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Showing 2021 – 2040 of 2513

​Lewis C. Sheafe was Adventism’s foremost black evangelist during the formative years of the church’s work among African Americans around the turn of the 20th century and one of the most widely-acclaimed albeit controversial preachers in the church as a whole.

​Iner Sheld-Ritchie was a physician and medical missionary whose initiatives did much to establish Adventist public health and medical work in Mexico.

​Reid Sears Shepard served as an educator, administrator, and missionary in Peru and Bolivia, mission territories of the South American Division.

​William and Minnie Shepherd were Aboriginal missionaries to Papua New Guinea in 1930s.

​Adell Sherbet's refusal to work on the Sabbath (Saturday) led to a U.S. Supreme Court decision that expanded the legal rights of seventh day Sabbathkeepers as well as those of other people whose religious scruples kept them from working on a different day.

​August R. Sherman was an Adventist pastor and missionary who worked for many years in South America and Central America, where he was a tireless worker and an advocate of the work of publications and the mission of the church.

​Dr. Thomas Sherwin, a medical practitioner, was an ordained pastor.

Lawrence Shields and his wife, Marion worked as a pastoral couple in Australia and were missionaries to Papua New Guinea. Lawrence was a pilot in the Seventh-day Adventist Church aviation program and was killed in a tragic plane crash in April 1973.

​The lengthy Church career of Elva Eunice Thorpe includes teaching and administrative work at the Australasian Missionary College.

Kiyotaka Shirai was a pastor, photographic reporter, and pioneer producer of the Adventist radio/TV programs in the Japanese language.

Dan and Amelia Shireman engaged in self-supporting educational work and personal evangelism for more than four decades, most extensively in North Carolina.

Mulupi Shitanda was chief of the Kabras people in Western Kenya. Although not an Adventist, he assisted the Adventists by designating land and granting it to the Adventists so Chebwai Adventist Mission could be established.

Donald Karr “D. K.” Short and his wife, Garnette, served as missionaries in Africa for 37 years.

David Lawrence Show, an Adventist educator, taught physics and math at Gitwe College in Rwanda for three years before moving to Union College (Lincoln, Nebraska), where he taught physics, astronomy, and origins for 24 years.

Harold Shryock was a physician, medical educator, and medical school administrator. His writings encompassed the globe for 70 years and his contributions to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and Loma Linda University School of Medicine are legendary.

Robert E. Shurney, an aerospace engineer at NASA renowned for achievements critical to the success of the Apollo and Skylab programs, was a deacon, community services leader, and longtime member of the Oakwood College church.

Thein Shwe was a pastor, church administrator, and educator from Myanmar.

David Sibley gave 41 years of service as an evangelist and deeply respected administrator for the church in the South Pacific. For ten years he was a successful evangelist in both small-town and big-city settings in South New Zealand, Tasmania and Victoria before being called into conference leadership in Tasmania. During a period of 23 years he served as president of three local conferences and concluded his ministry with eight years as union conference president.

Rytha Siburian was director of the Seventh-day Adventist Medical Clinic of the Jakarta Local Conference, West Indonesia Union Mission, Indonesia.

Paulo araap Siele was the first ordained minister from the Kipsigis people of Kenya.