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​José Abella was a pioneer of colporteur ministry in Algeria and the first Spanish missionary to carry out pastoral work in Portugal.

​Adevărulu Prezentu was the first Adventist publication in Romania.

Adventist Bible scholars and administrators have repeatedly been invited to participate in Bible translation, revision, edition, or education projects of several national Bible societies in Western Europe over the past 40 years.

The news agency APD (Adventist Press Service – Adventistischer Pressedienst) was founded in Basel in 1974 on the initiative of the journalist Christian Bernhard Schäffler. He remained its director and editor-in-chief until 2010. Since the expansion and repositioning of the press service as a news agency in 2004, “APD Switzerland” has become an integral part of the media world in the German-speaking countries. The agency is based in Basel. APD® is the legally protected abbreviation of the name in German: “Adventistischer Pressedienst”.

The social work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Portugal is under the umbrella institution called Assistência Social Adventista (ASA; Adventist Social Services). It has, under its wings, four LAPI (Lar Adventista para Pessoas Idosas or “Adventist Home for Senior People”) institutions that assist the elderly.

​Isidro Aguilar y Domingo was a colporteur, pastor, professor, founder of the first College of Adventist Theology in Spain, and president of the Spanish Adventist Mission.

Toma Aslan is considered the first Seventh-day Adventist convert in the territory of today’s Romania, as well as the first Adventist pastor there.

Erich Aurich was a German Adventist missionary to China. His work focused on Manchuria.

​Friedrich Alex Bäcker served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as pastor, administrator and missionary in Germany and in Turkey.

Jean-Pierre Badaut was an important figure within the first generation of Seventh-day Adventists in France and significantly contributed to the development of the Adventist Church in the country.

Paul Badaut pioneered the missionary work in Mauritius and later served as president of the South France Conference in the early 1900s.

Samuel Badaut was a French Adventist minister and a departmental leader in the Latin Union Conference that included Algeria, Belgium, France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland.

Baden-Wuerttemberg Conference is a part of the South German Union Conference in the Inter-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists. It was organized in 1912 and reorganized in 1970. Its headquarters is in Stuttgart, Germany.

Ernst "Earnest" Wilhelm and Herta Bahr served as Seventh-day Adventist missionaries in Korea. Bahr himself was an administrator in Korea and later served as a pastor in the United States.

Erwin Bauermann served as a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Germany, assisting Seventh-day Adventists in North Rhine-Westphalia to achieve state recognition.

The Berlin-Central German Conference can be traced back to 1901 and went through several reorganizations. Its most recent reorganization happened in 2007.

Erich Waldemar Bethmann was a linguist, Islamic scholar, and a pioneer Seventh-day Adventist missionary and pastor in the Middle East whose literary work and monograph about Arabs and Muslims became widely known outside Adventist circles.

Albert Bodenmann was a missionary builder in Cameroon, pioneer missionary in Chad, and missionary administrator.

First organized in 1912, the Bohemian Mission was reorganized and renamed several times until it became the Bohemian Conference after the Second World War.

Frank Starr Bond and his brother Walter were the first two missionaries who brought the Adventist message to Spain.