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Simon Zuguduba Sumani was the first Mamprusi Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Ghana. He preached the Advent message among the Mamprusisas as well as other tribes in northern Ghana.
Mindert Albert Sumual was a pioneer Adventist church worker in Indonesia.
Carl Sundin served as a minister in the Minnesota, Nebraska and Missouri Conferences prior to 25 years as an associate secretary in the Medical Department of the General Conference.
John Paul Sundquist was a pastor, missionary, educator, administrator and photographer. Sundquist served as a missionary in many African countries, in his native Sweden, and at the Northern Europe-West Africa Division Office in St. Albans, U.K.
Miloslav Šustek was a key Adventist educator and administrator in the Czech Republic.
Edward Alexander Sutherland was a teacher, college president, facilitator for the establishment of Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI), secretary of the General Conference Commission on Rural Living, organizer of ASI chapters throughout the North American Division, and founder of the school-sanitarium-farm model for Adventist education.
Pavel Afanasievich Sviridov was a pastor, church administrator, and editor from Russia.
Hubert Oscar Swartout (蘇清心pinyin Sū Qīngxīn) served as a schoolteacher in Michigan, followed by a decade of teaching and editing in China. When he returned to America, he became a physician, an author of medical books, and an administrator as County Health officer in Los Angeles.
Eric Syme engaged in evangelism during the early years of his ministry in England, then moved to the United States where he taught religion and history for more than 25 years, first at Southwestern Junior College, then Pacific Union College.
Richard Creswick Syme served as an administrator in several Adventist schools, including principal at New Zealand Missionary College (now Longburn Adventist College).
Marinda (Minnie) Day Sype served the church as a pioneer evangelist, pastor, missionary, conference home missionary secretary, and publishing circulation manager, all of which at that time were extraordinary for a woman.
Levy Baloyo Tabo was a pastor and church administrator from the Philippines.
José Tabuenca was a pastor and ecclesiastic administrator in the former Austral Union Conference of the South American Division and in institutions such as Uruguay Academy, River Plate Academy, and South America Spanish Publishing House.
Juan Tabuenca was an Adventist pastor, evangelist, ecclesiastical administrator, and theology professor who served in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.
Moisés Tahay was an Adventist pioneer evangelist and pastor among the native tribes of Guatemala.
Aston George Tai was a noted Adventist businessman and philanthropist in Jamaica.
Asa O. Tait was an editor of the evangelistic periodical "Signs of the Times" for more than three decades.
Takele Bezuneh was ordained as the first Adventist pastor in Ethiopia in 1954.
Jahja Benyamin Talaa was a pastor and church administrator in Indonesia.