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​Central Bolivia Mission (Misión Bolíviana Central or MBC) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church established in the territory of Bolivia Union Mission (Unión da Bolivia or UB).

​Reid Sears Shepard served as an educator, administrator, and missionary in Peru and Bolivia, mission territories of the South American Division.

​Francisco Tancara was a chieftain and native Bolivian who became an Adventist and worked, by vocation, as a missionary and educator. Although illiterate, he used every means available so schools could be established in the villages under his management and so his people could become literate.

​West Bolivia Mission (Misión Boliviana Occidental or MBO) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) located in the Bolivia Union Mission (Unión Boliviana or UB) territory.