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Alberta Sanitarium was a health institution, later called the Bethel Sanitarium, operated by the Alberta Conference and the Western Canadian Union Conference between 1903 and 1925 at Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

​Edwin was a professor at Washington Missionary College (1915-1920). Later he became a prominent lawyer and law professor, serving for most of his career at Northwestern University. Barbara was a musician and professor of harmony and music history.

Ratu Ambrose was a Fijian "roko" or high chief who converted to Adventism. For many years Adventism was seen as an outsider religion in Fiji, but Ambrose’s conversion created an opportunity for many people to give Adventism serious consideration. Chief Ambrose’s donation of property and other resources for a permanent Adventist mission station provided the much needed help at a crucial point in the development of Adventism in Fiji.

​Emma Marie Thompson Anderson was a pioneer Adventist missionary to China, author, bookkeeper, Bible worker, and educator. She along with her husband, Jacob, and sister, Ida Thompson, were the first group of official missionaries to China in 1902.

​Jacob Nelson Anderson was a pioneer Adventist missionary to China. He along with his wife, Emma, and sister-in-law, Ida Thompson, were the first official missionaries to China on behalf of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Arizona Sanitarium was an Adventist-affiliated health institution that ran from 1903 to 1913.

Mary Mortensen Tripp Armitage was a Bible worker, foster mother to Ellen White’s granddaughters, and pioneer missionary to Africa.

​Frank Benjamin Armitage was an Adventist minister and missionary in Africa.

David Arnold was a carpenter who accepted the Millerite message and became a stalwart early supporter of James White (1821-1881), Ellen White (1827-1915), and Joseph Bates (1792-1872). At the Arnold home there was a pivotal 1848 gathering of the nascent Sabbatarian Adventist movement.

Atlanta Sanitarium was an Adventist health institution established in 1903 in Atlanta, Georgia.

John Warren Bacheller, Jr. and his wife, Arvilla Marilda (born Lane), were early Sabbatarian Adventists and active in the formation of the denomination. Warren worked as a printer for James White in Rochester and later became a lifelong employee of the Review and Herald Publishing House.

James and Annie Baker were missionary nurses to Africa and among the earliest pioneer Adventist missionaries to east-central Africa.

James Aiton Begg was a Sabbatarian in Scotland who believed in Christ’s soon return. He came to this conviction in the late 1820s and rose to prominence in the 1830s and 1840s. He was a bookseller, stationer, and author. After 1845 he was affiliated with the Seventh Day Baptist denomination. In 1853 he was baptized as a Seventh Day Baptist and became a regular contributor to the Sabbath Recorder.

As the founding teacher of the denomination’s first official sponsored school, Goodloe Harper Bell is considered by some historians as the “founder” of the educational work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Bermuda Conference is a unit of Seventh-day Adventist Church organization comprising the territory of Bermuda, and forming part of the Atlantic Union Conference, which in turn is part of the North American Division.

​The Bible Conference organized by church leaders in 1919 to discuss eschatological and theological issues was one of the most significant meetings in the history of the denomination. The gathering consisted of two overlapping meetings: the main Bible Conference, held July 1 to 19, with a Bible and History Teachers’ Council that met concurrently and continued until August 9.

The 1952 Bible Conference was the second of three major twentieth-century Bible Conferences held by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It was held at the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church in Takoma Park, Maryland, September 1-13, 1952.

The Bible Conferences of 1974, conducted in virtually identical form at three locales in the North American Division, addressed issues pertaining to Biblical hermeneutics and inspiration.

A series of at least 26 pivotal Bible Conferences were held by those who would become key leaders of what ultimately became the Seventh-day Adventist Church. During this formative period, these Bible Conferences provided a venue to coalesce and refine their beliefs and then publicly disseminate them to gain a coalition of support. James White believed that this first (1848) Bible Conference marked “a new era in the cause."

​Maud Sisley Boyd was a Bible teacher, editor, compositor, Bible worker, school matron, and missionary. She was the first woman missionary sent by the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Foreign Mission Board.