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Showing 41 – 60 of 87

Eric B. Hare is well known for his stories from his missionary work in Burma from 1915 to 1934, and he served in the Sabbath School Department at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists from 1946 to 1962.

Reuben Ethelbert Hare was an Adventist missionary, evangelist, editor, and church administrator from New Zealand.

Harold Cecil Knightly Harker was a colporteur, pastor, and evangelist in Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania.

Archibald Lawrence (‘Arch’) Hefren was a teacher, preacher, administrator, and missionary from Australia.

Born in Willochra, SA, on April 15, 1900, Walter Hooper became a Seventh-day Adventist in 1916 as a result of attending cottage meetings. Initially a farmer, in 1924 he entered denominational work as a colporteur and later served in a number of ministerial positions.

​Florence Muriel Howe was a nurse and missionary to China and Africa.

Eric Howse spent 28 of his 49 years of service for the church in health food work. He initially worked in the South Pacific and then at the General Conference as the worldwide director of health food operations. Mae, as well as being wife and mother, utilized her accounting skills from time to time, most notably as secretary to W. L. Pascoe in the General Conference Treasury.

​Kevin John Howse was a pastor and professor in Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

Mendel Crocker Israel was a pastor, evangelist, publisher, and pioneering missionary.

Arthur Jacobson was a pastor, missionary, administrator, and evangelist for 44 years in Australia, Fiji, the Cook Islands, Tonga, and New Zealand.

​Born in New Zealand, John Keith entered the ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1937 in Victoria, Australia. He later became a union president in two unions in the Australasian Division.

Wilfred Kilroy was a career length employee at Sanitarium Health Food Company (SHF) with headquarters in Australia. He gave 48 years of service.

Peter Knopper and his wife, Kerry Sharelle were appointed as missionaries to Papua New Guinea at the beginning of 1985. In 1988 at Homu in the Eastern Highlands of the country Peter was killed in the course of his service.

Alfred Frederick John Kranz was a teacher and school administrator in Seventh-day Adventist schools in Australia and New Zealand.

Arthur Lawson was an early missionary to Papua New Guinea and later worked among Australia’s indigenous people.

Pastor T. C. Lawson was a pastor and administrator who became the president of the Trans-Commonwealth Union Conference in Australia between 1952 and 1963.

​Thomas (Tom) Hunter Ludowici was a pastor, evangelist, church administrator, and chaplain from Australia.

Australians by birth, Allan and Ivy Maberly were pioneering Seventh-day Adventist missionaries to Tibet.

George and Alicia Marriott were among the earliest missionaries for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Fiji Islands.