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Showing 2061 – 2080 of 2492

​Benjamin Franklin Snook was a Seventh-day Adventist minister and administrator from 1860 to 1865, and afterward joined an offshoot group.

​Charles M. Snow was an author and editor of leading denominational periodicals in the United States and Australasia during the early decades of the twentieth century.

​Samuel S. Snow was a Millerite minister whose exposition of biblical prophecy, known as the “seventh-month message,” gave rise in the summer of 1844 to widespread expectation that Christ would return to earth on October 22, 1844.

​Elwin Snyder was a missionary in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Cuba with his wife, Jane Ketring, and was one of the first canvassers sent from the United States to South America.

Heung-Cho Sohn was the first Korean Adventist to be baptized in Japan along with Eung-Hyun Lee, who laid the foundation for the Korean Adventist Church.

​Gabriel Ajadi Oladimeji Solademi was a pastor, evangelist, mentor, and church administrator from Nigeria.

​Haroldo Moreira Soldani was a pastor, canvasser and missionary from Brazil.

​Francis Soper was a noted editor, especially of the temperance periodical "Listen."

Simon Mondol Soren was a pastor and administrator from Bangladesh.

Ervin Leslie Sorensen served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as an evangelist, teacher, and union president in the Southern Asia Division; as a pastor, principal, and professor in the North American Division; and as a teacher and administrator in the Far Eastern Division.

​Pedro Javier Sosa y Sosa was a pioneer of the Adventist work in the part of Guatemala that first received the Adventist message.

Alberto Ribeiro de Souza was a Brazilian pastor and church administrator.

​João Carlos Olímpio de Souza was a pioneer canvasser in the Northeast region of Brazil for 30 years.

​Jonas Monteiro de Souza was a teacher, composer and conductor from Brazil.

Arthur Whitefield Spalding was a noted educator, prolific writer, pioneer of the Home Commission at the General Conference, and co-founder of Fletcher Academy.

Ronald Wolcott Spalding was an Adventist physician, missionary, and administrator in North America and the Phillipines.

Cush Sparks served as a nurse, a missionary in China and a printer at six different denominational publishing houses in North America.