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Showing 61 – 68 of 68

The Journal of Adventist Education® (JAE) is a professional, peer-reviewed educational journal published in English primarily for teachers and other educational personnel in the Seventh-day Adventist school system worldwide.

​The Ministry of Healing, published in 1905, is considered Ellen White’s most comprehensive work on health and healthful living. The book is also a representation of the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of health.

The Missionary Leader began as a sixteen-page monthly periodical (later reduced to eight pages) published from 1914 to 1951. It provided resources for local church elders, home mission secretaries, Sabbath School superintendents, and local young people’s leaders.

The Outlook was an occasional periodical of the First World War-era focusing on topical religious issues.

The True Missionary began monthly publication in January 1874 as the periodical of the General Tract and Missionary Society, newly organized to promote denomination-wide development of state and local societies for dissemination of Adventist literature and mobilization of members for individual missionary work.

Young People’s Magazine had a publication life of less than a year in 1909.

​The Cook Islands Maori or Rarotongan-language magazine, Tua tua –mou [Truth], commenced publication in 1907 and ceased around 1947.

The Zambesi Union Tidings was the official communication organ of the Zambesi Union Mission between 1954 and 1996.