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​Ernest Sheldon Booth played an important role in the establishment of biology as an academic discipline in Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities. He presided over the establishment of the first Adventist graduate program in biology and founded the Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory operated by Walla Walla University.

​Robert Henry Brown served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a professor of physics, college president, and Geoscience Research Institute (GRI) director. His views on creationism, particularly those related to the age of the earth, influenced church administrators and educators, especially from the 1950s to the 1990s.

Clifford Leslie Burdick, a Seventh-day Adventist consulting geologist, was an outspoken defender of young earth creationism and involved in the search for Noah’s Ark.

​Harold Willard Clark was an Adventist biologist who taught for many years at Pacific Union College. He became well known among Seventh-day Adventists through his writings that defended young-earth creationism and Flood geology.

​Harold Glen Coffin was a Seventh-day Adventist scientist, trained as an invertebrate zoologist. He taught high school and college-level biology, worked as a staff scientist at Geoscience Research Institute, published in peer-reviewed scientific literature, and wrote several books and numerous articles for denominational publications in defense of a recent six-day creation and global Flood.

​Molleurus Couperus was a professor of dermatology at Loma Linda University during the mid-twentieth century. He enjoyed broad interests, especially those involving issues related to science and faith. He served as the founding editor of the independent Adventist journal Spectrum.

​Peter Edgar Hare, a Seventh-day Adventist geochemist, who held a successful career at the Carnegie Geophysical Laboratory, Washington, D.C., and made significant contributions to the study of amino acid chemistry specially as applied to questions of geochronology.

John Harvey Kellogg was a Seventh-day Adventist physician, health promoter, nutritionist, inventor, author, eugenicist, and entrepreneur.

Frank Lewis Marsh was the first Seventh-day Adventist to earn a Ph.D. in biology. He taught at several Adventist institutions and was the author of numerous articles and books in defense of young-earth creationism.

George Edward (McCready) Price was a Canadian writer and educator who served in a variety of capacities within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

​Richard Martin Ritland was a Seventh-day Adventist biologist, paleontologist, and early director of the Geoscience Research Institute. He also served as a professor at Atlantic Union College, Loma Linda University, and Andrews University. He worked extensively on issues of science and faith, and he led geology field conferences to educate Adventist teachers and administrators about the history of the earth and life.