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Since its beginning after World War I, the Adventist work in the African country of Burundi has been challenged by strongholds of Islam and Catholicism and political upheaval.

Burundi Union Mission is a part of the East-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists. Its headquarters is in Kiriri, Bujumbura, Burundi, and it covers the country of Burundi.

​Munyenkiko Ezechiel served the Adventist Church in Burundi for fifty-six years in various capacities, including as president of the East and West Burundi fields.

Jonas Kaduha was the first Burundian who joined the Adventist faith, when David Elie Delhove, the first Protestant missionary in Burundi after World War I, brought the Adventist message to Burundi. Kaduha was among the first Burundian Adventists who championed as pioneering workers in Burundi.

Nahum Ndabiye was a teacher, evangelist, and district leader in Burundi.

The political upheavals in Burundi in 1965, 1972 and 1976 have impacted the history of the country as well as the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Burundi.