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Nurses Dallas Robert and Vera (born Mosebar) White pioneered in the late 1920’s in Southwest China where they worked with Claude B. and Victoria (Martin) Miller to establish the first Seventh-day Adventist mission in Yunnan. Vera was tragically murdered in 1931 in the fifth year of their mission service in China. Dallas married Florence Grace Numbers in 1932 and served as a nurse, administrator, and ordained minister until evacuation in 1940, completing a total of 14 years of mission service in China. After returning to the U.S., he served an additional 14 years in the medical field in southern California hospitals.

​Harold and Mabel White served together in New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji. Harold White worked as a pastor, evangelist, and church administrator. Mabel White was a teacher, college matron, and a founding faculty member of the Pukekura Training School in New Zealand.

Julius White had experience as a businessman before he accepted the position of president of the New England Sanitarium. He then served four years as a missionary in China, 1916-1920. On his return to America he ministered in northern California followed by a return to work with the New England Sanitarium and finally a role with Madison College, Tennessee.

​Seabert White served as a missionary in China for seven years and then returned to his home country, Canada, to minister in the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

​As a church pastor and evangelist, Charles Wiest served in the East Pennsylvania, West Michigan and Colorado conferences. As a conference president, he led the Mississippi, South Wisconsin, Indiana and Kansas conferences.

Sherman E. Wight’s term of service to the Seventh-day Adventist church spanned more than 50 years, most of them as president of local and union conferences in the United States.

​Lyle Wilcox served as an educator in California, Washington, and Idaho before he and his wife, Hazel, gave 36 years of mission service in China, the Philippines and Malaya.

Milton C. Wilcox devoted more than fifty years to the Adventist cause, most of them as an author and editor of books and periodicals, most notably, Signs of the Times (1891-1913).

Norman and Alma Wiles were among the first missionaries to Malekula Island, New Hebrides. After just a few years on Malekula, Norman Wiles died of blackwater fever. After her husband’s death Alma Wiles served in New Guinea, Australia, Nigeria, and the United States as a nurse specializing in tropical diseases and midwifery.

George Wilkinson served almost three years with the Nevada Mission prior to extended ministry in China. He and his wife, Nellie, were exceptionally proficient in their work, leading out in the South Chekiang (Zhegiang) Mission, the West China Union Mission and the Honan (Henan) Mission.

​Annie Mary Williams served the Seventh-day Adventist Church in various capacities, including missionary to Fiji and director of the Sabbath School Department in the New South Wales Conference.

Durward and Ora Williams were educators who served in America, China, and the Philippines.

Paul Williams and his wife, Dollie, served overseas as nurses and in administration roles in China and Singapore.

​Gilbert Temple Wilson was a church administrator, including New Zealand Conference president.

Clyde Wimer served as an administrator of the colporteur work in Canada, a missionary with his wife, Victoria, in China, and a church administrator in the homeland territories of Washington State, Oklahoma, and Oregon.

​Abbie Winegar-Simpson, Battle Creek Sanitarium physician and American Medical Missionary College professor, did much to bring the “Battle Creek idea” of health reform to California through her work at St. Helena, Glendale, and Long Beach sanitariums.

​For two decades Herbert Winslow cared for financial assets of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, first as an accountant at Pacific Press Publishing Association and later as a secretary/treasurer in the China Mission.