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Gordon Branster served the Church for 42 years in the South Pacific Division as a pastor, evangelist, and administrator at the conference and union levels.
South Pacific Division Biography Educators Missionaries Couples
Friedrich Braucht was a medical missionary who established the Samoan Sanitarium in the 1890s.
South Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Medical Workers Missionaries Couples
Brinsmeadism arose within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia during the 1960s and had run its course by the late 1980s. Its name derived from that of Robert D. Brinsmead, a Seventh-day Adventist church member, whose ideas became influential in small groups and meetings in Australia and along the West coast of the U.S.A. during that time.
Brisbane Adventist College is a co-educational school offering all grades of primary and secondary education. It is located at 303A Broadwater Road, Mansfield, Queensland, Australia. In its annual report for the calendar year 2023, it reported a total enrollment of 575 students and a teaching staff of 51.
Pauliasi Bunoa was an early Fijian convert from the Methodist Church who served the Adventist Church through translating and ministry among his people in the late 1800s and first decades of the 1900s until his death in 1918.
Buresala Training School was the first educational institution designed to train workers that the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church operated in Fiji (and, in fact, the South Pacific Islands region).
Pastor Nelson Burns and his wife, Colina, worked in Australia, New Zealand, India, and Fiji, where Pastor Burns was a greatly respected pastor, evangelist, missionary, and teacher as well as chair of the Bible department at Avondale College for 14 years.
South Pacific Division Biography Educators Missionaries Couples
George Burnside was one of the most successful evangelists of his time in the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Francis James Butler's long denominational service included various administrative positions in Australia.
Pastor Lance Butler was an Australian, an astute financial manager who spent his working life in the service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He was treasurer of the Australasian Division for twelve years and then treasurer of the global General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists between 1980 and 1985.
Lewis Allan Butler (known as Allan and subsequently referred to as Allan to distinguish him from his father, Lewis Butler) was a business studies graduate from Australasian Missionary College who gave 45 years of service to the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church in the Australasian Division (now South Pacific Division) as accountant, manager, teacher, evangelist, and administrator, with seven years as a conference president.
Edwin Sebastian Butz was an American Seventh-day Adventist minister who sailed on the Pitcairn as an early missionary to Pitcairn Island. He pioneered the Adventist work in Tonga. After arriving in 1895, he spent most of the rest of his life in the western South Pacific region, serving as missionary, superintendent, conference president, teacher, and pastor in the islands, New Zealand, and Australia. He remained in active service for the Church until he was eighty-nine years of age, the oldest known active Adventist pastor in the South Pacific Division. He served for at least sixty-three years, fifty-three of those as an ordained minister.
Wanda Eugenie (Habermann) Byrne served the Seventh-day Adventist Church in a number of roles between 1918 and 1935 when she married Alfred Byrne and settled in Adelaide, South Australia. During her years of service, she worked in evangelistic and departmental positions in South Australia, New South Wales, and Fiji.
Australian Robert Caldwell was a self-supporting literature evangelist who worked in Singapore, the Malay Peninsula, Thailand, and was the first Seventh-day Adventist missionary in the Philippines. He also worked in Hong Kong, China, and Australia eventually becoming a Bible worker and, for a short time, preceptor (dean of men) at Avondale College.
South Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Couples Educators
Harry Camp was a gifted salesman who served the church from working as a colporteur to conference leadership in the Australasian Union Conference and South African Union Conference from 1890 to 1922.
Alexander John Campbell (known as Alex) was a pioneer missionary to the Solomon Islands and the Highlands of New Guinea.
South Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Couples
Paddy Cannon was the first indigenous Australian to be ordained as a local church elder.
The cargo cult is a combination of native beliefs or animism and Christianity whose manifestations were present in the Philippines, West Irian, and throughout Melanesia.
Carmel Adventist College is a coeducational boarding school near Perth, Australia.
Dr. Edgar Caro, a gifted doctor, was the medical superintendent of the Sydney Medical and Surgical Sanitarium of Summer Hill in Australia from 1898 to 1901.