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For more than twenty years Nathaniel Edward Ashby served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a dedicated schoolteacher, college professor, registrar, residential dean, and principal.
Charles Ashcroft was a pastor, church administrator, and one of the pioneers of the denomination’s senior educational institution in Western Australia.
James Franklin Ashlock served the Seventh-day Adventist church as a pioneer evangelist, teacher, pastor, union president and division secretary in the Southern Asia Division where he ministered with his wife, Marcella, a nurse.
Southern Asia Division Biography Missionaries Medical Workers Couples
Ned Sullivan Ashton’s 48-year long service began as a pastor and ended as a pastor of both small and large churches in North American Division. In between he was an academy Bible teacher, conference and union president, leading the church through difficult years of growth with organizational and social challenges.
Toma Aslan is considered the first Seventh-day Adventist convert in the territory of today’s Romania, as well as the first Adventist pastor there.
Leonardo Remulta Asoy was an Adventist pastor, youth leader, and Sabbath School leader, and a “dynamic promoter and supporter of evangelism.”
David and Della Astleford were Canadian-American missionaries to Africa who dedicated their lives to the publishing ministry in East Africa and various other parts of the world. They contributed immensely to the growth of the Adventist Church through literature outreach.
Mordecai Ating’a was a pioneer Adventist missionary in Central Kenya.
Stanley and Nancy Atkins were appointed to mission service in the Solomon Islands and New Guinea. As a consequence of the Japanese invasion of New Guinea, Stanley Atkins lost his life at Vunapope, East New Britain, New Guinea.
South Pacific Division Biography Died/Imprisoned for Faith Couples
Emery P. Auger helped pioneer dissemination of Adventist literature in the French language, both in Europe and North America.
Erich Aurich was a German Adventist missionary to China. His work focused on Manchuria.
Linda Austin was a pioneering educator and administrator who was one of the founding members of the East Caribbean Training School (now the University of Southern Caribbean), in Maracas Valley, in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Inter-American Division Biography Educators Groundbreakers Women
Eurico Guido Avi was a teacher and one of the pioneer workers in the state of Paraná, Brazil.
Gershom Wakabi Awuye was an Adventist evangelist, pastor, church planter, and administrator in Uganda.
Tobias Otieno Ayayo was a teacher, evangelist, and missionary from Kenya.
Yan Aye was an instructor, principal, union education director, and president of Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary, Myaungmya, Myanmar.
Edythe Ayers was a proofreader and copy editor who worked at the Review and Herald Publishing Association and then at the Pacific Press Publishing Association between 1906 and 1941.
Andrew Gathemia Ayub was a pioneer Adventist pastor, Voice of Prophecy leader, and administrator.
Rafael Mário Ayupe Brizard was a pastor and evangelist from Bolivia.
Elias Reis de Azevedo was a pastor, musician, composer, and Adventist music producer from Brazil.