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Australia is the only independent country that occupies a whole continent. Located in the Southern Hemisphere it has a population of some 25.5 million people. The Seventh-day Adventist Church commenced its work in Australia in Melbourne, Victoria in 1885.
South Pacific Division Australia Country (Based on SDA membership)
During the first half of the twentieth century at least three families from the Mona Mona SDA Mission for Indigenous Australians were sent as missionaries to Papua (part of what today is Papua New Guinea).
The Australian Sentinel and Herald of Liberty was a short-lived journal published between 1894 and 1898.
Australian Tract and Missionary Society (1888-1902) was an organization that promoted the distribution of Seventh-day Adventist publications and the church's evangelistic activities.
The Australian Union Conference (AUC) is a constituent of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is one of four union conferences in the South Pacific Division (SPD) of the General Conference.
Since 1898 many Seventh-day Adventists have been buried in the Avondale Memorial Cemetery located on the Avondale Estate, Cooranbong, New South Wales.
The Union Conference Record dated January 1, 1900, announced the dedication of the Avondale Health Retreat on December 27, 1899.
Avondale Press was a printing establishment that operated in Cooranbong, New South Wales, from 1899 until 1919, when it became part of an entity named Avondale Industries.
The Avondale school is a modern educational institution from preschool to year 12 operated by the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church.
Avondale University is the senior tertiary educational institution for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific region, located in Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia. Formerly Avondale University College, it was granted full university status on July 1, 2021.
Keith Leslie Ballard, an Australian pastor who went to serve in Papua New Guinea, was born on September 23, 1939, in Brisbane, Australia.
Hubert and Olive Barham gave thirteen years of service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Solomon Islands in the first half of the twentieth century.
Pastor Len Barnard, an Australian national who began working for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1934, was best known for his three decades of pioneering missionary work, particularly in Papua New Guinea.
Graham Frederick Barnett was a teacher and school administrator from Australia. While serving on the faculty of Pacific Adventist University in Papua New Guinea he died in an accident on campus.
Charles and Beatrice Baron accepted an appointment on Lord Howe island in 1894. They also served on Norfolk Island, New Zealand and Australia, sometimes as paid workers and sometimes self-supporting.
Pastor Robert Barrett was a pioneer missionary, administrator, pastor, and Bible translator who together with his wife, Hilda, spent his life in service to the people of the Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides (Vanuatu), and New Guinea.
South Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Couples
Henry Clive Barritt was a church administrator at the conference, union, and division levels.
Walter Edwin Battye was an Australian Seventh-day Adventist minister who served the Adventist Church for forty-two years, seventeen of which he was a conference president.
Batuna Adventist Vocational School is located in the Central Marovo Lagoon of the Western Solomon Islands.
Lucy Beavis gave 41 years of service as a church school teacher. She taught in small, one-teacher schools, often located in the rear of Adventist churches or in buildings that housed the school during the week and the church on the weekend.