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Hope Channel Korea began operating in July 2015 as a broadcasting service officially launched on Hope Channel, a world-class broadcasting mission media operated by the General Conference. Hope Channel, Korea, is operated by the Media Center of the Korea Union Conference (KUC). Its office is located at the headquarters of the KUC, and the studio is located within the campus of Sahmyook University.
Northern Asia-Pacific Division Publishing House/Media Institution
Iceland Publishing House (Frækornið-Bókaforlag Adventista) is a publishing firm, without a printing plant, operated in Reykjavík, Iceland, by the Iceland Conference. This institution was established in 1932, but even before that, the sale of publications was a prominent feature of Seventh-day Adventist work in Iceland.
Trans-European Division Iceland Publishing House/Media Institution
Indonesia Publishing House is an Adventist publishing house and printing plant operated at Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The publishing house only produces Seventh-day Adventist books and periodicals. Publications are printed in the Indonesian language, Malay. Indonesia Publishing House is its international name, but the legal name in Indonesia is Yayasan Penerbit Advent Indonesia.
Southern Asia-Pacific Division Publishing House/Media Institution
It Is Written, a Seventh-day Adventist television ministry founded by George Vandeman, began a weekly broadcast in selected American cities in 1956 and has since extended its reach throughout the world. The first religious television program to broadcast in color, It Is Written has innovated methods of using mass media technologies to augment local evangelism throughout its history.
Korean Publishing House (Sijosa) is a publishing organization with its own printing facilities, operated by the Korean Union Mission at Seoul, Korea. It issues Seventh-day Adventist books and the following periodicals: Sijo (Signs of the Times, Korea); Kyohoe Jinam (Church Compass); Home and Health (Ka Jeong Koa Keon Kang); senior, early teen, and primary Sabbath School lesson quarterlies; and the Sabbath School Helper. It is located at Emoonro 1 gil 11, Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul.
Northern Asia-Pacific Division Publishing House/Media Institution
Life and Health is the Seventh-day Adventist publishing house in Romania.
Malawi Adventist Media is an institution owned and operated by the Malawi Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Publishing House/Media Institution
The Middle East Press, operated by the Middle East Union Mission in Beirut, Lebanon, was a publishing house with printing facilities that published in six languages. It was founded in 1947 but was forced to discontinue its operations in 1984 due to financial difficulties and the civil war in Lebanon.
Middle East and North Africa Union Mission Publishing House/Media Institution
The publishing house has been a primary tool for the church in Norway in reaching out to the general public and in nurturing members spiritually. That activity started with the publication Tidernes Tegn in 1879, later named Tidens Tale.
Trans-European Division Norway Publishing House/Media Institution
The Oriental Watchman Publishing House is the first and only Seventh-day Adventist publishing house in India. It maintains its own printing facilities in Pune, India, and is operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association (Pvt. Ltd.), a company owned by the Southern Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
Peru New Time Radio and TV Center, legally called New Time Radio Productions, is a radio and television station of the Seventh-day Adventist Church linked to the Adventist Media Center - Brazil.
Radio Lira, a non-profit organization in Costa Rica, offers its audience varied spiritual programming that includes blocks of music and messages by dynamic speakers.
Rarama Publishing House operated in Suva, Fiji, between 1969 and 1981. Throughout its history, the institution was interchangeably referred to as Rarama Press, Rarama Publishing House, and Trans-Pacific Publishers.
The Safeliz Publishing House is an international publishing organization of the Inter-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists located in Madrid, Spain.
Salvation FM Radio is the only Seventh-day Adventist church radio station currently operating in South Sudan. It was initiated by retired pastor Fulgensio Okayo in 2006 when he was the ministerial secretary for South Sudan Field and district pastor for Juba Central church.1 He started the project by hanging a horned microphone on the tree and conducted early morning preaching called “Wata ashoba” in Arabic meaning “it’s dawn.” Many people opposed it as a disturbance, but some appreciated it as a morning blessing.
East-Central Africa Division Publishing House/Media Institution
The Publishing work in South-East European Union Conference (SEEUC) is made up of three entities: 1) Publishing House “Preporod” (established in 1919, situated in Radoslava Grujića 4, Belgrade, Serbia); 2) Printing House “Euro Dream” (established in 2008, situated in Industrijska zona bb, Nova Pazova, Serbia); and 3) Bookstore “Knjigolovka” (established in 2016, situated in Njegoševa 19, Belgrade, Serbia).
Trans-European Division Serbia Publishing House/Media Institution
The Chinese Signs of the Times Publishing Association, located in Taipei, Taiwan, is the only official Chinese publishing house of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in China.
Northern Asia-Pacific Division Publishing House/Media Institution
Since 1906 the Signs Publishing Company in Warburton, VIC, Australia, has been the publishing house for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific region. The publishing company came under the umbrella of the Adventist Media Network of the South Pacific Division with its creation in 2007.
Source of Life (Dzherelo Zhyttia) is Ukraine's Seventh-day Adventist publishing house. Located in Kiev, it was established in 1993.
Ukrainian Union Conference Publishing House/Media Institution
The South American Spanish Publishing House (Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, or ACES) publishes books, magazines, and other material for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Argentina. Although it is an institution directly linked to the South American Division, it operates in the missionary territory of Argentina Union Conference,