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José Turcílio was a canvasser and publishing leader in Brazil.
TV Novo Tempo (Hope Channel Brazil) is a television station of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil, which produces and broadcasts religious content in Portuguese and Spanish.
UNASPRESS (The Adventist University Press) is the publisher of the Brazil Adventist University (UNASP), and it is in the building of the Rectory of UNASP, Engenheiro Coelho campus (UNASP-EC) that is in Lagoa Bonita neighborhood, in the city of Engenheiro Coelho, state of São Paulo, Brazil.
The Uruguay Adventist Academy (Instituto Adventista de Uruguay or IAU) is an institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church worldwide educational network, and it operates in the ecclesiastical field that belongs to the Uruguay Union of Churches Mission (União Uruguaia or UU).
The Uruguay Union of Churches Mission (Unión Misión Uruguaya or UU) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church within the territory of the South American Division. This institution takes care of Adventist work in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. It is headquartered on 3452 Agraciada avenue, Zip Code: 11700, in the city and Department of Montevideo, Eastern Republic of Uruguay.
José Augusto Vallado was an evangelist canvasser in Brazil.
José Mascarenhas Viana was a pastor, evangelist, and teacher in Brazil.
Galdino Nunes Vieira was a physician, administrator, and writer in Brazil.
Jean Vuilleumier was a pastor, evangelist, editor, and professor from Switzerland who served as a missionary in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, and France.
Isolina Alves Avelino Waldvogel was a poet, writer, translator, editor, and reviewer of the Brazilian Publishing House.
Luiz Waldvogel was an editor, translator, and writer for the Brazilian Publishing House.
Jorge Frederico Walting was a pastor, teacher and administrator.
Egil Wensell was a pastor, educator, educational manager, and rector of Adventist educational institutions.
Gunnar Wensell was a doctor, an ordained pastor, and a missionary in Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, and Argentina; a medical director of Adventist hospitals; and the mayor of Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos, Argentina.
Niels Wensell was a pastor, professor, and administrator in the South American Division.
West Amazon Adventist Academy (Instituto Adventista da Amazônia Ocidental, or IAAmO) is a boarding school in Brazil that offers elementary and high school education.
The West Amazon Conference is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of the Northwest Brazil Union Mission. Its headquarters is in Porto Velho, which is the capital of the state of Rondônia, Brazil.
West Bolivia Mission (Misión Boliviana Occidental or MBO) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) located in the Bolivia Union Mission (Unión Boliviana or UB) territory.
The West Central Brazil Union Mission is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of the South American Division. Its head office is in the city of Brasília, territory of the Federal District, Brazil.
The West Mato Grosso Mission (MisOM) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of the West Central Brazil Union Mission (UCOB).