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Yolanda Anversa da Silva was an evangelist and educator from Brazil.
Ajax Walter César Silveira was a physician, organizer and cofounder of drug/alcohol rehabilitation clinics, promoter of the “Quit Smoking 5-Day Plan,” and health field editor.
South American Division Biography Groundbreakers Medical Workers
Albertina Rodrigues da Silva Simon was a public-school teacher, a translator, a reviewer, and the first Brazilian teacher at the Brazilian Adventist Seminary (UNASP-SP).
Ernst Bruno Simon was a pastor, missionary, and Bible translator.
Geoffrey Goliama Simon was a pastor, teacher, and church administrator from Tanzania.
Henrique Simon was a pastor and canvasser from Argentina.
Lóide Rodrigues Simon was a teacher and dean from Brazil.
A graduate of Oakwood Junior College (now a university), Donald Barnett Simons served the denomination for more than forty years as a pastor, missionary, public relations officer, and administrator.
Amos Simorangkir was an educator and administrator in Indonesia.
Charlotte Simpson was a missionary nurse to China in the early 1900’s. Her Chinese name was 和辛普生 (Pinyin hé xīn pǔ sheng).
George True Simpson was a faculty member at La Sierra University during the post-war period, creating the School of Education and helping to steer the institution through several key transitions.
Harold Douglas Singleton, Sr., served as a Seventh-day Adventist minister, editor, church administrator, and regional conference pioneer.
Musa araap Sino was a pioneer Adventist in the Tendwo area of southern Nandi, Kenya, and the first Terik Adventist.
Francisco Nunes Siqueira was a pastor, educator, and administrator from Brazil.
José Nunes Siqueira was a pastor and administrator from Brazil.
Immanuel Siregar was the first local Indonesian converted to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the first local Indonesian pastor. His impact in the spread of the Adventist work in Indonesia is significant.
Frederika House was the youngest and only single person elected as an officer of the General Conference, and one of only three women to serve as a GC treasurer and GC officer.
North American Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Women
William C. Sisley, architect and builder of many of Adventism’s earliest institutions, also served as manager of the church’s publishing houses in Battle Creek and London.
John Miyambu Sitwala was a pastor, church administrator, and mentor to the youth and to young leaders.
Petra (Tunheim) Skadsheim was a pioneer missionary in Southeast Asia. Ultimately she gave her life in service in the mission field to which she committed her life.
South Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Died/Imprisoned for Faith Women