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George Fisher’s forty-six years of service include managing health food cafes, Avondale Industries and the Sydney Sanitarium in Australia.

Edward Clarence Halsey was a baker who was invited to come to Australia from the United States. He was responsible for developing many of the health-food products which were to become icons for Sanitarium Health food Company in the South Pacific.

​William and Jessie Litster served the Seventh-day Adventist church in various capacities in Samoa, Fiji, and Australia.

Fred and Marion Reekie were pioneer literature evangelists in the early years of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia. They worked in Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria.

Carl Ulrich, an Adventist minister, held a number of significant managerial and leadership positions within the denomination in Australia over a timespan of almost forty years.

​Laura Louisa Lee Ulrich Smith was a nurse, educator, and promoter of the Adventist health message and lifestyle.