center]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], December 1979, 15, 16.

“Geni”. Accessed on November 28, 2018.

“Instituto Adventista del Uruguay: Nuestra historia” [Adventist Institute of Uruguay: Our History]. Accessed on November 28, 2018.

La voz del colégio [The voice of the school]. Libertador General San Martín, Entre Ríos, 1968.

Pérez, Raúl. “Falleció el Prof. y Pr. Isidoro Gerometta” [Prof. and Pr. Isidoro Gerometta passed away]. La Agenda Digital: Official Publication of the Press and Dissemination Secretariat of the River Plate Adventist University, April 28, 2011. Accessed on November 28, 2018.

Wensell, Egil H. El poder de una esperanza que educa y sana [The power of a hope that educates and heals]. Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 1993.

Zawadzki, Néstor. “Réquiem para un guerrero” [Requiem for a warrior]. Blog: Ficciones y otras verdades [Fictions and other truths], April 25, 2011. Accessed on November 28, 2018.

Zuliani, Alberto. “Origen, desarrollo y aporte del Instituto Adventista del Uruguay” [Origin, development and contribution of the Adventist Institute of Uruguay]. (Lic. Thesis, Universidad Adventista del Plata [Lic. Thesis, Adventist University of del Plata], 2001.


  1. Records Archive of the Austral Union Conference. Personal Service Registry 595. Accessed on April 9, 2018. Additional information taken from the obituary presented by his student and friend, Prof. Raúl Pérez, on the occasion of his funeral (last modified, April 28, 2011). See also: Raúl Pérez, “Falleció el Prof. y Pr. Isidoro Gerometta” [Prof. and Pr. Isidoro Gerometta passed away], La Agenda Digital [The Digital Agenda]: Official Publication of the Press and Dissemination Secretariat of the River Plate Adventist University, April 28, 2011, on:, accessed on November 28, 2018.

  2. Some of his brothers were: Francisco Luis Gerometta (1913-1981), Leonardo Gerometta (1915), Matilde Gerometta, Juan Gerometta and Teresa Dolores Gerometta. See “Geni”, accessed on November 28, 2018,

  3. Alicia (January 28, 1948), Lilia (August 8, 1951), Raúl (June 24, 1952), Víctor (August 30, 1953).

  4. Egil H. Wensell, El poder de una esperanza que educa y sana [The power of a hope that educates and heals] (Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 1993), 114. See the annual student review La voz del colegio [The voice of the school] (Libertador General San Martín, Entre Ríos, 1968).

  5. Raúl Roberto Álvarez, IJBA, hogar de mis recuerdos: orígenes y presente [home of my memories: origins and present] (Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos. Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2018), 96-106.

  6. Zuliani, 78. See: “Instituto Adventista del Uruguay: Nuestra historia” [Adventist Institute of Uruguay: Our History], accessed on November 28, 2018,

  7. Álvarez, 170-178. Raúl Roberto Álvarez, in his history of the IJBA, records the following comment regarding the second tenure of Pastor Gerometta: “In his administrator profile, we saw a man with ‘sense of divine presence’. He proved to be an ‘imitator of Jesus’ by acting with ‘calm, kindness and patience; by manifesting greatness of spirit, sympathy, tenderness, and self-control.’ He developed ‘positive interpersonal relationships’ veiling at all times and accompanying with his presence all activities. There is no doubt that he marked an educational stage ‘in tune with the philosophy and proposal of Adventist education,’ he endeavored to develop an integral formation: physical, mental, manual and spiritual. He respected and loved the students. He served without reservation at the IJBA, at the Adventist Institute of Uruguay, at the CAP and at the nascent Balcarce Adventist Institute. Álvarez, 180.

  8. Guillermo Durán, “Inauguración del Centro White” [White Center Inauguration], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 1979, no. 12 (December 1979): 14, 15. Guillermo Durán, “Más sobre el Centro White” [More about the White Center], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], December 1979, 15, 16.

  9. Alberto Zuliani, “Origen, desarrollo y aporte del Instituto Adventista del Uruguay” [Origin, development and contribution of the Adventist Institute of Uruguay] (Lic. Thesis, Universidad Adventista del Plata [Lic. Thesis, Adventist University of del Plata] 2001), 115.

  10. See: Néstor Zawadzki, “Réquiem para un guerrero” [Requiem for a warrior], in the blog: Ficciones y otras verdades [Fictions and other truths], April 25, 2011, accessed on November 28, 2018,


Pereyra, Roberto. "Gerometta, Isidoro Andrés (1921–2011)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020. Accessed February 18, 2025.

Pereyra, Roberto. "Gerometta, Isidoro Andrés (1921–2011)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 29, 2020. Date of access February 18, 2025,

Pereyra, Roberto (2020, January 29). Gerometta, Isidoro Andrés (1921–2011). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved February 18, 2025,