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​Rede Novo Tempo de Comunicação (Adventist Media Center–Brazil) is a media conglomerate of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America, which produces and broadcasts religious content in Portuguese and Spanish.

​The Adventist Technology Institute (IATec) (El Instituto Tecnológico Adventista) is a technology development and support institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church managed by the South American Division. Its headquarters is located in Hortolândia, state of São Paulo, Brazil.

​The Latin-American Adventist Theological Seminary (Seminário Adventista Latino-Americano de Teologia, or SALT) is a Seventh-day Adventist institution responsible for theological education in the territory of the South American Division. SALT comprises eight regional campuses and one of them operates in the territory of the Central Brazil Union Conference.

​The Voice of Prophecy is a radio and television program of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil, broadcast by New Time Radio and New Time TV (Hope Channel Brazil).

​TV Novo Tempo (Hope Channel Brazil) is a television station of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil, which produces and broadcasts religious content in Portuguese and Spanish.