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Showing 501 – 520 of 675

Papali’I John Ryan was born and educated in Apia, Samoa. Although he was early employed as a stevedore, rugby football occupied his time. Before long, mission superintendent, Raimond Reye arranged Bible studies for Ryan and Ellen Currie, the young lady whom he married in 1948. Employed by the Union Steamship Company in 1943, Ryan served there as its chief stevedore until 1980. Over the years, Ryan came to own and operate the largest and best equipped fleet of heavy equipment in Samoa, and for many years also assisted the local mission with transportation needs without cost.

​Ratu Meli Salabogi was an influential chief of the Ra district on the island of Viti Levu, Fiji. He was instrumental in sharing the message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with political and community leaders in Fiji.

Alwyn Salom was a South Australian. He was a biblical scholar with particular emphasis on New Testament studies. Much of his life was devoted to training young men and women for ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He engaged in a number of significant theological forums. In his later years he was the director of the Institute of Church Ministry in the South Pacific Division.

Western Samoa, as distinct from American Samoa, was a German protectorate until the outbreak of World War I when New Zealand occupied the group. New Zealand continued to administer the islands as a trust territory until 1962, when the country became independent. In 1997 the word “Western” was dropped from its name. It is a Polynesian nation in the South Pacific Ocean consisting of two main islands, Savai’i and Upolu. Seventh-day Adventists hold approximately 5 percent of the population.

Samoa Adventist College is the senior Seventh-day Adventist secondary school in Samoa.

The Samoa Sanitarium operated on the outskirts of Apia, the capital of Samoa. between 1895 and 1905. It was built largely at the impetus of Dr. Frederick Braucht.

The Samoa-Tokelau Mission is a small mission in the territory of the Trans-Pacific Union Mission of the South Pacific Division. Its headquarters are in Apia, Samoa.

​The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Health Food Department in the South Pacific Division, referred to as Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing Group, owns a number of innovative health food and health and wellness operations. This group of pioneering entities share a vision to improve the health and well-being of communities in Australia, New Zealand, and globally, in the context of the church’s religious, charitable, and educational work. The group includes: Sanitarium Health Food Company – Australia and New Zealand; Life Health Foods Australia, New Zealand, India, and the United Kingdom; Vitality Works Australia and New Zealand; Lifestyle Medicine Institute; and the Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP).

Sanitarium Health Food cafés were opened in several cities in Australia in the early 1900s.

Having made a start with cafés in Sydney and Melbourne, George Fisher, the Sanitarium Health Food Company (SHF) general manager, was keen to expand into the major cities of New Zealand.

​In late 1997 Sanitarium created a liquid breakfast it called UP & GO.TM This was a world-first innovation. In 2012 UP&GO became the number one breakfast cereal brand in Australia. In 2020 UP&GO is still the number one brand in the cereal aisle in Australia, both in value and volume, and the number one brand in New Zealand in volume. The combined output of the UP&GO brand across Australia and New Zealand would fill 20 Olympic pools annually.

​The Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon series is the largest triathlon for under-16s in the world. Inspired by growing interest in the sport of triathlon, the series began in New Zealand in the early 1990s and Australia in 1999.

​Weet-Bix is a wheat-based breakfast cereal produced by Sanitarium Health Food Company. The malty biscuit is well known throughout Australia and New Zealand as one of the healthier cereals on the breakfast food market. It has been a staple for many families for more than 90 years. It is low in sugar, 97 percent whole grain, and made with 100 percent Australian-grown wheat, vitamins, and minerals.

Charles Schowe, in addition to holding a number of other portfolios, including a brief time at Atlantic Union College in the United States, gave the majority of his service on the faculty of the Avondale School for Christian Workers (ASCW), Australia. He was instrumental in raising the academic profile and standards at the school.

Henry Scott was a printer who came as one of 11 individuals to commence the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia and the South Pacific. He was one of the founders of the Echo Publishing Company in Melbourne and the printer of The Bible Echo and Signs of the Times. He remained in Australia for seven years before returning to America to work with the forerunner of Pacific Press.

Walter Matthew Rhodes Scragg was an Australian Seventh-day Adventist evangelist and administrator who worked in Australia and New Zealand.

​Walter Scragg, born in New Zealand, served the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church as an evangelist, broadcaster, college principal, departmental director, and administrator. He spent 13 years at the General Conference headquarters in Washington, D.C., and was president of both the Northern European/West Africa Division and the South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Alfred Semmens trained at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, where he met Martha Pallant. They married and returned to Australia, where Alfred gave leadership in a number of fledgling medical endeavors, including the Sydney Sanitarium.

The Sepik Mission is the Seventh-day Adventist administrative entity for the Sepik Region of mainland Papua New Guinea. Its headquarters are in Wewak, Papua New Guinea.