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One Year in Mission (OYiM) (Un Año en Misión) is a Seventh-day Adventist Church evangelistic endeavor coordinated by the Youth Ministry department of the General Conference. The goal of this project in the South American Division (SAD) is to promote the participation of Adventist youth in the evangelism of urban centers in eight countries assisted by the SAD.
“A Light in the Way” (Una luz en el camino) is a radio and television program founded by Pastor Enrique Chaij, widely publicized in the Argentina Republic and other countries, which offers distance Bible courses.
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) is a global humanitarian and non-profit organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In Brazil, it is certified as an Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (Civil Society Organization of Public Interest). ADRA Brazil's headquarters is in Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that operates in 130 countries, including Chile–a country where there are 28 ADRA offices.
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Now in more than 130 countries, ADRA is one of the main non-governmental aid organizations in the world. In Peru, it operates bringing relief to the needy, promoting their integral development, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of disasters.
ADRA Uruguay, a branch of ADRA International, is a private, non-governmental and non-profit corporation. This agency is a charitable and philanthropic organization that was established in 1965 with the purpose of “serving humanity so that everyone can live as God wishes.”
The Adventist Agricultural-Industrial Academy (Instituto Adventista Agro-Industrial or IAAI) is a boarding school that offers Early Childhood, Elementary, and High School Education. It is part of the Adventist world education network and is owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil.
Rede Novo Tempo de Comunicação (Adventist Media Center–Brazil) is a media conglomerate of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America, which produces and broadcasts religious content in Portuguese and Spanish.
The Adventist Natural Life Clinic and Spa is an institution that is part of the Adventist Health System, located in the territory of the Central Brazil Union Conference. The goal of this clinic is to offer specialized programs for disease prevention and health recovery through lifestyle education.
The Adventist Technology Institute (IATec) (El Instituto Tecnológico Adventista) is a technology development and support institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church managed by the South American Division. Its headquarters is located in Hortolândia, state of São Paulo, Brazil.
The Adventist Volunteer Service (AVS) is a program fostered by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to mobilize people to volunteer for the mission. In South America, this program is under the administrative responsibility of the South American Division (SAD). The AVS administrative office is located at the SAD headquarters in the city of Brasília, Brazil.
Alfredo Aeschlimann, pastor, administrator, educator, served in the Austral Union Conference, Antillean Union, Mexico Union and Inter-American Division.
Agro-Industrial Adventist Trans-Amazon Academy (Instituto Adventista Transamazonico Agro-Industrial or IATAI) is an elementary and high school academy which offers both day school and boarding school. It belongs to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is part of the Adventist worldwide educational network.
Alagoas Mission (ALAG) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, located in the territory of the Northeast Brazil Union Mission. Its headquarters is in the city of Maceió, state of Alagoas, Brazil.
Alvin Nathan Allen, pastor, evangelist and missionary, was born in Portage, Wisconsin, on June 25, 1880.
Friedhelm Eliel Gerhart Almonte Vyhmeister served as a pastor and administrator in Chile.
Alcides Justiniano Alva Portilla was a recognized Peruvian teacher, researcher, academic manager, and educational administrator in Peru, Argentina, and Chile.
The Amazonas-Roraima Conference (Associação Amazonas Roraima or AAmaR) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of the Northwest Brazil Union Mission (União Noroeste Brasileira or UNoB).
Amazonia Adventist College (Faculdade Adventista da Amazônia, or FAAMA) is a school for elementary, high school, and college education that offers day and boarding school. It belongs to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil.
Víctor Enrique Ampuero Matta was a pastor, educator, educational manager, mentor of Adventist youth, editor, writer, lecturer, and leading scholar in South American Adventism.