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Sydney Earl Allen, Jr., was an author, educator, and missionary.
Otto Marion John was a lifelong Seventh-day Adventist educator and administrator. Otto Marion John was born on August 23, 1883 in Great Grimsby, England.
Law Keem (Liu Jian) was a pioneer medical missionary in southern China and the first Adventist Chinese national to return to serve in his homeland.
Chinese Union Mission Biography Missionaries Died/Imprisoned for Faith Groundbreakers
The Morning Watch is a devotional exercise adopted by the Young People’s Missionary Volunteer Department (today Youth Ministries) at the time of its organization in 1907 and later embraced by the Pathfinder program.
The Nebraska Sanitarium operated between 1894 and 1920 in College View, a suburb of Lincoln, Nebraska. It was founded by John Harvey Kellogg as a branch of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, and initially housed in a large frame dwelling north of the Union College campus.