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Showing 541 – 560 of 675

​Read Smith and his wife, Lucy, did medical missionary work among the New Zealand Maoris.

​William James Smith was born in Hanworth, Middlesex, England, on May 4, 1867, and christened there on June 9. He migrated to New Zealand and married Eliza Wall in 1888. She also was from England, born in Lewes, Sussex, on July 2, 1857. They became Seventh-day Adventists under the ministry of Eugene Farnsworth in 1896. William, at the time, was a schoolteacher with the New Zealand Education Department. As new church members they attended a small Sabbath School company with Sidney Amyes on the Irwell farmlands, near Christchurch, and became close friends. When the central Christchurch meetinghouse was organized in Barbados Street, both men were among its leading officers.

The Solomon Islands are a double chain of volcanic islands and coral atolls in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean.

The Solomon Islands Mission is the Seventh-day Adventist administrative unit for the Solomon Islands, a nation located in the southwest Pacific Ocean. The Solomon Islands has one of the highest proportions of Seventh-day Adventists to population in the world. In 1918, the ratio was one baptized Seventh-day Adventist for every twelve people in the country.

​Sonoma Adventist College is located inland from Kokopo on the Gazelle Peninsula, East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea (PNG). It is a coeducational tertiary college offering various certificates, diplomas and degrees across a range of disciplines, including agriculture, building construction, commerce, primary education, and theology.

​Sonship is an officially recognized supportive independent ministry of the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.1 It is based in Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia. It operates a fleet of floating clinics in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. The vessels, all named Medisonship, visit the islands and villages of the province, providing medical care, spiritual care, and health education for the people.

Sopas Adventist Hospital operated between 1963 and 2000 in Papua New Guinea. It was located near the town of Wabag in the Western Highlands Province. After independence in 1975 and the redistribution of provincial boundaries, the hospital was located in the Enga Province. A School of Nursing, one of the most significant Schools of Nursing in Papua New Guinea, was affiliated with the hospital between 1966 and 2000, when it was transferred to the campus of Pacific Adventist University, near Port Moresby.

The South Australian Conference is a constituent of the Australian Union Conference in the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventists.

The South New South Wales Conference is a constituent of the Australian Union Conference. Its headquarters are located at 3 McKay Gardens, Turner, Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Australia. Its unincorporated activities are governed by a constitution based on the model conference constitution of the South Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SPD). Its real and intellectual property is held in trust by the Australasian Conference Association Limited, an incorporated entity based at the headquarters office of the SPD in Wahroonga, New South Wales.

The South New Zealand Conference, with headquarters in Christchurch, New Zealand, administers the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church within the South Island of New Zealand.

​The name “South Pacific Division” was voted in 1985 for that territory of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church which had previously been variously known as the Australasian Union Conference, the Australasian Inter-Union Conference, and the Australasian Division. Its headquarters are in Sydney, Australia.

​The officers of the South Pacific Division (SPD) are those persons who have been elected to fill the roles of president, secretary, and treasurer. Each office may have an associate who is also a part of the officer group or adgroup. Currently in the SPD there are four persons in the adgroup. In the SPD the secretary is referred to as the division secretary and the treasurer is referred to as the chief financial officer (CFO). This article will consider the roles of the three senior officers and will not discuss associate officer roles.

The South Queensland Conference is a constituent conference of the Australian Union Conference.

​The South Sea Islands Museum was established in 1966 adjacent to Ellen White’s home Sunnyside in Cooranbong, NSW, Australia. It contains a collection of artifacts that have been gathered from the cultures and societies of the South Pacific Division and donated for permanent display.

​The South West Papua Mission (SWPM) is the Seventh-day Adventist Church administrative entity for the southwestern area of Papua New Guinea.

Calvin and Beryl Stafford were pioneering missionaries in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Together they opened many areas to the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They spent twenty-eight of their thirty-three years of service as missionaries.

​Dr. Russell Standish was a physician, teacher, ordained pastor, missionary, author, and principal participant in the Seventh-day Adventist theological controversies between 1970 and 2000.

Ernest Steed, an Australian pastor, was distinguished by his commitment to principles of good health, and particularly to the temperance activities of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

​Joseph Steed was a pioneer evangelist in South Australia and Samoa. Steed and his wife, Julia, effectively utilized newspapers and literature in sharing the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Dennis Steley was one of the first to complete, at the doctoral level, academic research on the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the islands of the South Pacific. He was an author of note.