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Showing 41 – 60 of 124

​Kwazulu Natal-Free State Conference is a subsidiary church administrative unit of the Southern Africa Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

​Rosie (Rosalina) Le Même was the first baptized Seventh-day Adventist in Mauritius and one of the leading pioneers of the denomination in the island.

The Kingdom of Lesotho is a country whose border is completely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa on every side. The Adventist message arrived in Basutoland in 1896 when American missionary Stephen N. Haskell visited the small village of Kolo.

​Lesotho Conference is a subsidiary church administrative unit of the Southern Africa Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Lucusse Mission was one of the pioneering Seventh-day Adventist mission stations in the eastern part of the country of Angola.

Lusaka Conference is a subsidiary church administrative unit of the Southern Zambia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

​Lusaka Eye Hospital is a subsidiary medical institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Zambia.

​Luz Mission is one of the pioneering Seventh-day Adventist mission stations established in the northeastern part of the country of Angola.

​Job Munashimbolwa Mabuti was a pioneering indigenous Zambian Seventh-day Adventist teacher, pastor, and church administrator.

The Republic of Madagascar is the largest territory of the Indian Ocean Union Conference within the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Jim Mainza was a Seventh-day Adventist teacher, colporteur and evangelist in both Southern and Northern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe and Zambia).

​Malawi Adventist Media is an institution owned and operated by the Malawi Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists.

​Malawi Adventist University is an institution of higher education owned and operated by the Malawi Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Maluti Adventist College is a healthcare training institution of the Southern African Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

​Maluti Adventist Hospital, situated in the Lesotho Kingdom, is a medical institution owned and operated by the Southern Africa Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

​Maranatha Mission was the first Seventh-day Adventist mission station established in the Eastern Cape to cater for the educational and spiritual needs of Black South Africans. It functioned from 1909 to 1916.

Gideon Zonke Masinga was a veteran Adventist pastor, choirmaster, and champion of the disabled people in the Natal Mission from 1940 to 1981.

​Wenson Lyson Masoka was a Malawian Seventh-day Adventist teacher, pastor, evangelist, and church administrator.