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Showing 101 – 120 of 472

​William and Mary Charlton Crothers gave leadership to various lines of publishing and editorial work, serving in the United States, New Zealand, and Australia, and Jamaica, West Indies.

​Will DeForest Curtis, pioneer missionary to Australia, was born in Poughkeepsie, New York, on May 10, 1851. His father, who became a Seventh-day Adventist, raised him, but Will resisted his father’s faith until about 1884. Some evidence suggests that Will married the daughter of a minister of another faith about 1879 and that she either died or abandoned him in 1884.

Ratu Tevita Daivalu was a Fijian teacher and missionary to Papua New Guinea.

Day Dawn Braille magazine was an Seventh-day Adventist paper published in the Australasian Union Conference from 1909 to 1919. It was authored by Alfred Phillips.

The Day-Star was a Millerite periodical published weekly in Cincinnati, Ohio, from 1845 to 1847.

Mark Deni and his wife, Ellen, were missionaries to Papua New Guinea.

​Herbert Dexter and his wife, Millie, were missionaries to Tahiti, France and Switzerland.

Traditionally, Dickson is considered to be the first Australian to observe the Saturday Sabbath, although this claim is difficult to thoroughly test.

​Lennon Anton Dyason was a missionary in Tonga and Papua New Guinea.

The East China Mission 华東区会, originally titled the Eastern Mission Field, functioned under three different entities: The China Union Mission (1909-1913), the Asiatic Division (1914-1915), and the North China Union Mission (1916-1917). Throughout its existence the headquarters was located in Shanghai. Its territory originally covered the provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Zhegiang. Shandong province was added in November 1912.

East Kweichow Mission 贵(黔)東区会 was a sub-division of the West China Union Mission. Because Kweichow 贵州 (or Guizhou) Province was mountainous and not easily accessible during the 1920s, it seemed advisable to divide the province into two sections to more easily facilitate visitation and getting supplies to out-stations. Headquarters for the enterprise was located at the provincial capital Kweiyang 贵阳 (or Guiyang).

​The East Szechwan Mission (東川区会; East Sichuan Mission) was organized in 1919. After World War II and the advance of the communist regime, it became difficult to maintain its operations, and it eventually closed in 1951.

Echo Publishing Company, situated near Melbourne, Australia, operated from 1889 to 1922.

​Dr. Sanford P. S. Edwards was prominent in Adventist medical missionary work during the first decade of the 20th century. Despite debilitating health problems that prevented him from sustaining full-time labor after 1908, he found a variety of ways to continue enhancing the mission of the church and the well-being of society.

​Henry T. Elliott served the Seventh-day Adventist church as an educator, academy principal, youth leader and an administrator at General Conference headquarters.

George and Christina Engelbrecht served in pastoral ministry in Australia, New Zealand, Papua, and the New Hebrides.

​Otis Erich was a medical missionary and treasurer who served in China during the troubled era of World War II and the Communist revolution.

Faole Adobo, a native of Papua New Guinea, helped the Adventist missionaries in Papua New Guinea and evangelized his people.

​Carlos and Ellen Burrill Fattebert did pioneering educational and medical missionary work in Mexico and the Philippine Islands.

​Norman Hawken Faulkner was Youth and Education secretary for Australasian Union Conference and the Sanitarium Health Food Company branch manager.