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Showing 221 – 240 of 305

​Wolter A. Raranta was a pastor and church administrator in Indonesia.

​David Paul Rema was an Adventist teacher, pastor, evangelist, and administrator from Bangladesh.

Maximo Bautista Delos Reyes was an Adventist church planter, minister, philanthropist, and leader from the Philippines.

Rex and Rose Marie Riches served the Church in various capacities in England, Southern Asia, and the United States.

​Dr. William Campbell Richli was a missionary medical doctor in the Philippines and in Africa known as the “Flying Doctor of the Philippines.” He also distinguished himself as the first individual to cross the Pacific in a solo flight in a single-engine plane, and as a gifted self-taught engineer who restored hospital facilities and designed and built hydro-electric plants to benefit the institutions he was serving.

William B. Riffel served the church as a teacher, missionary, mission director, and church administrator.

Alva Paul and Avanelle Ruth Ritz spent two decades as missionaries in the Far Eastern Division. They were instrumental in the establishment of the first Adventist church in Bangkok in 1933. They also pioneered the Adventist work in the northern part of Thailand.

​Andrew Joseph Robbins was a pastor, Bible teacher, a pioneer missionary to China and the Philippines, a professor, a hospital chaplain, evangelist, and church administrator.

Robert Franklin Roberts and his wife, Jan, served as missionaries in several countries in Africa from 1976 to 1992, until they were called to serve at the Adventist Aviation-Indonesia in the territory of Papua, Indonesia, for more than twenty years. Under Robert’s leadership, Adventist Aviation Indonesia (now Adventist Aviation) developed and expanded.

​Alfonso Panis Roda was president of Philippine Union College.

Potenciano H. Romulo was an evangelist, educator, and leader from the Philippines.

Aside from serving the Seventh-day Adventist Church for 27 years in different capacities, Clemencio S. Rosco translated into Cebuan the book entitled Patriarchs and Kings originally written in English by Ellen G. White.

​The Sabah Adventist Secondary School (Sekolah Menengah Advent Sabah) is a private Seventh-day Adventist school offering Grade 1 through high school. It is located at Batu ½ Jalan Kiulu, Tamparuli, Sabah, Malaysia. Since its establishment in 1939, it has sought to offer physical, mental, social, and spiritual nurture via a strong academic and spiritual program.

The territory of the Sabah Mission encompasses the Malaysian state of Sabah and the Malaysian Federal Territory of Labuan.

Diego Cepeda Sabrine was an Adventist evangelist and administrator in the Philippines.

​San Yu Adventist School is currently the only Adventist school in Singapore that offers primary and secondary education with government examinations.

​Sarat Kamal Samaddar was a renowned person, both in the Adventist and non-Adventist circles in the country of Bangladesh. He was among the Adventist pioneers in the country of Bangladesh and was an author of several books.

​Alfred James Sargent was a missionary to Burma (now, Myanmar).

​Raja Igel Sarumpaet was a pastor, church administrator and published author in Indonesia.

​Herman and Lydia Schell were missionaries in Indonesia, Korea and the Phillippines. The Schells gave their life to mission service, enduring difficulties and imprisonment during the war years.