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Showing 1961 – 1980 of 2514

​Clarence Santee, pastor, teacher, administrator, and author, devoted more than half the years of his ministry to conference leadership, serving as president of several local conferences and one union conference.

​Osmundo Graciliano dos Santos Júnior, pastor, administrator, and evangelist, was born on January 10, 1938, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

​Floriano Xavier dos Santos, pastor, teacher and administrator, was born on September 10, 1927 in Dom Pedrito, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

​Pedro Sanz Sanchéz was one of the first ordained Adventist pastors in Spain. He exercised his pastoral ministry in the churches of Cartagena, Jérica, Valencia, Nogueruelas, and Rubielos.

​Sarat Kamal Samaddar was a renowned person, both in the Adventist and non-Adventist circles in the country of Bangladesh. He was among the Adventist pioneers in the country of Bangladesh and was an author of several books.

​Alfred James Sargent was a missionary to Burma (now, Myanmar).

​Raja Igel Sarumpaet was a pastor, church administrator and published author in Indonesia.

Myrtle Irene Sather was an Adventist missionary, nurse, and administrator in Africa and North America.

Emmanuel Saunders was a beloved mentor, history professor, and department chair at Oakwood College (now a university), who devoted more than thirty years of his life to the cause of Adventist education.

Wilhelm and Olga Schaeffler worked as missionaries for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, and the United States.

​Børge Schantz’s denominational service included pastoral work, church administration, teaching, and lecturing at colleges and universities. He set up a global center for Islamic Studies and taught Adventist-Muslim relations. He wrote books and articles that had worldwide readership.

​Mimi Scharffenberg was a Bible instructor, translator, editor, and pioneer missionary, the first single female Adventist missionary to Korea.

​Herman and Lydia Schell were missionaries in Indonesia, Korea and the Phillippines. The Schells gave their life to mission service, enduring difficulties and imprisonment during the war years.

Fred E. Schlehuber was a missionary to Kenya, Tanganyika, and the Far East.

​Arturo Schmidt was a pastor, ministerial secretary, and evangelist in South America and Europe as well as a missionary among the Muslims.

​Isaac Chester Schmidt was a colporteur, pastor, teacher, church leader, school administrator, and missionary who served in Indonesia.

​Santiago Schmidt was an Adventist pastor, missionary, and administrator from Argentina.

Chester Clarence Schneider was a pastor, physician, and administrator in South America.