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Showing 181 – 200 of 305

Njong Daniel Langie was an Adventist pastor and evangelist in Indonesia.

​North Central Mindanao Conference is a part of the South Philippine Union Conference in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division. It started as Mindanao Mission on December 1, 1937. It was reorganized in 1950, 1958, 1966, upgraded in 1987, renamed in 2012, and reorganized in 2018.

Formerly part of North Minahasa Conference, North Minahasa Bitung Mission is a part of East Indonesia Union Conference in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists. It was organized in 2017. Its headquarters is in Kab. Minahasa North-SULUT, Indonesia.

​North Philippine Union Conference is an organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church which is a non-stock and non-profit religious corporation under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. North Philippine Union Conference was organized in 1917, then reorganized in 1951 and 2009.

North Sumatra Mission is part of the West Indonesia Union Mission in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists. It was organized in 1917 and reorganized in 1937. Its headquarters is in Pematang Siantar, Sumatra, Indonesia.

​Northeast Luzon Adventist School of Technology, formerly Northeast Luzon Academy, is a boarding Seventh-day Adventist educational institution offering kindergarten to grade 12, technical/vocational courses, and a few college courses.

Formerly part of Northern Luzon Mission, Northeast Luzon Mission was organized in 2017. It is a part of North Philippine Union Conference of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Northern Island Mission (formerly Sangihe Talaud Mission) comprises islands scattered between the northern tip of Celebes in Indonesia and the southern tip of Mindanao in the Philippines with a total land of area 763.5 square miles. The service area of the mission includes three regencies: Sitaro, Sangihe, and Talaud.

Northern Luzon Adventist College (NLAC) is a Seventh-day Adventist boarding institution of higher education.

Henry Albert Novak was a missionary medical doctor, hospital director, and World War II veteran.

Juanito Rivera Obregon was an Adventist teacher, pastor, writer, translator, and church administrator in the Philippines.

​Robert Leo Odom was a United States Navy sailor, an evangelist, pastor, researcher, writer, and editor.

Charles Gilbert and Verneita Oliver served as missionaries in Japan, Guam, and Indonesia, he as a church administrator, and she as a nurse.

The Padang Seventh-day Adventist Church—also known as Munson Memorial Church or Pioneer Church—is located in the capital city of the West Sumatra province. This church is a historical one in Indonesia where the Advent message was brought for the first time in 1900 by Ralph W. Munson.

​Joel Honorario Pagunsan was an evangelist, pastor, youth leader, and church administrator.

Palawan Mission is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Philippines. It is part of the North Philippine Union Conference of the Southern-Asia Pacific Division. Its headquarters is located at 44 Manalo Extension, 5300 Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.

Fernando Gomera Pangca was an Adventist missionary, teacher, and administrator from the Philippines.

Papua Mission of Seventh-day Adventist Indonesia, formerly known as Irian Jaya SDA Mission of Indonesia, is located on the island of Papua, perched like a giant bird above Australia.

Philip Albert Parker, along with his wife, Irene, served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a missionary in Myanmar for 21 years.