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Dr. Donald Abbott was a missionary doctor to Africa who served in various countries, including Kenya.

The first Adventist missionaries arrived in British East Africa in 1906. They primarily focused their work on the African people. The mission work among the European settlers came later, specifically through the period 1911 to 1963.

The outbreak of World War I in 1914 in Europe negatively impacted Adventist missionary activities in British East Africa and specifically South Kavirondo, the birthplace of the Adventist Church in Kenya. Almost as soon as hostilities broke out in Europe, they also began in British East Africa. The British were primarily at war with Germany, and it happened that their colonial holdings in British East Africa (Kenya) and German East Africa (Tanganyika) shared a very long and largely porous border.

​Following the government restrictions on the activities of Adventists in Nandi, Kenya, between 1932 and 1963, the Adventists there relied on the Missionary Volunteer Societies to make up for the absence of formal Adventist schools in the region.

The mission carried by women in Kenya dates back to when the Adventist church was established in Kenya in 1906. Missionary women performed important ministerial work, which included educating the African women on contemporary aspects of living. They trained the African women on such important issues as home care, general hygiene, child care, home nursing, caregiving for the elderly, among others.

The Adventist Church in Kenya survived numerous trials during the Mau Mau uprising (1952-1960).

​The Africa Herald Publishing House is a Seventh-day Adventist publishing house based in Kendu Bay on the shores of Lake Victoria in Western Kenya.

Wayne Andrews was an American-born missionary educator, administrator, and youth ministries leader as well as a broadcasting evangelist and musical minister in Kenya. He served from 1947 through to 1954 in the East Africa Union. He is perhaps best known as one of the founders of the Bugema Missionary College, which is today called Bugema University in Uganda.

David and Della Astleford were Canadian-American missionaries to Africa who dedicated their lives to the publishing ministry in East Africa and various other parts of the world. They contributed immensely to the growth of the Adventist Church through literature outreach.

​Mordecai Ating’a was a pioneer Adventist missionary in Central Kenya.

Andrew Gathemia Ayub was a pioneer Adventist pastor, Voice of Prophecy leader, and administrator.

Clifford Thomas Bannister was a missionary to East, Central, and Southern Africa, and a church administrator and minister.

C. A. Bartlett was a missionary to West Africa, serving in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Ghana. Although an ordained minister, he was also an educator, founding and running several institutions in West Africa.

E. A. Beavon was a pioneer missionary at Nyanchwa, working among the Abagusii people of Western Kenya. He was the third missionary to work among the Abagusii with Ira B. Evanson, commencing the work in 1912 followed by L. E. A. Lane. Beavon is however the first substantive missionary.

Martha Biomdo is distinguished as the first Seventh-day Adventist woman from the Kipsigis people of Western Kenya.

Stephen araap Biomdo was a pioneer Kipsigis Adventist, teacher, and evangelist from Kenya.

The Birkenstocks were pioneer medical missionaries and founders of the Malamulo leprosarium in Malawi. They pioneered new medical treatments to help combat the scourge of leprosy in Africa.

Dr. Blaine was an American medical missionary of South African heritage who served in various capacities in Africa, specifically in Malawi before moving to Tanzania and Kenya.