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Bigobo Station, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was founded by Raleigh Robinson in 1930.
Cosam Paipo Kyenda Kaluhala was the first Congolese ordained minister, and he played a key role in spreading Adventism in Congo.
In 1917 the founding of the Musofu Mission and the opening of a school served as a springboard for the Adventist Church penetration of the Congo.
East-Central Africa Division Country (Based on SDA membership)
Kolwezi Hospital was officially opened in Kolwesi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in 2008.
Sangwa Kitule Simon Muhune was one of the first Congolese to be employed by the Church. He was an educator and administrator.
Paul Nyembo Mwema was a pastor, evangelist and administrator in East-Central Africa.
Philip Lemon University is located in the center of Lubumbashi city, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The language of instruction is French.
The mission work among the Baluba people of the Democratic Republic of Congo was established in 1921 on a 500-acre (200 hectares) plot at Songa. The medical work began June 8, 1927, with the arrival of Dr. J. Hubert Sturges and his wife, Violet. They first treated patients on the veranda of their thatch-roofed house. Because of fear and superstition, few patients came, and many village people even fled from their homes.
Songa Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo was opened in 1921. Christopher Robinson and Raleigh Robinson were the first missionaries who settled at Songa and became the founders.
Triangle SDA Church is significant for the Adventist history in the Democratic Republic of Congo because it was the first Adventist Church in Lubumbashi, the city that received the first missionaries from Rhodesia in search of the unentered territories. With 65 churches and companies, today Lubumbashi has 20,000 Adventist members.
The West Katanga Field is part of the East-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists. Its headquarters is located in Kolwezi in the Democratic Republic of Congo.