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Showing 41 – 60 of 117

​Within a year of the outbreak of World War I the British government recognized that voluntary enlistment to the armed forces would be insufficient to sustain the needed personnel for the war against Germany.

Bullock-Cart Theology pursued a theology that was truly Indian while trying to preserve the core of the Adventist message at the same time.

Traditionally, Africans believe that the goal of life is to attain ancestorship at death. To enhance this target, therefore, they believe that burial rites of certain proportions and magnitude must be performed. However, these funeral rites vary slightly from community to community, as well as according to the religious practices of the deceased’s religion.

With the commencement of hostilities in Europe and WWII, the Adventist Church in Canada clearly expressed its conscientious position while demonstrating respect for government authorities as being ordained by God. As with Sabbath keeping, requests for noncombatant roles met similar resistance. The Church urged the Canadian military to provide a noncombatant medic option and other noncombatant options for Adventists and other likeminded objectors.

The cargo cult is a combination of native beliefs or animism and Christianity whose manifestations were present in the Philippines, West Irian, and throughout Melanesia.

Seventh-day Adventist pastor Michael Chamberlain and his wife Lindy suffered one of the most notorious cases of miscarriage of justice in Australian legal history. They lost their baby daughter Azaria to a dingo at Uluru, Norther Territory in August 1980.

Since the Euro-Asia Division’s inception in 1990, the Adventist Church has been actively involved in interreligious dialogue.

The Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) message arrived in the Caribbean between the late 1880s-early 1890s. This essay seeks to explain why, notwithstanding the prejudices of the state and the established churches, SDA members managed to establish a foothold in the Anglophone Caribbean.

This article presents ​the development of the understanding of the validity of the Pentateuchal laws regarding clean and unclean food among Seventh-day Adventists. An integral part of the Seventh-day Adventists’ 28 Fundamental Beliefs is making the distinction between clean and unclean food in order to avoid eating what is unclean, i.e., not fit for human consumption.

The Adventist Church in Colonial Kenya made its mark in Education, Healthcare, and Publishing, and all of them created jobs for many Africans. The Church was criticized by early nationalists for actively dissuading them from the clamor for independence.

​In a global church, the communication of the gospel requires meaningful adaptation to the different cultures where it is proclaimed.

This entry covers the history of the gradual change from hostility towards creeds to appreciation for statements of belief as well as why this change occurred within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The development of statements of belief will also be chronicled and examined.

​There are many anomalies around the alignment of the days of the week with the international date line. This continues to cause concern for Seventh-day Adventists and their worship on the seventh day of the week.

​Donald John Davenport (1913-1996) was a physician and entrepreneur at the heart of financial misdoings during the 1970s through the early 1980s, which became the most significant financial scandal within Adventism in the twentieth century. The scandal raised issues about financial transparency, the integrity of church leaders and systems of accountability, and ultimately resulted in a significant number of church members and institutions who lost funds as a result.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was named in 1860 and organized as a denomination at Battle Creek Michigan in 1863.

​The eastern Caribbean comprised of the numerous Leeward and Windward Islands, were among the early places outside of the U.S.A. that Seventh-day Adventist missionaries labored in significant numbers, for around eighty years. “The English-speaking regions of the Caribbean were the first to attract Adventist workers.”

​Ellen White lived in Australia between 1891 and 1900. Her ministry within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific Division encompassed an expansion of mission-focused infrastructures fostered by her generous commitment to service and an inspirational visioning of sharing a Christ-centered gospel with the world.

This article provides the ratio of Adventist tunes composed by native composers and native Adventists and suggests possible reasons for such ratio.

​Evangelical Adventists were a group of former Millerite believers associated with the Advent Herald in Boston, Massachusetts, who organized themselves as the American Evangelical Advent Conference in 1858.

​Among the cultural practices of Rwanda, there are several that can be useful to missionaries introducing the gospel. They can create a connection between local culture and the gospel. However, instead of adapting these common practices in Rwanda, some missionaries in the past branded them devilish and lost valuable opportunities to connect with the local people.