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The Adventist Volunteer Service (AVS) is a program fostered by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to mobilize people to volunteer for the mission. In South America, this program is under the administrative responsibility of the South American Division (SAD). The AVS administrative office is located at the SAD headquarters in the city of Brasília, Brazil.
The Missão Calebe (Caleb Mission Project) is an evangelistic program of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South American Division. Its goal is to involve young Adventists in voluntary service and evangelism. Those who participate in the Caleb Mission Project are commonly called “Calebs,” and can be recognized by their shirts and backpacks with the project’s name and logo.
The Espirito Santo Academy (Educandário Espírito Santense Adventista or EDESSA) offers early childhood, elementary, and high school education to day and boarding students. It operates on the territory of the Southeast Brazil Union Conference (União Sudeste Brasileira or USeB) .
Faith For Today is an Adventist television program broadcast in Brazil, produced weekly by TV Novo Tempo (Hope Channel – Brazil). The studio is located in Jacareí city, in the countryside of São Paulo state, Brazil.
The Hope Impact is a Seventh-Day Adventist Church evangelistic project developed in the South American Division territory (SAD). This project is part of a broader integrated evangelism program and consists of the free distribution of books and other missionary materials - printed and digital - in all eight countries assisted by the SAD: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. Since its creation, the Hope Impact has engaged church leaders and members, as well as other supporters and Adventist institutions, whose efforts have reached the most diverse publics in society. The initiative operates from local churches, where members are mobilized and organized into groups and carry out massive and diversified distribution of the material in sparsely or heavily populated locations.
Minas Gerais Adventist College (FADMINAS) is a Seventh-day Adventist educational institution offering elementary, high school, and college instruction. A part of the worldwide Adventist educational network, it enrolls both boarding and day students. It operates on two campuses in the mission field of the Southeast Brazil Union Conference (USeB).
New Life Health Food Products was a vegetarian food industry owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil that operated from 1957 to 1997.
One Year in Mission (OYiM) (Un Año en Misión) is a Seventh-day Adventist Church evangelistic endeavor coordinated by the Youth Ministry department of the General Conference. The goal of this project in the South American Division (SAD) is to promote the participation of Adventist youth in the evangelism of urban centers in eight countries assisted by the SAD.