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Robert Parks was a missionary in the Philippines where he served in education, administration, evangelism, and music.
Pasay City Academy (PCA) is a recognized junior high school of Central Luzon Conference under the North Philippine Union Conference in the territory of the Southern Asia Pacific Division. The school is in the heart of Metro Manila, currently situated in the compound of North Philippine Union Conference, Pasay City, Philippines.
Paul Yin Hee Phang was a pastor and administrator in Singapore and Malaysia.
Elisha Paul was an Adventist pastor, evangelist, and administrator in Myanmar.
Montana Paul was a teacher, pastor, principal, mission president, and union department director.
Pe Yee was an Adventist pastor, administrator, and writer in Myanmar for more than thirty years.
A devoted church leader, Pein Kyi was an important figure of second-generation Adventists in Myanmar.
Peninsular Malaysia is the western part of Malaysia, located between Thailand in the North and Singapore in the South with a total land area of 130,590 square kilometers.
Felicissimo “Felmo” Peñaflor Peñola was a hospital business manager, pastor, church administrator, and author.
Joseph Phillips was an English missionary, colporteur, church planter, editor, educator, and church administrator.
Oseas Cerezo Pilar was an Adventist physician, medical director, and an honored diplomate of anesthesiology, leader, and educator in the Philippines.
Arsenio Domocmat Pimentel was a minister, evangelist and church leader from the Philippines.
Moses Po was an evangelist, teacher, and administrator from Myanmar.
Forrest and Jennie Pratt were among the first Adventist missionaries to enter Thailand. They served also in the Philippines and the United States.
Southern Asia-Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Couples
Gerardo de la Rosa Ramos was a literature evangelist, preacher, philanthropist, and leader from the Philippines.
Claude Elden Randolph was a medical doctor who worked for many years in the mission field in the Philippines.
The Seventh-day Adventist hospital at Rangoon, Burma (now Myanmar), opened as a self-supporting institution on December 19, 1947.
Samuel Rantung was the first person to start the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the eastern part of Indonesia. From Lowu, a small village in Ratahan near Manado, in 1921 the Adventist work had grown tremendously. It now has become the East Indonesia Union Conference with 977 churches and membership of nearly 126,400 in 2022.
Benny Raranta contributed to developing the Adventist Church in East Indonesia through pastoral and educational ministries.
John A. Raranta was a pastor and administrator in Sulawesi and Indonesia.