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​Alvin Nathan Allen, pastor, evangelist and missionary, was born in Portage, Wisconsin, on June 25, 1880.

Geraldo Marques de Andrade, pioneer canvasser, was born December 27, 1927, in the city of Carmo do Cajuru, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Arnoldo Oscar Anniehs was a pastor and evangelist in Brazil. His grandfather, Augusto Annies, was one of the first Sabbath keepers in Brazil.

Isaías Apolinário, businessman and patron, was born September 28, 1917, in Taubaté city, São Paulo state.

Pedro Apolinario, teacher and volunteer pastor, was born April 7, 1919, in Tremembe, Sao Paulo.

Jairo Tavares de Araujo, minister, educator, and administrator, was born in 1916 in the city of Timbauba, state of Pernambuco, Brazil.

Júlio Miñán Ares, canvasser, pastor, evangelist, and manager, was born September 17, 1897, in the city of La Coruña, in the state of Galiza, Spain.

Morency Arouca, university professor, lecturer and researcher, was born June 4, 1930, in the city of Ribeirão Preto, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.

​Francisco de Matos Arrais was a canvasser, lay elder, and church-planting leader in Brazil.

​Eurico Guido Avi was a teacher and one of the pioneer workers in the state of Paraná, Brazil.

Elias Reis de Azevedo was a pastor, musician, composer, and Adventist music producer from Brazil.

Oswaldo Rodrigues de Azevedo, an Adventist pastor, teacher, and administrator, was born February 8, 1913, in Rolante, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Roberto Rodrigues de Azevedo, pastor, evangelist and journalist, was born March 3, 1916, in the city of Santo Antônio da Patrulha, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

​Yolanda Maluf de Azevedo, teacher, was born on December 18, 1913, in the city of Santa Cruz da Conceição, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.

Zilda Marlene de Azevedo, singer, teacher, and musical producer, was born February 2, 1941, in the city of Serrana, São Paulo state.

José Baracat, pastor and administrator, was born March 14, 1909, in the city of Alexandria, Egypt (then a British protectorate).