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Showing 2081 – 2100 of 2511

​Elwin Snyder was a missionary in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Cuba with his wife, Jane Ketring, and was one of the first canvassers sent from the United States to South America.

Heung-Cho Sohn was the first Korean Adventist to be baptized in Japan along with Eung-Hyun Lee, who laid the foundation for the Korean Adventist Church.

​Gabriel Ajadi Oladimeji Solademi was a pastor, evangelist, mentor, and church administrator from Nigeria.

​Haroldo Moreira Soldani was a pastor, canvasser and missionary from Brazil.

​Francis Soper was a noted editor, especially of the temperance periodical "Listen."

Simon Mondol Soren was a pastor and administrator from Bangladesh.

Ervin Leslie Sorensen served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as an evangelist, teacher, and union president in the Southern Asia Division; as a pastor, principal, and professor in the North American Division; and as a teacher and administrator in the Far Eastern Division.

​Pedro Javier Sosa y Sosa was a pioneer of the Adventist work in the part of Guatemala that first received the Adventist message.

Alberto Ribeiro de Souza was a Brazilian pastor and church administrator.

​João Carlos Olímpio de Souza was a pioneer canvasser in the Northeast region of Brazil for 30 years.

​Jonas Monteiro de Souza was a teacher, composer and conductor from Brazil.

Arthur Whitefield Spalding was a noted educator, prolific writer, pioneer of the Home Commission at the General Conference, and co-founder of Fletcher Academy.

Ronald Wolcott Spalding was an Adventist physician, missionary, and administrator in North America and the Phillipines.

Cush Sparks served as a nurse, a missionary in China and a printer at six different denominational publishing houses in North America.

Christopher Sparrow was a pioneer Adventist missionary and farmer in South Africa, Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), and Kenya. He was born in November 1862 in Barthust, Grahamstown, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. He was the eldest of 12 children born to Frederick and Emma Sparrow. He was named after his maternal grandfather Christopher Fincham.

Cyril Ebden Sparrow was a pioneer Adventist literature evangelist, farmer, and businessman in South Africa.