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Advent Christian Church was a group of former Millerite believers who organized themselves as the Advent Christian Association in 1860.
Albany conference of Millerite Adventist leaders was held in Albany, New York, from April 29 to May 1, 1845.
W. L. H. Baker was an evangelist, conference administrator, and Bible teacher in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, and recipient of a letter from Ellen G. White that has figured prominently in the varying explanations of the human nature of Christ debated within Adventism.
A. C. Bourdeau, a French-speaking pastor-evangelist, was a pioneer of the Adventist cause in the American state of Vermont, in Quebec, Canada, and in a number of European nations.
North American Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries
Daniel T. Bourdeau was a pioneer pastor-evangelist in northern Vermont, among French-speaking communities in Canada and the American Midwest, in California, and in Europe.
George Ide Butler served the church for 30 years (1865-1888; 1901-1908) as pastor and president of the Iowa, Missouri, Michigan and Florida conferences, the Southern Union Conference, and the General Conference.
Evangelical Adventists were a group of former Millerite believers associated with the Advent Herald in Boston, Massachusetts, who organized themselves as the American Evangelical Advent Conference in 1858.
D. T. Evans was the first Seventh-day Adventist minister ordained in Canada.
Miles Grant, an Advent Christian leader and editor of The World’s Crisis and Second Advent Messenger, was a vocal opponent of Seventh-day Adventism.
Knowlton Sanitarium, a health-care institution located in Knowlton, Quebec, Canada, operated for about five years in the early 1900s.
Ralph and Mary Mackin were an Adventist couple from Ohio who sought Ellen White’s counsel regarding their experience of speaking in foreign tongues and casting out demons.
Ellen White’s book Steps to Christ holds a special place in Adventist history and is one of the most translated books of all times by any author. The book was published in 1892 by Fleming H. Revell Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois.