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Erich Waldemar Bethmann was a linguist, Islamic scholar, and a pioneer Seventh-day Adventist missionary and pastor in the Middle East whose literary work and monograph about Arabs and Muslims became widely known outside Adventist circles.
Julius and Nellie Böttcher worked as teachers and missionaries, and Julius was an administrator for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United States, Germany, Switzerland, and what was then the Russian Empire.
Inter-European Division Biography Educators Missionaries Couples
Joseph Curdy was a writer, editor, evangelist, educator, pastor, and church administrator from Switzerland.
David and Virginie Delhove were pioneer missionaries to today’s Rwanda, Burundi, and Congo.
Inter-European Division Biography Died/Imprisoned for Faith Missionaries Groundbreakers Couples
Paul Drinhaus served the Seventh-day Adventist Church from 1906 to 1930, as an evangelist, pastor, and administrator.
Willi Edener served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as pastor and administrator from 1911 to about 1955 in Germany and Switzerland.
Johann H. Effenberg was a German pioneer missionary to China for 23 years.
Inter-European Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries
Johannes Ehlers was one of the two first pioneer Seventh-day Adventist missionaries in Tanzania (the then German East Africa).
Inter-European Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries
Heinrich Erzberger was a Bible worker, pastor, missionary, and educator in Germany, Switzerland, and the Middle East.
Jakob (James) Erzberger was a pioneer Seventh-day Adventist convert and worker in Europe and the first ordained European Seventh-day Adventist pastor.
Ernst A. Flammer was a pioneer missionary in Liberia as well as a pastor in Germany. Ernst A. Flammer was born in August 1902, in Tübingen, Germany, into a Protestant family. His parents were bakers. After young Ernst completed his primary and secondary education, he took up an apprenticeship in the bakery and confectionery profession in the town of Tuttlingen.
Emil E. Frauchiger was a pioneer Seventh-day Adventist convert, colporteur, pastor, missionary and administrator in the Middle East and Europe.
Inter-European Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries
Johann F. Ginter (Hinter) was the first pioneer Adventist missionary in Romania.
Euro-Asia Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Died/Imprisoned for Faith
Aimé-Jacques Girou was a dentist, missionary, preacher, administrator, and author who was instrumental in the establishment and consolidation of the Adventist mission work in Turkey, Belgium, Mauritius, Spain, and Portugal.
Friedrich Hambrock was a dedicated minister, administrator, and mission director in Germany in the 1900s.
Maria Haseneder served the Seventh-day Adventist Church for 35 years as a nurse, medical missionary, teacher, and medical consultant in Ethiopia, Switzerland, the Belgian Congo, Ruanda-Urundi, South Africa, and India.
Inter-European Division Biography Educators Missionaries Medical Workers Women
The Inter-European Division is a subordinate body of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. This body oversees the denomination’s work in some parts of Europe.
Walter and Frieda Ising were German Adventist missionaries to the Middle East.
Louise C. Kleuser was a Bible worker, pastor, editor, conference departmental director of education, and a General Conference Ministerial Association associate secretary in the time of her service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Reinhold Gustav Klingbeil was an evangelist, pastor, missionary, and administrator with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United States.