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Showing 521 – 540 of 675

The Greater Sydney Conference in Australia has been committed to providing accommodation and care for senior citizens for more than 60 years.

The purpose of Seventh-day Adventist education in Australia is to develop in the faculty and students a Christian worldview that leads to lives that are committed to Christ and to the mission of the Church.

The Solomon Islands is an independent nation in the southwest—Pacific Ocean. According to its 2016 census, the country has a population of 635,000. The capital city is Honiara, situated on the largest island, Guadalcanal. Close to twelve percent of the population identify as Seventh-day Adventist.

Since the arrival of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific, singing and musical expression were considered essential components of the worship experiences of its people.

​The Kokoka Track traverses the Owen Stanley Range, which run the length of Papua New Guinea and traditionally separate Papua from New Guinea.

Arthur Shannon created the company “Grain Products” to manufacture Weet-Bix, the breakfast cereal, in the mid-1920s. Shannon was also a lay preacher.

Frederick Sharp was a multitalented person. He served the Church as an accountant, institutional manager, pastor, and evangelist. He oversaw the finances of the fledgling Sydney Sanitarium before taking up appointments in Tasmania, the Society Islands, and New Zealand.

​William and Minnie Shepherd were Aboriginal missionaries to Papua New Guinea in 1930s.

The group of people commonly known as Shepherd’s Rod were a breakaway from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1930 through 1962, later splintering into several manifestations centered at Waco, Texas. They chose to call themselves the General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists. Their initial leader was Victor Houteff.

​Dr. Thomas Sherwin, a medical practitioner, was an ordained pastor.

Lawrence Shields and his wife, Marion worked as a pastoral couple in Australia and were missionaries to Papua New Guinea. Lawrence was a pilot in the Seventh-day Adventist Church aviation program and was killed in a tragic plane crash in April 1973.

​The lengthy Church career of Elva Eunice Thorpe includes teaching and administrative work at the Australasian Missionary College.

David Sibley gave 41 years of service as an evangelist and deeply respected administrator for the church in the South Pacific. For ten years he was a successful evangelist in both small-town and big-city settings in South New Zealand, Tasmania and Victoria before being called into conference leadership in Tasmania. During a period of 23 years he served as president of three local conferences and concluded his ministry with eight years as union conference president.

The Signs of the Times magazine in the South Pacific region began as part of the masthead of The Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, first printed in Melbourne, VIC, as a message magazine in 1886. It was designed for both the church membership and the general population, especially those inclined to read religious material. The magazine is at present published by the Signs Publishing Company of the Adventist Media Network in the South Pacific Division.

Since 1906 the Signs Publishing Company in Warburton, VIC, Australia, has been the publishing house for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific region. The publishing company came under the umbrella of the Adventist Media Network of the South Pacific Division with its creation in 2007.

​Petra (Tunheim) Skadsheim was a pioneer missionary in Southeast Asia. Ultimately she gave her life in service in the mission field to which she committed her life.

Mary Maud Smart, an Adventist educator, taught in the South Pacific for forty-six years. She was a respected pioneer of Seventh-day Adventist educational philosophy, principles, and practice.

Gordon and Maud Smith were pioneer medical missionaries in the South Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand. Several years after Maud died, Gordon married Vera Constance Aldred. Together they taught schools and worked with the Maoris in New Zealand.