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Showing 2041 – 2060 of 2511

Ajax Walter César Silveira was a physician, organizer and cofounder of drug/alcohol rehabilitation clinics, promoter of the “Quit Smoking 5-Day Plan,” and health field editor.

Albertina Rodrigues da Silva Simon was a public-school teacher, a translator, a reviewer, and the first Brazilian teacher at the Brazilian Adventist Seminary (UNASP-SP).

​Ernst Bruno Simon was a pastor, missionary, and Bible translator.

Geoffrey Goliama Simon was a pastor, teacher, and church administrator from Tanzania.

A graduate of Oakwood Junior College (now a university), Donald Barnett Simons served the denomination for more than forty years as a pastor, missionary, public relations officer, and administrator.

​Amos Simorangkir was an educator and administrator in Indonesia.

​Charlotte Simpson was a missionary nurse to China in the early 1900’s. Her Chinese name was 和辛普生 (Pinyin hé xīn pǔ sheng).

​George True Simpson was a faculty member at La Sierra University during the post-war period, creating the School of Education and helping to steer the institution through several key transitions.

Harold Douglas Singleton, Sr., served as a Seventh-day Adventist minister, editor, church administrator, and regional conference pioneer.

Musa araap Sino was a pioneer Adventist in the Tendwo area of southern Nandi, Kenya, and the first Terik Adventist.

Francisco Nunes Siqueira was a pastor, educator, and administrator from Brazil.

​Immanuel Siregar was the first local Indonesian converted to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the first local Indonesian pastor. His impact in the spread of the Adventist work in Indonesia is significant.

​Frederika House was the youngest and only single person elected as an officer of the General Conference, and one of only three women to serve as a GC treasurer and GC officer.

​William C. Sisley, architect and builder of many of Adventism’s earliest institutions, also served as manager of the church’s publishing houses in Battle Creek and London.

John Miyambu Sitwala was a pastor, church administrator, and mentor to the youth and to young leaders.

​Petra (Tunheim) Skadsheim was a pioneer missionary in Southeast Asia. Ultimately she gave her life in service in the mission field to which she committed her life.