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Arnold Reye was a long time Adventist educator in Australia. From 1988 to 1996, he was the education director of the Trans-Tasman Union Conference (TTUC), the territory of which encompassed both the two conferences in New Zealand and another four in eastern and northern Australia.
Raimund and Reubena Reye worked as missionaries among the Samoan people in Samoa in the 1920s through the 1940s. Raimund Reye was the principal of the West Australian Missionary College for 14 years in the 1950s and 1960s.
Eulalia Richards, M.D., was a pioneering medical doctor who contributed to the health ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia and beyond as a public speaker and writer on medical, temperance, and well-being issues particularly to do with women’s and children’s health.
South Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Medical Workers Women
William Richards was an evangelist and church administrator in a number of conferences in Australia and New Zealand. At the time of his retirement he was the president of the Trans-Tasman Union Conference.
Richard and Jessie Richardson were Aboriginal missionaries to Papua in the 1930s.
Raymond Walford Richter was an educator, principal at Betikama and Jones Colleges, and Education director for Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.
The Risk Management Service of the South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists is a dedicated service entity of the South Pacific Division. It is located within the South Pacific Division (SPD) administrative headquarters in Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Its scope of operations covers the Church entities within the territory of the division.
Alfred and Carrie Robie from North America were pioneers of the Avondale Health Retreat in Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia. Subsequently they were moved to a similar facility that was being established in Rockhampton, Queensland but the enterprise was short-lived and they returned to the United States.
South Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Couples
Erwin Erhardt Roennfeldt was born on May 4, 1899, of Germanic ancestry in the rural hamlet of Greenock, SA. His parents were Erhardt Franz Wilhelm Roennfeldt and Antonia Florentine (Jaensch) Roennfeldt. Erwin’s five siblings were Vera Dorothea, Clarence, Oscar Benjamin, Irene, and Norma. Later generations anglicized their surname variously as Roennfelt, Roenfeldt or Roenfelt.
Clarence (Clarrie) Roennfeldt spent the majority of his life as a very active lay preacher and church worker in the West Australian Conference. However, as a young adult he was involved in mission service in Burma and then in colporteur ministry in South Australia.
Viola Rogers was for many years involved in editorial work for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australasia. She was the senior editor for the Australasian Record and The Missionary Leader for a period of eight years.
Sasa Rore, a Solomon Islander, was a pioneering leader in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. He was the district director on Guadalcanal Island during the bitter conflicts of World War II.
Edward Rosendahl served as principal of three senior educational institutions: New Zealand Missionary College, West Australia Missionary College, and Australasian Missionary College (Avondale). In each of these appointments, his abilities and gentle personality responded positively to difficult circumstances.
Geoffrey Rosenhain was an educator and educator director for many years.
Joseph Rousseau was instrumental in establishing the first Bible school in Australasia at St. Kilda, Melbourne, in 1892. He then assisted in the location of suitable ground for the establishment of the Australasian Missionary College at Cooranbong, where he and his wife were among the first Seventh-day Adventist residents. He returned to America and died prematurely at the age of 41.
John Rowden was trained at Avondale College, Australia, as a mathematics and science teacher. After teaching at Hawthorn Adventist High School, in Melbourne, Victoria, for three years, he and his wife, Adele, accepted an appointment to Fulton College, Fiji. After a further 3 years he became the principal of Vatuvonu Junior Secondary School, Fiji. After a little more than two years of leadership at that school, he died in Fiji in a tragic accident in May 1975.
Jack and Wilma Rowe were medical missionaries to Fiji.
South Pacific Division Biography Missionaries Died/Imprisoned for Faith
Edmund Rudge and his wife Gladys trained as nurses but served the Adventist Church in pastoral ministry in Australia, Fiji, and Great Britain. Edmund Rudge became the president of the Australasian Division in 1939 and held that position during the years of World War II.
Philip Bulpit Rudge was an Australian Seventh-day Adventist businessman who established the Church’s health-food business in Australia as a financially viable concern. He later became an evangelist and pioneered the Adventist missions for the Aboriginal people of Queensland and New South Wales.
George Rusa, a Solomon Islander, was significantly involved in the care, maintenance and operation of the fleet of mission vessels operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Solomon Islands and New Guinea Islands during the second half of the twentieth century.