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Showing 161 – 180 of 472

Vaiola Kerisome, usually known as Malama among her people, was a translator and missionary briefly among the New Zealand Maoris and mainly among her people of Niue.

​William M. Healey was a prominent figure throughout the first half century of Adventist work on the west coast of the United States, recognized particularly for his effectiveness as an evangelist and religious liberty advocate.

W. H. Heckman was president of six conferences and two union conferences in the United States during more than 30 years of administrative leadership.

​Oscar Vincent Hellestrand was a pastor and health educator from Australia. Oscar Hellestrand and his wife, Ella were missionaries to the Solomon Islands.

Emmett J. Hibbard, minister and evangelist, taught Bible subjects at several Adventist institutions and authored numerous doctrinal articles for church periodicals.

​Arthur Swain Hickox was an Australian evangelist in the 1890s.

​Henry Hill was a pioneer minister and missionary in Australia and Polynesia. Henry and Mary spent 13 years in French Polynesia and the Cook Islands. He was then president of the North New South Wales Conference and the Queensland Conference before taking up ministerial duties until his retirement in 1936.

From the early to mid-1900s, efforts were made to evangelize the Indian population in Fiji through education.

Aubrey Ruel Hiscox was an educator and administrator. Hiscox and his wife, Phyllis Irene, a nurse, were missionaries to Vanuatu.

​Martin A. Hollister served as president of several conferences in the United States, president of the East Caribbean Union Conference, and as an associate secretary in the Medical Department of the General Conference.

​In the 1880s the importance of parental influence with respect to the development of moral values became an important topic in Adventist circles. Pacific Press published several volumes titled Sabbath Readings for the Home Circle: Moral and Religious Lessons. They were written as educational story books for young Christian couples to read to their children. The church periodical, Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, initiated a regular section titled “The Home,” written by various authors.

The Honan Mission 河南区会 was constituted in 1917 as a subsidiary of the North China Union Conference. It comprised Honan (now Henan) Province, and its headquarters was located at Yen-cheng 郾城 (now Yancheng).

Seventh-day Adventist mission work began in the Hebei 河北 (or Hopei) Province in 1915. In 1918 it was constituted as the Peking Mission 北京区会, later renamed the Chihli Mission 直隶区会. The province was formerly named the Chihli Province but when the name was changed to Hopei Province the mission entity underwent a further change, becoming known as the Hopei Mission 河北区会 (now Hebei Mission). It always remained a part of the North China Union Conference with its headquarters in Peking (now Beijing).

Sanford B. Horton devoted 20 years to leading Adventist advocacy for religious liberty at the conference, union conference, and General Conference levels, and was the first president of the Louisiana Conference.

Zijing Huang (黃子敬) was a Chinese scholar and ordained minister who served in his homeland province of Sichuan, and later at the denominational training school in the province of Jiangsu. He was murdered by Japanese invasion forces in 1938.

​George Hubbard was a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Australia at the beginning of the twentieth century. For a time, he was superintendent of the Helping Hand Mission in Melbourne and at the same time director of the Echo Publishing Company.

The province of Hunan (湖南) was considered a part of the South China Mission in 1910. Later, it was placed in the North China Union Mission. Due to a further re-organization of the China field in 1919 it became an entity within the Central China Union Mission. Its headquarters were always at Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province.

The Hupeh (now Hubei) Mission (湖北区会) was a part of the North Central China Mission in 1910, administered from the expatriate district in Hankow (now Wuhan). Later, the name of the governing body was changed to the North China Union Mission. A re-organization took place in 1919, placing the mission in the Central China Union Mission. Its headquarters remained in Hankow.

Iakina Adventist Academy is located in Pago Pago, American Samoa.